- treasure[treasure 词源字典]
- treasure: [12] Treasure comes ultimately from Greek thēsaurós ‘treasure’, a word of unknown origin. This was borrowed into Latin as thēsaurus (acquired directly by English as thesaurus [19] with the metaphorical sense ‘treasury of knowledge, words, etc’), and it made its way into English via Vulgar Latin *tresaurus and Old French tresor.
=> thesaurus[treasure etymology, treasure origin, 英语词源] - treasure (n.)
- mid-12c., tresor, from Old French tresor "treasury, hoard, treasure" (11c., Modern French trésor), from Gallo-Roman *tresaurus, from Latin thesaurus "treasury, treasure" (source also of Spanish, Italian tesoro), from Greek thesauros "store, treasure, treasure house" (see thesaurus). In Middle English also thresur, etc.; modern spelling is from 16c. Replaced Old English goldhord. General sense of "anything valued" is recorded from c. 1200. Treasure hunt is first recorded 1913. For treasure trove, see trove.
- treasure (v.)
- late 14c., "to amass treasure; to store up for the future," also figurative, "regard as precious, retain carefully in the mind," from treasure (n.). Related: Treasured; treasuring.