- 1. How do I apply?
- 我该如何去申请?
- 2. But we do not know how to apply these in space.
- 但我们不知道如何把这些应用于太空。
- 3. They can be applied in any context, as long as you understand how to apply them, of course.
- 他们可以在任何一种背景下应用,当然,只要你懂得如何去应用他们。
- 4. And I want to speak about how we apply them in practice.
- 我要谈谈我们在实践中是如何应用这些原则的。
- 5. Now think of how that advice might apply to you.
- 现在想想,那个建议如何应用在你的身上。
- 6. We apply standards to processes.
- 我们向过程应用标准。
- 7. We apply policy to processes.
- 我们向过程应用政策。
- 8. But does that apply in the workplace?
- 那这在工作场合是否也适用呢?
- 9. These standards apply to every Region of the globe unless duly noted by specific country or with the following abbreviations.
- 这些标准适用于全球的每一个地区,除非明确指出了具体的国家,或使用以下缩写。
- 10. You should apply in the proper quarter.
- 你应该在适当的地方申请。
- 11. Through the learning process, we must accept that that which is taught can be applied, but we must apply independent of the teacher.
- 通过这个学习过程,我们必须懂得那个教过的能够被运用,但是我们必须申请有主见的老师。
- 12. In the next part of this series, you will apply patterns to the service.
- 在本系列的下一个部分中,您将对服务应用模式。
- 13. I began working on an article about this very topic for another publication, when it dawned on me that I needed to apply unconditional love in all areas of my life.
- 我之所以再次开始写有关这个话题的文章作为出版物,是因为我突然领悟到我应该把这种无条件的爱应用到人生的各个方面中。
- 14. If the kernel tree is clean, the patches should apply without any problems.
- 如果内核树没问题,那么补丁的应用就不会有任何问题。
- 15. But how can you apply this concept in the testing organization?
- 但您如何将这个概念应用于测试组织中呢?
- 16. If you expect to enter this prestigious university, you should apply now.
- 如果期望进入这所著名学府,你现在就应该申请了。
- 17. Rename the signals and apply labels to them.
- 重命名这些信号并对它们应用标签。
- 18. But they are able to apply the material to the next iteration.
- 但是,他们可以将这些素材应用到下一次迭代开发过程中。
- 19. To speak a letter (outgoing), you need to apply to yet another room.
- 要说出一个字母(输出),你还需要向另一个地方申请。
- 20. We should not only know the theory but also how to apply it to practice.
- 我们不仅要知道理论,还要知道怎样把理论应用于实践。
- 21. You should apply for that post.
- 你应当申请那个职位。
- 22. These packages offer functionality by themselves, in other words you could apply them to a " Blank " schema and you would have a fully functional schema.
- 这些包自己提供了其他的功能,换句话说您可以对一个“空白”的方案应用它们,而且您可以有一个全功能的方案。
- 23. However, you can apply the concepts you learn here to any of the above software systems.
- 不过,您可以将在这学到的概念应用于上面的任意软件系统。
- 24. These regulations apply to everyone, without exception.
- 这些规章对谁都适用,没有例外。
- 25. You can apply for political asylum with asylum officers under the jurisdiction of the Central Office of Refugee, Asylum and Parole.
- 你可以向有管辖权的中央办公室专门负责难民、政治避难、宣誓的官员提出政治避难申请。
- 26. JOHN: Yes. We will apply for your health insurance tomorrow.
- 约翰:是的。我们明天会帮你申请健康保险。
- 27. You may apply in person or by letter.
- 你可以亲自到场或去信提出申请。
- 28. You may apply in person or by letter.
- 你可以亲自到场或去信提出申请。
- 29. One says “Apply this change,” and the other says “Don’t apply this change.”
- 一个意在“施加改变”,而另外一个意在“不要施加改变”。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 30. Can we generalize common solutions to apply to similar problems?
- 相似的问题能否归纳出通用的解决方案?
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 31. The next step is to apply one or two selected visual styles to key screens.
- 下一步是将一个或者两个精选出来的视觉风格运用在一些关键的屏幕上。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 32. Ethnographic interviews take the spirit of this type of research and apply it on a micro level.
- 人种学调查借用了这种研究类型的精髓,并将其应用在一个微观的层次。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. Apply principles and patterns
- 运用设计原则和模式
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 34. Step 2: Apply the chosen visual style to the screen archetype
- 步骤2:将选择的视觉风格运用在屏幕原型上
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 35. When text must be read in interfaces, the following guidelines apply:
- 界面上必读的文本适用于以下指导准则。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 36. Ultimately, we believe that the same considerations that we apply to other digital products should be used here.
- 考虑种种情形,最终我们认为,应该同其他的数字产品一样,对这类网站做类似的处理。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 37. Similarly, programmers apply self-referential design when they create implementation-model products.
- 同样,当程序员创建基于实现模型的产品时,应用的是自参考设计。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 38. For more obviously concrete functions, some guidelines apply:
- 对于一些更显而易见的具体功能,可以运用以下指导原则。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