- 1. This process guides you through setting up the TAI.
- 这个方法指导您设置TAI 的整个过程。
- 2. Therefore, the TAI does not need to process every user request.
- 因此,TAI不需要对每个用户请求进行处理。
- 3. Now that you know how to set up both TAI options -- using a trusted user or a trusted connection -- consider the pros and cons of each to decide which to use.
- 现在,您知道了如何配置两种TAI选项——使用信任用户或信任连接——在决定使用哪种配置的时候需要考虑各自的优缺点。
- 4. In doing so, we constructed the non-unique user ID to include these fields, and leveraged the fact that the TAI runs in the application server JVM and has easy access to this information.
- 在这样做时,我们构造不唯一的用户ID来包含这些字段,并利用TAI在应用服务器JVM 中运行这一事实,就可以很容易地访问这些信息。
- 5. In general, you should use the second or third TAI as appropriate to your needs.
- 一般情况下,应该根据自己的需要使用第二种或第三种TAI。
- 6. Those headers are not validated by the TAI.
- 那些消息头没有通过TAI进行验证。
- 7. When should I use a custom login module versus a TAI to assert identity information?
- 我什么时候应该使用自定义登录模块(而非TAI)来断定身份信息?
- 8. An implementation of the Trust Association Interceptor (TAI) is required for every type of security server.
- 每种类型的安全服务器都需要实现信任关联拦截器 (TAI)。
- 9. However, you must understand that this last step merely states to the TAI that it should assume the connection is secure and that it is using mutually authenticated SSL.
- 然而,您必须理解最后这个步骤只是向TAI 表明它应该假设连接是安全的,而且它使用相互身份验证的SSL。
- 10. The two primary design choices are using TAI and using LTPA.
- 两种主要的设计选择是使用TAI和使用LTPA。
- 11. However, it has some functional differences relative to the legacy TAI (including a requirement for a TAM client configuration), so some users prefer not to use it.
- 但是,它在功能方面与遗留TAI有些差异(包括需要TAM客户机配置),所以一些用户不喜欢使用它。
- 12. At run time, the TAI examines the password and validates with the user registry that the password belongs to the trusted user.
- 运行的时候,TAI检查密码,通过用户注册中心验证密码是否属于信任用户。
- 13. There can be more than one TAI; each TAI in turn examines the request and decides whether or not it can handle the request.
- 可以有不止一个TAI,每个TAI依次检查请求并确定是否可以处理请求。
- 14. This TAI addresses the security vulnerabilities in the previous TAI and is preferred.
- 这种TAI解决了前一种TAI 的安全漏洞,应该优先选用它。
- 15. Should either link be insecure, the TAI will still work, but it will not be secure.
- 假设每个链接都不安全,TAI仍将照常运行,但运行将不安全。
- 16. A New England Journal of Medicine study this year found that twice-weekly sessions of tai chi reduced pain, stiffness, and fatigue in fibromyalgia patients.
- 新英格兰医学杂志今年的一项研究发现,每周打两次太极可以减缓纤维肌痛患者疼痛,僵硬和疲劳症状。
- 17. Yoga or Tai Chi: Good for the body and mind, these classes are both relaxing and physically challenging.
- 瑜伽、太极:这是有益身心健康的运动,这些课程既能放松身体又有体能挑战。
- 18. After 10 weeks of tai chi, 94 percent of depressed older adults showed marked improvement on depression scales, compared with 77 percent in the health education group.
- 10周的太极课程之后,94%的抑郁症老人抑郁症状有明显改善,而相比较,健康教育课程的一组这一比例是77%。
- 19. Even three months after the classes ended, 82% of tai chi students still felt better, compared with 53% of the comparison group, the study says.
- 即便课程结束三个月后,82%的太极拳学员仍然感到比以往有所改善,而比较组里53%的人有相同的反应。
- 20. Yoga and Tai Chi are also good for the mind –not only the body.
- 瑜伽和太极也对你的大脑有好处——不仅对身体有好处。
- 21. Tai Shan walked around anxiously in the enclosure.
- 泰山在围墙内不安地走来走去。
- 22. You can stave off rapid aging to your muscles, joints, and tendons by practicing exercises that extend your range of motion; some options include tai chi, qigong and yoga.
- 你能通过扩展你的关节活动度锻炼来避免肌肉、关节和肌腱的加速衰老;一些包括太极、气功和瑜伽的选择。
- 23. Think about tai chi, meditation, prayer, biofeedback, yoga—any activity that allows you to cultivate a peaceful center and a sense of balance.
- 可以考虑做太极、冥想、祈祷、生物反馈、瑜珈——任何能让你培养平静中心和平衡感的活动。
- 24. Think about tai chi, meditation, prayer, biofeedback, yoga—any activity that allows you to cultivate a peaceful center and a sense of balance.
- 可以考虑做太极、冥想、祈祷、生物反馈、瑜珈——任何能让你培养平静中心和平衡感的活动。
- 25. Viewed from the top of Mount Tai,the sunrise was indeed a spectacle.
- 从泰山顶上看去,日出真是个奇观。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 26. The Chinese Mao Tai wine is popular all over the world.
- 中国的茅台酒闻名全世界。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 27. During those years, she published Letters from China from I Tai Ji Chang in Beijing.
- 在那些年代里,她在北京台基厂一号出版了《中国通讯》。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 28. The Japanese ring around the Wu tai Mountains grew tighter.
- 日寇对五台山区的包围越来越紧。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. Have you ever mounted Mount Tai?
- 你登过泰山吗?
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 30. His death is weighter than Mount Tai.
- 他的死比泰山还重。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 31. Is Confucius the paragon of Mount Tai?
- 孔子就是五岳独尊的泰山吗?
-- 来源 -- 中国文学部分 - jinshandong
- 32. Hoary Mount Tai looked more precipitous.
- 古老的泰山越发显得崔嵬了。
-- 来源 -- 汉英文学 - 现代散文 - yuzhongdengtaishan
- 33. The ancients said, "Peaks look smaller once you are on top of Mount Tai."
- 古人讲:登泰山而一览众山
-- 来源 -- 中国文学部分 - jinshandong
- 34. Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather.
- 人总有一死,或轻于鸿毛,或重于泰山。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句