- divide[divide 词源字典]
- divide: [14] Etymologically, divide shares its underlying notion of ‘separation’ with widow ‘woman parted from or bereft of her husband’, which comes ultimately from the same source. English acquired it from Latin dīvidere ‘split up, divide’. This was a compound verb formed from the prefix dis- ‘apart’ and -videre, a verbal element meaning ‘separate’ which is represented in Sanskrit vindháte ‘is empty’ as well as in widow, and goes back to an Indo-European base *weidh- ‘separate’.
English device and devise come ultimately from *dīvisāre, a Vulgar Latin derivative of dīvidere, and individual belongs to the same word family.
=> device, individual, widow[divide etymology, divide origin, 英语词源] - evident
- evident: [14] Something that is evident is literally something that can be ‘seen’. The word comes via Old French from Latin ēvidēns ‘clear, obvious’, a compound formed from the intensive prefix ex- and the present participle of videre ‘see’ (source of English vision). The Latin derivative ēvidentia (from which English gets evidence [13]) meant originally ‘distinction’ and later ‘proof’, basis of the main current sense of evidence, ‘testimony which establishes the facts’.
=> view, vision - individual
- individual: [15] To begin with, individual retained in English its ancestral meaning ‘not able to be divided’: ‘in the name of the holy and individual Trinity’. Richard Whitbourne, Discourse and Discovery of Newfoundland 1623. It was borrowed from medieval Latin indīviduālis, a derivative of Latin indīviduus ‘not divisible’, which in turn was based on dīviduus, a derivative of the verb dīvidere ‘divide’. The semantic move from ‘not divisible’ to ‘single, separate’ took place in the 17th century. (English acquired the formally parallel indivisible, incidentally, in the 14th century.)
=> divide - invidious
- invidious: see envy
- livid
- livid: see sloe
- provide
- provide: [15] The -vide of provide goes back to Latin vidēre ‘see’ (source of English vision), which is a long way from the English verb’s main present-day meaning, ‘supply’. Its Latin ancestor prōvidēre, formed with the prefix prō- ‘before’, meant ‘foresee’ – a sense which survived into English: ‘evident and sufficient signs, whereby may be provided and foreseen the aborcement [abortion] before it comes’, Thomas Raynalde, Birth of Mankind 1545.
But already in Latin it had moved on to ‘exercise foresight by making preparations’, and this formed the basis of the later ‘supply’. Other English descendants of prōvidēre include improvise, provident [15] (a close relative of prudent), provision [14], proviso [15], and purvey [13].
=> improvise, provision, proviso, prudent, purvey, vision - video
- video: see visit
- vivid
- vivid: [17] Vivid was acquired from Latin vīvidus ‘full of life, lively’. This was derived from vīvere ‘live’, which in turn went back to the Indo- European base *gwei-, source also of English biology, quick, and zoo. To the same immediate word-family belong convivial [17], revive [15], survive [15], victuals, viper, vital, vitamin, vivacious [17], and vivisection [18].
=> biology, convivial, quick, revive, survive, victuals, viper, vital, vitamin, vivacious, vivisection, zoo - Almoravides
- Muslim Berber horde from the Sahara which founded a dynasty in Morocco (11c.) and conquered much of Spain and Portugal. The name is Spanish, from Arabic al-Murabitun, literally "the monks living in a fortified convent," from ribat "fortified convent."
- avid (adj.)
- 1769, from French avide (15c.), from Latin avidus "longing eagerly, desirous, greedy," from avere "to desire eagerly." Also in part a back-formation from avidity. Related: Avidly.
- avidity (n.)
- mid-15c., "eagerness, zeal," from Old French avidite "avidity, greed," from Latin aviditatem (nominative aviditas) "eagerness, avidity," noun of quality from avidus (see avid).
- Camp David
- U.S. presidential retreat near Thurmont, Maryland, built 1939 as Hi-Catoctin, in reference to the name of the mountains around it; called Shangri-La by F.D. Roosevelt, after the mythical hard-to-get-to land in the novel "Lost Horizon;" named Camp David by Eisenhower in 1953 for his grandson, born 1947. The Camp David Accords were signed there Sept. 17, 1978.
