英 [piːl]
美 [pil]
- vt. 大声发出;使鸣响
- n. 钟声,钟乐;隆隆声,响亮持久的声音;编钟
- vi. 大声鸣响;震响
- n. (Peal)人名;(英)皮尔
peal 钟鸣,钟响,洪亮的响声,轰隆声可能来自拟声词或缩写自appeal,吸引,比喻用法,即召唤人们去教堂礼拜的钟声。
- peal
- peal: see appeal
- peal (n.)
- mid-14c., "a ringing of a bell" especially as a call to church service, generally considered a shortened form of appeal (n.), with the notion of a bell that "summons" people to church (compare similar evolution in peach (v.)). Extended sense of "loud ringing of bells" is first recorded 1510s.
- peal (v.)
- 1630s, from peal (n.). Related: Pealed; pealing.
- 1. I heard a peal of merry laughter.
- 我听到一阵响亮的欢笑声。
- 2. A peal of church bells rang out in the distance.
- 远处响起了一阵教堂的钟声。
- 3. The bells of the cathedral rang out their loud peal.
- 大教堂响起了响亮的钟声.
- 4. A sudden peal of thunder leaves no time to cover the ears.
- 迅雷不及掩耳.
- 5. The bells rang a joyous peal.
- 铃儿发出欢乐的叮当声.
[ peal 造句 ]