- 1. It is a property of matter to attract.
- 物质具有吸引力的性质。
- 2. The Law of Attraction basically says that what you think about you attract into your life.
- 吸引定律,从基本上说,就是你会将你所想的吸引到你的人生当中来。
- 3. This new firm will attract the crowds,whatever its quality, provided that it gets played up in the right way.
- 这家新开的商号将吸引大群大群的人,不管它质量如何,只要它广告做得好。
- 4. Your answer—how and to whom you want to allocate your finite attention—will increasingly attract the attention of others.
- 你的答案——你希望如何以及向谁分配你有限的注意力——将日益引起其他人的关注。
- 5. But back to Newton: he discovered that any two objects in the universe attract each other, and that this force is proportional to their mass.
- 还是回到牛顿吧:他发现,在宇宙中任何两个物体都会相互吸引,而且这股引力和它们的质量成正比。
- 6. These, however, do nothing to attract women – with the exception of the right knee.
- 然而这些对于吸引女人来说毫无用处——除了右膝盖。
- 7. How Not To attract a nice boyfriend.
- 如何不吸引一个好的男朋友。
- 8. According to the law of attraction, you attract what want in your life.
- 通过吸引力法则,你吸引到自己想在人生中得到的东西。
- 9. Your answer—how and to whom you want to allocate your finite attention—will increasingly attract the attention of others.
- 你想如何分配你有限的注意力?关注谁?你对这些问题的答案将越来越多地吸引别人的关注。
- 10. Do I attract you?
- 我吸引你吗?
- 11. For institutions that need to attract money in order to maintain liquidity, they can do it now at lower cost.
- 对需要吸引资金以保持流动性的机构而言,它们现在能以较低的成本达到目的.
- 12. Does it mean that you have to be all these things in order to attract beautiful women into your life?
- 想要吸引漂亮的女生进入你的生命是否就意味着你一定要具备所有这些东西呢?
- 13. Your answer—how and to whom you want to allocate your finite attention—will increasingly attract the attention of others.
- 你将如何施加你那有限的注意力,将对谁施加?你的答案,还会越来越多地吸引别人的注意。
- 14. And so it creates an opportunity where you can attract this first generation of drivers to your brand.
- 因此,这就给你创造了一个机会,让你去吸引第一代驾驶员使用你的品牌。
- 15. It is part of the answer of what you will attract to you after making your request.
- 这也是在你做出要求后,将会吸引到什么的答案的一部分。
- 16. It is this radiation or energy field which is the determining factor in everything that happens around you, in all the things you attract into your life.
- 这辐射或能量场是你周围发生的每件事情,以及所有被吸引到你生活中的事情的决定因素。
- 17. If you learn how to pray in the right way you will attract the right mate for you.
- 如果你学会了如何以正确的方式祈祷,你就会吸引到你的“白马王子”或“白雪公主”。
- 18. Therefore, in order to attract more viewers to our news programs and to avoid losing any further advertising revenues, we should expand the coverage of weather and local news on all our news programs.
- 因此,为吸引更多的电视观众观看我们的新闻节目并避免失去未来的广告收入,我们应该在我们所有的新闻节目中增加天气和地方新闻的播报。
- 19. They attract the best students from around the world.
- 它们吸引了来自世界各地的最好的学生。
- 20. Whether this is hubris or homage, the display is bound to attract thousands of new visitors to this marvellous place.
- 不管是傲慢还是尊重,这次展览必将吸引成千上万的新访客来到这个神奇的地方。
- 21. That is one of the dating tips for how to attract women.
- 这是如何在约会的时候吸引女性的一个技巧。
- 22. Besides the salary, what welfare attract you mostly?
- 除了工资,还有什么福利最吸引你?
- 23. Who do you want to attract?
- 你想要吸引哪一人群?
- 24. Who do you want to attract?
- 你想要吸引哪一人群?
- 25. Such hours attract a pay premium.
- 这种工时需偿付加班津贴。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 26. He shouted to attract attention.
- 他大声叫喊以吸引注意。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 27. Like charges repel each other,unlike charges attract.
- 同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 28. Her flirtatious manners are intended to attract.
- 她的轻浮的举止旨在引人注意。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. Like charges repel each other, unlike charges attract each other.
- 同性电荷互相排斥,异性电荷互相吸引。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 30. Ben thought the wire would attract lightning.
- 本认为金属丝会吸引闪电。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 31. We derive the important law: opposite charges attract, like charges repel.
- 我们得到的重要定律是:异电相吸,同电相斥。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 32. The frequency with which content is updated on a site does, in some respects, influence this behavior: Informational sites with real-time information will naturally attract repeat users more than a site updated once a month.
- 网站内容更新的频率在一些方面也会影响着行为,提供实时更新的信息类网站自然会比一个月才更新一次的网站吸引更多的回头客。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. Her fortune is already more than sufficient to attract those unscrupulous adventurers.
- 她的财产已经多得足以引起那些贪得无厌的冒险者的觊觎。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 34. Transactional kiosks, as a rule, require no special enticements to attract users.
- 交易型信息亭无须特别地吸引使用者,这是一条原则。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