epithelium (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[epithelium 词源字典]
1748, Modern Latin (Frederick Ruysch), from Greek epi "upon" (see epi-) + thele "teat, nipple" (see fecund). Related: Epithelial.[epithelium etymology, epithelium origin, 英语词源]
"Differentiation of epithelial cells, especially those of the vagina, into mucus-secreting cells", 1930s; earliest use found in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. From muci- + -fication.
"A tumour arising in connection with the teeth; (later) specifically a growth resulting from anomalous odontogenesis and consisting of dental tissues of epithelial and mesodermal origin (enamel, dentine, and cementum), sometimes organized into the form of a tooth or teeth", Late 19th cent. Alteration of odontome after -oma.
HeLa cellsyoudaoicibaDictYouDict
"Human epithelial cells of a strain maintained in tissue culture since 1951 and used in research, especially in virology", 1950s: from the name of Henrietta Lacks, whose cervical carcinoma provided the original cells.