- David
- masc. proper name, in Old Testament second king of Israel and Judah and author of psalms, from Hebrew Dawidh, literally "darling, beloved friend." The name was common in England and Scotland by 12c., but much earlier in Wales. A nickname form was Dawe, hence surnames Dawson, Dawkins. A top 10 list name for boys born in the U.S. from 1934 to 1992.
- divide (v.)
- early 14c., from Latin dividere "to force apart, cleave, distribute," from dis- "apart" (see dis-) + -videre "to separate," from PIE root *weidh- "to separate" (see widow; also see with).
Mathematical sense is from early 15c. Divide and rule (c. 1600) translates Latin divide et impera, a maxim of Machiavelli. Related: Divided; dividing. - divide (n.)
- 1640s, "act of dividing," from divide (v.). Meaning "watershed, separation between river valleys" is first recorded 1807, American English.
- dividend (n.)
- late 15c., from Middle French dividende "a number divided by another," from Latin dividendum "thing to be divided," neuter gerundive of dividere (see divide). Mathematical sense is from 1540s. Meaning "portion of interest on a loan, stock, etc." is from 1620s. Related: Dividends.
- divider (n.)
- 1520s, agent noun from divide (v.). Meaning "partition or screen," especially in a room, is from 1959.
- Dravidian (adj.)
- 1856, "pertaining to the race in southern India or the languages spoken by them," from Sanskrit Dravidah, name of a region in southern India, + -ian.
- evidence (n.)
- c. 1300, "appearance from which inferences may be drawn," from Old French evidence, from Late Latin evidentia "proof," in classical Latin "distinction, vivid presentation, clearness" in rhetoric, from stem of Latin evidens "obvious, apparent" (see evident).
Meaning "ground for belief" is from late 14c.; that of "obviousness" is from 1660s and tacks closely to the sense of evident. Legal senses are from c. 1500, when it began to oust witness. Also "one who furnishes testimony, witness" (1590s); hence turn (State's) evidence. - evidence (v.)
- "show clearly, prove, give evidence of," c. 1600, from evidence (n.). Related: Evidenced; evidencing.
- evident (adj.)
- late 14c., from Old French evident and directly from Latin evidentem (nominative evidens) "perceptible, clear, obvious, apparent" from ex- "fully, out of" (see ex-) + videntem (nominative videns), present participle of videre "to see" (see vision).
- evidently (adv.)
- late 14c., from evident + -ly (2).
- fervid (adj.)
- 1590s, "burning, glowing, hot," from Latin fervidus "glowing, burning; vehement, fervid," from fervere "to boil, glow" (see brew (v.)). Figurative sense of "impassioned" is from 1650s. Related: Fervidly; fervidness.
- gravid (adj.)
- "pregnant," 1590s, from Latin gravidus "loaded, full, swollen; pregnant with child," from gravis "burdened, heavy" (see grave (adj.)). Related: Gravidity. Gravidation "pregnancy" is attested from mid-15c.
- improvidence (n.)
- "lack of foresight, rashness," mid-15c., from Latin improvidentia, from assimilated form of in- "not" (see in- (1)) + providentia (see providence).
- improvident (adj.)
- 1510s, from im- "not" + provident. It retains a stronger connection with the "provide" aspect of Latin providere. Related: Improvidently.
- individual (adj.)
- early 15c., "one and indivisible" (with reference to the Trinity), from Medieval Latin individualis, from Latin individuus "indivisible," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + dividuus "divisible," from dividere "divide" (see divide). Not common before c. 1600 and the 15c. usage might be isolated. Sense of "single, separate" is 1610s; meaning "intended for one person" is from 1889.
- individual (n.)
- "single object or thing," c. 1600, from individual (adj.). Colloquial sense of "person" is attested from 1742. Latin individuum meant "an atom, indivisible particle;" in Middle English individuum was used in sense of "individual member of a species" from early 15c.
- individualism (n.)
- "self-centered feeling," 1827, from individual + -ism. As a social philosophy (opposed to communism and socialism) first attested 1851 in writings of J.S. Mill.
