- 1. We like to biro book.
- 我们喜欢用圆珠笔写书。
- 2. He gave me a book, a pen and some money besides.
- 他给了我一本书,一支钢笔,此外还给了我一些钱。
- 3. I tumbled upon an interesting book in the library.
- 我在图书馆偶然发现了一本有趣的书。
- 4. The value of a book does not depend from its size.
- 一本书是否有价值并不取决于它的大小。
- 5. I have read your new book.
- 你的新书已拜读了。
- 6. My fingers scan a book in braille.
- 我的手指扫描着一本盲文书。
- 7. The book contains much new information.
- 这本书有很多的新信息。
- 8. Take this book to her, please.
- 请把这本书捎给她。
- 9. The book is more easily read than described.
- 阅读书籍要比叙述其内容省力。
- 10. A book is not judged only on its length.
- 不能只根据篇幅长短来评价一本书。
- 11. My book slid off my knee.
- 书从我的膝盖上滑落了。
- 12. He has transcribed that book into braille.
- 他已经把那本书译成了盲文。
- 13. I love your book so much.
- 我非常喜欢你的书。
- 14. The book pictured the world of the future.
- 这本书生动地描写了未来世界。
- 15. He headlined his book two titles.
- 他给他的书加了两个标题。
- 16. This is a deep book.
- 这是一本深奥的书。
- 17. You may skip through a book, reading only those passages concerned.
- 你可以跳读一本书,只拣那些有关的段落读一下即可。
- 18. She came alongside to give me a book. Then she drew ahead.
- 她追上我交给我一本书,然后她又向前走了。
- 19. I usually dip into a book before deciding whether to buy it.
- 我通常先浏览一本书然后才决定是否买它。
- 20. The book treats of the progress of civilization.
- 这本书论述了文明的进步。
- 21. This book treats of the caste system in India.
- 这本书论述了印度的种姓制度。
- 22. Please write a book about the war.
- 请写本关于这场战争的书。
- 23. The very style of the book fascinates.
- 这书的风格本身就令人着迷。
- 24. Teacher tells the children how to write away for a puzzle book.
- 老师告诉孩子们如何写信函购一本智力测验的书。
- 25. I checked out a book from the library.
- 我从图书馆登记借了一本书。
- 26. Someone has flown off with my book.
- 有人私自拿走了我的书。
- 27. Please fetch that book along.
- 请把那本书带来。
- 28. Please check your answers with those in the back of the book.
- 请将你的答案与书后的答案核对一下。
- 29. The thief palmed a book in a bookstore.
- 小偷在书店顺手偷走了一本书。
- 30. His book incorporates his military thinking.
- 他的书体现了他的军事思想。
- 31. As a customer, you identify the book you want by using only the retrieval system.
- 作为一个读者,你通过使用检索系统确定自己想要的书。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 32. This book has a simple premise:
- 本书有一个简单的前提:
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. The physical address book, for example, stores names in alphabetical order by last name.
- 比如说,通常的通信录以姓的首字母的顺序记录联系人。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 34. Likewise, clicking on the e-mail address in the address book could launch the mail application.
- 同样,当单击这个人的电子邮件地址时,就可以自动地调用电子邮件程序。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 35. When the first edition of this book was published in 1995, this problem was ubiquitous.
- 在本书1995年首次出版时,这个问题是普遍存在的。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 36. We don’t find the book by association. That is, we don’t find the book by referring to its contents.
- 我们不是通过关联来找书,也就是说,我们不会通过其内容来查找。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 37. You physically retrieve the book by participating in the system of storage, but you logically find the book you want by participating in a system of retrieval.
- 这样,通过参与到存储系统中,你在物理上找到了这本书,但是逻辑上要找到书你需要参与到检索系统中。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 38. If it is faithfully rendered onscreen like a little bound book, it will be much more complex, inconvenient, and difficult to use than the physical address book.
- 如果它在屏幕上被忠实地显示为一个小本子,那么与真实的纸质通信录相比会更加复杂,不方便且难以使用。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 39. Similarly, when we look for a book, we either go to where we left the book, or we guess that it is stored with other books.
- 类似地,当我们查找书时,我们或者去自己放书的地方,或者猜测它和其他书放在一块。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 40. You identify the desired book with one and fetch it with the other.
- 你用一个系统确定所要的书,用另一个系统索引它。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