- 1. Singapore is a modern city-state where information technology is highly advanced, and the government is devoting itself to developing the country as an intelligent island.
- 新加坡是一个现代化的城市国家,信息科技十分发达,政府也致力于把新加坡建设成为一个智慧岛。
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 2. The Greeks were full citizens, with their own system of government resembling mat of a Greek city-state.
- 希腊人才是真正的公民,他们建有类似于希腊城邦国家的政府组织。
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 3. Singapore stands out among countries practising parliamentary democracy in that one and the same party has been in power since the city-state came into existence.
- 在世界实施议会民主制度的国家中,新加坡是比较特殊的,建国以来,它一直是由单一的政党执政,但这绝对无损国会的正常运作,因为执政党并没有因为缺少反对党的监督和挑战而我行我素,实施独裁政策。
-- 来源 -- politics - 汉英
- 4. This figure is disappointing. It is miles away from the image of a modern and ideal city-state that we are trying to build.
- 这个数字叫人失望,它与我们建设现代化神话城邦的形象,有太大的落差。
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 5. A city-state of ancient Greece.
- 城邦古代希腊的一个城邦
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 6. Moreover, Singapore need talented people, both from abroad and at home, because they are essential to the city-state. The government makes a point of attracting expatriate professionals.
- 而本地和外国人才对新加坡都非常重要,政府强调吸引外国人才。
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 7. Moreover, Singapore need talented people, both from abroad and at home, because they are essential to the city-state. The government makes a point of attracting expatriate professionals by sending out the message that Singapore welcomes them.
- 而本地和外国人才对新加坡都非常重要,政府强调吸引外国人才,是为了避免这些人才产生新加坡不欢迎他们的印象,以致不愿意到新加坡来工作。
-- 来源 -- politics - 汉英
- 8. To clear the city-state of that negative image, a strong message from the governmentis necessary.
- 要一举摆脱这个标签,政府就得发出一个强有力的信息。
-- 来源 -- others - 汉英
- 9. And the city-state is adopting new technologies that keep its emerging industries ever prospering, which is admirable indeed.
- 至于新加坡广泛采用新技术,新兴产业极为繁荣,这是令人敬佩的“新”。
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 10. Hawkwood and his men would march into a city-state and,
- 霍克伍德便带领士兵进入某个城邦,
-- 来源 -- 新概念英语第三册 - A noble gangster