- 1. LIM delivering the opening remarks for the Opening Ceremony with the Curators and exhibitor Mr.
- 林云峰教授致开幕辞,坐于前排的有三位策展人、严迅奇建筑师。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供
- 2. Provide customs applying service of imported and exported goods for exhibitor.
- 为展商提供进出口货物的报关服务。
-- 来源 -- bbs.jd114.com.cn
- 3. After that, in case that the exhibitor needs to have a perennial exhibition and trade, such exhibitor
- 此后,如参展商需要常年展示、展销的话,由参展商与我公司在平等自愿的基础上另行商定。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供
- 4. If you are looking for exhibiting franchise companies, click on Exhibitor List or search through the
- 这里是专为现有参展商而设的专区,如果你想找寻现有展商的资料,请登入展商名录,或到主页之展商目录中,去搜寻你心目中的展商。
-- 来源 -- hk.betheboss.com
- 5. The british embassy is holding a party for exhibitor at the trade fair.
- 英国大使馆正在为交易会的参展者举行晚会。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供
- 6. In Submitting this Space Application Form, the Exhibitor hereby Agrees to accept all the terms stated
- 本单位提交此参展申请表格,并同意接受所有附带的《参展条件》.
-- 来源 -- www.ionly.com.cn
- 7. Provide goods transport agent service and storage service for sponsor unit and exhibitor.
- 为主办单位及参展商提供货物代理服务及仓储服务。
-- 来源 -- bbs.jd114.com.cn
- 8. Sweethearts head to the altar, grossed an estimated $US34.2 million in its debut weekend, box office-trackers Exhibitor
- 据报道,美国喜剧系列电影,《美国派3:美国婚礼》,在周末首映中,一举夺得美国票房的第一名。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供
- 9. Gather attendee and exhibitor feedback while their experience is still fresh - usually within two weeks
- 趁观众和参展商对你的展会记忆犹新的时候收集反馈——通常是在会议结束两周内。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供
- 10. approach the Visitor Registration Counter which located at6/ F Room608-609, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibitor
- 请于展览期间,到参观人士登记处(港湾仔港湾道一号,香港会议展览中心6楼608-609室)办理您的入场证。
-- 来源 -- gbcode.tdctrade.com