A majority can never replace the individual. ... Just as a hundred fools do not make one wise man, a heroic decision is not likely to come from a hundred cowards. [Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf," 1933]
- individualist (n.)
- 1840, from individual + -ist. Related: Individualistic.
- individuality (n.)
- "the aggregate of one's idiosyncrasies," 1610s, from individual + -ity. Meaning "fact of existing as an individual" is from 1650s.
- individualize (v.)
- 1650s, "to point out individually;" see individual + -ize. From 1837 as "to make individual." Related: Individualized; individualizing.
- individually (adv.)
- 1590s, "indivisibly," from individual + -ly (2). Meaning "as individuals" is from 1640s.
- individuate (v.)
- 1610s, from Medieval Latin individuatus, past participle of individuare, from Latin individuus (see individual). Related: Individuated; individuating.
- individuation (n.)
- 1620s, from Medieval Latin individuationem, noun of action from individuare, from individuus (see individual). Psychological sense is from 1909.
- invidious (adj.)
- c. 1600, from Latin invidiosus "full of envy, envious," from invidia "envy, grudge, jealousy, ill will" (see envy). Related: Invidiously; invidiousness.
- livid (adj.)
- early 15c., "of a bluish-leaden color," from Middle French livide and directly from Latin lividus "of a bluish color, black and blue," figuratively "envious, spiteful, malicious," from livere "be bluish," earlier *slivere, from PIE *sliwo-, suffixed form of root *(s)leie- "bluish" (cognates: Old Church Slavonic and Russian sliva "plum;" Lithuanian slywas "plum;" Old Irish li, Welsh lliw "color, splendor," Old English sla "sloe"). The sense of "furiously angry" (1912) is from the notion of being livid with rage.
- Mogen David
- 1904, "star of David," six-pointed star, symbol of Judaism or Zionism, from Hebrew maghen Dawidh "shield of David," king of Judah and Israel, died c. 973 B.C.E.
- Ovid
- Publius Ovidius Nasso, Roman poet (43 B.C.E.-17 C.E.). Related: Ovidian.
- oviduct (n.)
- 1757, from Modern Latin oviductus, from ovi ductus "channel of an egg;" see egg (n.) + duke (n.).
- perfervid (adj.)
- 1830, as if from Latin *perfervidus, from per- "completely" (see per) + fervidus (see fervid). Related: Perfervidly.
- primigravida
- 1879, from earlier use in German, from Modern Latin, from Latin primus "first" (see prime (adj.)) + gravidus "laden, full, swollen, pregnant with child" (see gravid).
- provide (v.)
- early 15c., from Latin providere "look ahead, prepare, supply, act with foresight," from pro- "ahead" (see pro-) + videre "to see" (see vision). Related: Provided; providing. Earlier in same sense was purvey, which is the same word as deformed in Old French.
- provided
- "with condition that," early 15c., conjunction use of past participle of provide. As an adjective, "prepared, ready," 1570s; "furnished" 1878.
- providence (n.)
- late 14c., "foresight, prudent anticipation," from Old French providence "divine providence, foresight" (12c.) and directly from Latin providentia "foresight, precaution, foreknowledge," from providentem (nominative providens), present participle of providere (see provide).
Providence (usually capitalized) "God as beneficent caretaker," first recorded c. 1600, from earlier use of the word for "God's beneficient care or guidance" (14c.), short for divine providence, etc. The noun in Latin occasionally had a similar sense. - provident (adj.)
- c. 1400, from Latin providentem (nominative providens) "foreseeing, prudent," present participle of providere "to foresee" (see provide).
- providential (adj.)
- 1610s, "pertaining to foresifght" (implied in providentially); 1640s as "pertaining to divine providence," from Latin providentia (see providence) + -al (1). Meaning "by divine interposition" is recorded from 1719.
- provider (n.)
- 1520s, agent noun from provide.
- redivide (v.)
- c. 1600, from re- + divide (v.). Related: Redivided; redividing.
- self-evident (adj.)
- 1680s, from self- + evident. First attested in Locke's "Essay Concerning Human Understanding." Related: Self-evidently.