
英 ['kuldə'sæk] 美
  • n. (法)死巷;死路;困境
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cul-de-sac 死胡同

来自法语,来自拉丁语culus,底部。字面意思即bottom of the sack.

cul-de-sac (n.)
1738, as an anatomical term, from French cul-de-sac, literally "bottom of a sack," from Latin culus "bottom, backside, fundament." For second element, see sack (n.1). Application to streets and alleys is from 1800.
1. Methods 105 CUL patients were recruited , their clinicopathologic features, B - ultrasound therapy and recidivisms were analyzed.
方法对105例手术后病理确诊为CUL患者的临床病理资料 、 超声图像和随访情况进行分析.


2. We have import and export authority and United States and Canada's UL & CUL authentication.
我公司拥有自行进出口权,及美国、加拿大的UL 、 CUL产品认证.


3. Long - term survival of plasma celis from myelomatous bone marrow samples in Dexter cul - ture system was observed.
多发性骨髓瘤的骨髓细胞置于Dexter 长期 培养体系中,浆细胞可以长期生长.


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