- 1. A cauldron of milk, a woman hung upside-down, a live snake extracted from her mouth.
- 一大锅牛奶、一名倒挂的女人,从她的嘴中用力拽出一条活蛇。
- 2. An alternative method was to use a large shallow receptacle rather than a cauldron; oil, tallow or pitch then being poured in.
- 另一种方法是不用大锅,而是使用一个大的浅性容器,油,牛油或沥青随后被浇入.
- 3. Another says the props master from the original performance stole a cauldron from said coven, and the witches, again, weren’t impressed.
- 另一个说法是道具师从原来的表演中偷了一个大锅,据说来自女巫集会但也是没有印象。
- 4. Even witches appreciate what they bring to a boiling cauldron.
- 就连女巫也爱欣赏她们手底冒着气泡的大锅。
- 5. Even witches appreciate what they bring to a boiling cauldron.
- 就连巫婆都喜欢沸腾着的冒着气泡的大锅。
- 6. Which key technology will arise fromtoday’s vast cauldron of innovation to become tomorrow’s world changing idea?
- 哪项关键技术将会如今的创新之釜中脱颖而出,蜕变成为改变未来世界的思想呢?
- 7. In the town centre, men and children squatted around a Sufi cleric who sold bright yellow saffron rice from a big cauldron.
- 在镇中心,男人和孩子们围蹲在一个苏菲教派教士旁边,他正在卖一口大锅里的亮黄色红花饭。
- 8. When he was taken aboard, and saw its wild, long-haired, red-faced crew, and a large cauldron on the deck, he fainted, thinking these savages were about to eat him.
- 当他给弄上船后,看到长发赤面的船员以及甲板上的一口大锅时,爱克伊诺以为这些生番恶人想要把他吃了,一头昏了过去。
- 9. This penalty was carried out using a large cauldron filled with water, oil, tar, tallow or even molten lead.
- 这种刑罚用一个大锅,装满了水,油,焦油,乌桕,甚至熔化的铅。
- 10. Was forged in the cauldron beyond hope and fear
- 在超越希望和恐惧的大锅中锻造
- 11. The cocoons were placed in a large basin of hot water, the silk would leave the cauldron by tiny guiding rings, and would be wound onto a large spool, thanks to a backwards and forward motion.[9]
- 蚕茧被放在一大盆热水里,丝线通过微小的指导环而离开大锅,并由于前后运动而被绕在一个大线轴上。
- 12. Dr. Lehmann does not have a car and walks everywhere, and although he lives in Washington, a cauldron of stress induction, he describes himself as a “pretty calm guy.”
- Lehmann博士自己没有车并且每天都步行,尽管他生活在华盛顿,一个压力来源釜,他形容自己是一个“相当镇静的小伙子”。
- 13. Potter fansite The Leaky Cauldron has been granted a sneak preview of the content and described it as "one of the most amazing, engaging and breathtaking additions to this fandom imaginable".
- 哈利迷网站TheLeakyCauldron已经授权公布了预览内容,这些内容被视作“最令人惊叹、最丰富和最令人激动的影迷想象空间之一”。
- 14. Nothing can be more melancholy than these reprisals in painting, by a pack of cards, in the presence of stakes for the roasting of smugglers and of the cauldron for the boiling of counterfeiters.
- 这上面所画的是对那种烧死走私犯和煮死铸私钱犯的火刑的反击情绪,而竟描绘在一张纸牌上,可以说再没有什么比这更阴森的了。
- 15. But he was not too forgetful to see Wang Lung dipping the water recklessly from the cauldron into a deep wooden tub.
- 不过,他还没有忘情到看不见王龙满不在乎地把水从铁锅里一个劲儿地往一个挺深的木桶里倒。
- 16. Because in the roiling cauldron of activity that governs galaxy formation, some stars go supernova.
- 在星系形成那种混沌动荡的过程中,一些恒星演进成超新星。
- 17. Tea out of an urn is always tasteless, while army tea, made in a cauldron, tastes of grease and whitewash.
- 用瓮泡出来的茶总是淡而无味,而部队里喝的茶是用锅煮出来的,尝起来有一股油脂和石灰水的味道。
- 18. Above all, its leaders have to keep the lid on the simmering political and ethnic cauldron, while at the same time preventing the economic bubble from bursting — as Japan’s did.
- 而首当其冲的是,中国的领导人必须把住政治和种族矛盾这一高压线,以防其酝酿而至炸锅,而同时又要防止出现类似于日本那样的经济泡沫破裂。
- 19. Meanwhile, we fill another cauldron with water.
- 同时,我们在另一个铁锅里注入水。
- 20. Meanwhile, we fill another cauldron with water.
- 同时,我们在另一个铁锅里注入水。
- 21. Everyone crowded around a huge cauldron of boiling sap.
- 大家都围挤在一个熬枫浆的大锅旁。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 22. Paavo Nurmi lit the Olympic flame in a cauldron on the field.
- 帕沃·努尔米点燃了运动场上一个大盘中的奥林匹克圣火。
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 23. asphalt cauldron
- 沥青熔锡
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 汉英
- 24. Simuwu cauldron
- 司母戊鼎
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 25. cauldron subsidence
- 火口沉陷;锅形塌陷
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 26. The bombing of Cambodia or covert operations in Chile were thrown into the cauldron.
- 轰炸柬埔寨和在智利的秘密行动也被拿来试问。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 27. soap cauldron
- 煮皂锅
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 28. when the cauldron was lit by Mohammad Ali.
- 当重量级拳王阿里点燃奥运圣火时。
-- 来源 -- 综合项目 - Olympic Games 04
- 29. To withdraw fuel from Boiling cauldron; a fundamental solution
- 釜底抽薪
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 习语
- 30. Voices of the people like the BubBling of a cauldron
- 人声鼎沸
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 习语