- jaundice[jaundice 词源字典]
- jaundice: [14] Jaundice is literally ‘yellowness’. The word came from Old French jaunice, which was a derivative of the adjective jaune ‘yellow’ (the d in the middle appeared towards the end of the 14th century). The derived adjective jaundiced [17] originally meant simply ‘suffering from jaundice’, but the association of the yellowish colour with bitterness and envy soon produced the figurative meaning familiar today.
=> yellow[jaundice etymology, jaundice origin, 英语词源] - icteric (adj.)
- c. 1600, from Latin ictericus, from Greek ikterikos "jaundiced," from ikteros (see icterus). Related: Icterical.
- jaundice (n.)
- c. 1300, jaunis, from Old French jaunice, earlier jalnice, "yellowness" (12c.), from jaune, jalne "yellow," from Latin galbinus "greenish yellow" (also source of Italian giallo), extended form of galbus, which is probably from PIE *ghel- "yellow, green" (see Chloe). With intrusive -d- (compare gender, astound, thunder). Figurative meaning "feeling in which views are colored or distorted" first recorded 1620s, from yellow's association with bitterness and envy (see yellow). In Old English geolu adl "yellow sickness;" in Middle English also gulesought. As a verb, from 1791, but usually in figurative use. Related: Jaundiced.