- 1. It is an effective liquid separation tool with advantages such as simpleness, celerity and veracity.
- 该量取器使用方法简单、快速,是一种准确、有效的液体分离工具。
- 2. It improves the celerity and accuracy of speed tracking.
- 提高速度跟踪的快速性和精确性。
- 3. The results showed that series-determine method with merits of nicety and celerity has notable effects.
- 研究结果表明,一次性连续测定法具有快速、准确等优点,效果显著。
- 4. Phase Array Radar can scan beams fast by controlling the phase of radiator elements in the antenna aperture surface, which shows many excellences such as agility, change celerity and multifunction.
- 相控阵雷达通过电的方式控制天线孔径面上各辐射单元的相位变化,以实现波束的快速扫描,使其具有灵活、变化快速、多功能等优点。
- 5. The design method of analyzed instruments based on Virtual technology is the availability way of celerity development instruments, this paper helps the instruments instead.
- 基于虚拟技术的分析仪器设计方法,是设计虚拟仪器系统以替代真实仪器,实现仪器快速开发的有效途径。
- 6. Resul ts After 10 years of application, it had been widely accepted for its efficiency, convenience, celerity , comfort and so on.
- 结果经过10年应用,此法确实有高效、简便、快速、舒适、护肤等优点,预防手术感染效果显著。
- 7. Simulating result verifies the validity and celerity of this method.
- 仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性和快速性。
- 8. The structure and functions of controlling system composed of DSP and FPGA is discussed particularly, so the data are collected and transmitted celerity real time.
- 详细介绍了采用DSP和FPGA相结合的控制系统的结构组成、功能实现,达到数据实时快速采集和传输。
- 9. Simultaneity that the welding head can arrive to surface celerity and exact is more importance to reduce the cycle of weld.
- 同时,也要求焊头能快速而又准确的到达工件的表面,以减短焊接周期。
- 10. The structure and functions of controlling system composed of DSP and FPGA is discussed particularly, so the data are collected and transmitted celerity real time.
- 详细介绍了采用DSP和FPGA相结合的控制统的结构组成、功能实现,达到数据实时快速采集和传输。
- 11. Present CAD/CAM, FMS, CIMS, celerity manufacture and brainpower are set up on the basis of digital control technology.
- 现代的CAD/CAM、FMS和CIMS、敏捷制造和智能制造等,都是建立在数控技术之上。
- 12. On the premise of achieving the intention of the safe testing, people now are searching for new means with celerity , high efficiency and succinctness.
- 在保证达到检测目的的前提下,快速、高效、简便的检测手段就成了人们追求的目标。
- 13. As a foundation pit excavating support technology which is easy and celerity to implement, safe and less cost, soil nailing is getting more and more application to deep excavation construction.
- 土钉支护作为一种经济可靠、快速简便的挡土技术,已在深基坑开挖施工中得到愈来愈多的应用。
- 14. Enlightened by the high efficiency and celerity of the fish propulsion in nature, the bionic study of fish propulsion has become a hot topic in the technology of underwater propulsion.
- 受自然界鱼类推进的快速性和高效性启发,仿鱼推进技术研究已成为水下推进技术研究的热点。
- 15. Parametric designing of product can be fast celerity actualizes development and the improvement of product model, decides product research and develop period.
- 产品参数化设计能够快速、便捷地实现产品模型的改进和开发,决定着产品的研发周期。
- 16. Because SVC has outstanding celerity characters of control, there is an important significance to study deeply the control thesis of SVC in improving power angle stability.
- 由于SVC具有突出的控制快速性,因此,深入研究SVC控制在改善电力系统功角稳定性中的作用具有重要意义。
- 17. The machine have been checked and accepted, and after working for a long time it is proved to have the characteristics of celerity , accuracy, convenience and safety.
- 该仪器已被验收通过,运行表明,具有快速准确,使用方便,安全可靠等特点。
- 18. This paper states implementation and practice of celerity query system for audiovisual material, and deals with the summarizing, analysing and probing in practice.
