
英 ['tɒksɪn] 美 ['tɑksɪn]
  • n. 警钟;警报
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tocsin 警钟,警戒信号

来自中古法语 toquassen,警钟,来自法语方言 tocar,击打,触碰,词源同 touch,senh,钟,词源 同 sign.后缩写为现在的拼写形式。

tocsin: see touch
tocsin (n.)
"alarm bell," 1580s, from Middle French toquassen "an alarm bell, the ringing of an alarm bell" (late 14c.), from Old Provençal tocasenh, from tocar "to strike" (from Vulgar Latin *toccare "strike a bell;" see touch (v.)) + senh "bell, bell note," from Late Latin signum "bell, ringing of a bell," in Latin "mark, signal" (see sign (n.)). The current English spelling is from 1794, adopted from modern French.
1. The tocsin rang impatiently, but other help ( if that were any ) there was none.
警钟紧急地敲着, 却没有别的救援出现 ( 即使有,也没有来 ).


2. The illuminated village had seized hold of the tocsin andabolishing the lawful ringer, rang for joy.
火光照耀的村子已夺走了警钟, 赶走了法定敲钟人,自己欢乐地敲了起来.


[ tocsin 造句 ]