

be snowed under

我们都曾经历过那种被待办事项压得喘不过气的感受,整个人仿佛被厚厚的积雪压住而动弹不得,因此动词短语be snowed under 其实就同义于overwhelmed (负荷大到难以承受的),后面可以搭配介系词with 加上使你备感压力的事物。

I'm afraid I have to turn down your invitation. I 'm completely snowed under with several course assignments at this moment.

juggle between

动词juggle 原本指的是「杂耍、玩特技」,后来引申成「努力同时应付」多项任务,如同小丑忙着向上抛接好多颗球。后面搭配介系词between 连接你忙着应付的事物(通常是两种以上)。补充juggling act 这个单词,它就是指同时有很多事情待处理的「棘手情况」。

Being a stay-at-home mom is far from easy. They have to juggle between endless house chores, household budgets, and any emergencies their husband or children throw at them.

As an active member of two student societies and the captain of the swimming team, she finds her college life a constant juggling act .

be tied up

动词tie 除了有一般「系住;捆绑」的意思之外,也可以解释为一件事情「束缚、限制」某人。因此be tied up 这个动词片语就用来描述一个人「忙得不可开交」,被一件事情绑住而「无法抽身」;后面可以搭配with 或in 来加上某个事物。

Sarah is tied up in a meeting now. Can I take a message for you?

to have one's hands full with sth.

这句话字面上的解释为「手上满满的都是东西」,意思也就是「忙到穷于应付」。还有另外两个意思相同的说法:to have a lot on one's plate,或是直接说my plate is full 都是指同时有很多事情要忙。

You already have your hands full with a full-time job and an online diploma course; think twice before you sign up for the volunteering work.

pull an all-nighter

名词all-nighter 的意思是「通宵活动」,尤其专指「考试前的通宵温习」,因此动词片语pull an all-nighter 就是描述一个人忙到「熬夜工作」,同义于sit/stay up late。

The boy completely forgot about his homework until the last day of summer vacation. His mother had no choice but to pull an all-nighter with him.

as busy as a beaver

名词beaver 指的是「海狸,河狸」,大家应该都看过生态纪录片里它忙进忙出打造家园的画面吧!片语as busy as a beaver 就是指像海狸一样「忙于工作」,类似的说法还有as busy as a bee。而在口语上beaver 也被引申来形容「勤奋工作的人」。

She wanted this promotion so badly that she had been as busy as a beaver for months.

The busiest men have the most leisure.

这句俚语也可以写成The busiest men find the most time,两者都用来描述「勤奋工作的人实际上拥有更多自由」,鼓励大家有效率地把该做的事情做完,才有空闲从事自己真正想做的事情。

A: He seems to have a perfect balance between his career and family life. How does he manage to do so?
B: Well, people always say that the busiest men have the most leisure .