英 [,kærə'laɪnə]
- Carolina
- 1663, North American colony named for King Charles II (the Latin form of the male proper name is Carolus). Earlier French colonists called the region Caroline (1564) in honor of Charles IX, King of France. A 1629 grant here by Charles I of England was named Carolana. The original site of the name is modern South Carolina and the tract originally included North Carolina and Georgia; North Carolina first used 1691, in reference to settlements made from Virginia. The official division into north and south dates from 1710. Used generically in forming species names in botany and zoology from 1734.
- 1. 170-mile-an-hour winds were clocked on a mountaintop in North Carolina.
- 在北卡罗来纳州一处山顶测得的风速为每小时170英里。
- 2. The NCAA basketball championship was won by North Carolina.
- 北卡罗来纳大学在美国大学篮球联赛中夺魁。
- 3. North Carolina is classed as an agricultural state.
- 北卡罗来纳州是农业州.
- 4. After the fire, it was revealed that North Carolina officials had never inspected the factory.
- 大火过后人们发现北卡罗来纳州的官员从没对这家工厂进行过检查。
- 5. For the past two decades, North Carolina taxed cigarettes at a mere 2 cents a packet.
- 过去20年里,北卡罗来纳州的香烟税仅为每包2美分。
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