- 文章就图书馆音像资料快速查寻系统的实现进行了阐述,并在实践中进行了总结、分析和探讨。
- 19. Shallow Seismic Refraction Survey is one kind of celerity, effective and economic means in engineering exploration.
- 浅层折射波法是工程勘探中常用的一种经济并且快速有效的方法。
- 20. Shallow seismic refraction survey is one kind of celerity, effective and economic means in engineering exploration.
- 浅层折射波法是工程勘探中常用的一种快速经济并且是有效的方法。
- 21. The paper aimed to open out the condition of group rock segment celerity construction, moreover offered theory gist for the scheme of grubbing in the profound stand well.
- 文章目的在于揭示深立井基岩段快速掘砌所必须的条件,进而为深立井井简掘砌方案的制定提供理论依据。
- 22. The crack celerity expand to form the fatigue striation when puff part adequacy long in the positive stress.
- 当断面张开部分足够长时,在正向应力作用下发生快速扩展,微观形成疲劳辉纹。
- 23. Temperature will arrive celerity.
- 温度会快速到达。
- 24. Method: Celerity investigation and analysis.
- 方法:快速调查、座谈和分析。
- 25. Through comparison among 5 different methods of DNA template extraction, heat-lyse treatment was selected for its easy-operation, low-cost and celerity.
- 通过对5种不同的DNA模板提取方法的比较,选定了操作简便、快速、费用低廉的热裂解法。
- 26. Conclusion The celerity examination can be achieved according to the methods introduced in the paper, and credible data can be provided for taking intervention action.
- 结论按照本文介绍的方法,可实现核辐射事故情况下对食品和水的快速检测,为采取合适的干预行动提供可靠依据。
- 27. It developed very quickly for precision, celerity and big capacity .
- 因具有准确、快速、大信息量等特点而发展迅速。
- 28. Celerity virtual enterprise is a kind of dynamic union of enterprises of various capabilities, which suits the fast developing market environment.
- 敏捷虚拟企业是为了适应快速发展的市场环境,而由具有不同核心能力的企业所组成的动态联合体。
- 29. Celerity virtual enterprise is a kind of dynamic union of enterprises of various capabilities, which suits the fast developing market environment.
- 敏捷虚拟企业是为了适应快速发展的市场环境,而由具有不同核心能力的企业所组成的动态联合体。
- 30. In war celerity is the most important
- 兵贵神速
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 习语
- 31. but I am by no means convinced that you would be gone with such celerity.
- 可是我怎么也不相信你做事情会那么当机立断。
-- 来源 -- literature - 汉英
- 32. Hanson jumped out of bed with more celerity than he usually displayed and looked at the note.
- 汉生以从未有过的敏捷从床上一跃而起,来看那张纸条。
-- 来源 -- 英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹 - jialimeimei001
- 33. a legal system not known for celerity;
- 一个不被快速了解的法律系统;
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 34. Speed or quickness;celerity.
- 敏捷,轻快;迅速
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 35. and as his orders were always clear, distinct, and easy of execution, his comrades obeyed him with celerity and pleasure.
- 由于他的信念总是很明白,清楚,而且易于执行,所以他的同伴们很乐于服从他,而且执行得很迅速。
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 36. atmospheric celerity
- 空气波速
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]
- 37. I told him that the years would pass with remarkable celerity, but that appeared to be cold comfort(Nelson Bryant)
- 我告诉他这些日子很快就会过去的,但很显然没起多大作用(纳尔逊 布赖恩特)
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 38. instantaneous celerity
- 瞬时波速
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]
- 39. The competing religions disappeared or were absorbed with extraordinary celerity, and in 390 Theodosius the Great caused the great statue of Jupiter Serapis at Alexandria to be destroyed.
- 互相竞争的其他宗教要么消失了,要么非常迅速地被吸收。 390年,狄奥多西大帝叫人毁灭了位于亚历山大的朱庇特 - 塞拉皮斯的巨大雕像。
-- 来源 -- 英汉非文学 - 历史 - lishi-jidujiaojiaoyidefazhuan