- 1. I shall get up carefully,the party is very formal.
- 我会精心打扮的,这个聚会很正式。
- 2. You arrived at your conclusion using the methods of formal logic.
- 你这个结论是按照形式逻辑的方法推论出来的。
- 3. The Japanese women salute the people with formal bows in welcome.
- 这些日本妇女以正式的鞠躬向人们施礼以示欢迎。
- 4. This not only provides you with another form of visualization, it also uses a formal, technical model underneath.
- 这不仅为您提供了另一种形式的可视化,而且还使用了底层的正式技术模型。
- 5. Until then I avoided saying anything to her that required me to choose either the formal or the familiar form of address.
- 直到这个时候,我都避免跟她说什么话,因为这需要我是采用正规的方式还是采用熟人的方式跟她聊天。
- 6. That said, we have no formal collaboration today.
- 也就是说,我们目前没有正式的协作。
- 7. But without the formal business entity, you have no hope of limiting your personal liability.
- 因为没有正规的商务体制,你就没有希望限制你的个人责任。
- 8. How should we integrate that kind of novel with novels that have more formal ambitions?
- 我们如何整合这种小说和那些,在形式目标上更明确的小说?
- 9. If they should be around the table, invite them and, jointly, determine the best way forward, whether your connection with them is formal or informal.
- 如果他们应该在场,要邀请他们加入,一起决定前进的最佳方式,不论您跟他们的联系是正式还是非正式的。
- 10. And the reason that this should be so fast is we already did all the calculations for the formal charges.
- 这应该很快就能做出来的原因是,我们已经做完了关于形式电荷的所有计算。
- 11. Later in this article you see will see how to define some of this information into more formal documents.
- 在本文后面,您将看到如何定义这些信息中的一部分,从而使之成为更正式的文档。
- 12. Because the meaning of a formal topic should never vary based on its use, these fields should be part of the topic.
- 因为正式题目的含义不会根据它的使用变来变去,所以这些字段应当成为题目的一部分。
- 13. Actually, in this article we will tackle about formal dresses, and how to find the one that suits you.
- 本文要探讨的就是有关正式晚礼服的话题,以及如何才能找到与您相配的礼服。
- 14. Persuasion – convincing someone of something – is an essential part of almost everything we do, from informal discussions to formal negotiations.
- 说服也就是劝某人接受某事几乎做什么事都是必要的部分,从非正式讨论到正式协商。
- 15. On formal occasions, how many colors of all your clothes should be?
- 在正式场合,一个人全身服装的颜色应该多少种?
- 16. One of them asked to do a formal shoot with me, and I agreed.
- 其中有一个摄影师问我可不可以正式拍一些图片,我同意了。
- 17. In this case, this worker may not need to do a formal impact analysis.
- 在这种情况下,该工作人员可能不需要做正式的影响分析。
- 18. In the absence of a formal raise, which may only be given at a certain time of year, you look to the bonus.
- 没有正式的升迁,因为这种升迁只能在一年中特定的时间才能进行,那你就要考虑发些红包了。
- 19. But after a while, they move uptown, into the formal economy.
- 但是不久,他们就搬进住宅区,成为正式经济的一部分。
- 20. On the other hand, if the tester only uses some fixed users to place orders in the formal testing, the corresponding data will accumulate.
- 另一方面,如果测试人员仅仅使用某些固定用户在正式的测试中下订单,那么相应的数据将会累积。
- 21. Not only though formal education, but also through the life process itself.
- 不仅要通过形式上的教育,更要通过生活本身这个过程。
- 22. Not only though formal education, but also through the life process itself.
- 不仅要通过形式上的教育,更要通过生活本身这个过程。
- 23. Development time and effort are also reduced because formal interface standards provide ready-made decisions on the rendering of the interface that development teams would otherwise be forced to debate during project meetings.
- 由于正式的界面标准提供了现成的界面,所以开发团队不必在项目会议上对此进行辩论,降低开发时间和工作量。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 24. In this phase, principles and patterns remain important in giving the design a fine formal and behavioral finish.
- 此阶段设计最后的外形和行为修饰,原则和模式依然很重要,本书的第2部分和第3部分将给出细化阶段中实用的原则。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 25. It can be a useful alternative to usability testing when the design team doesn’t have time to prepare for formal usability testing.
- 如果设计团队没有足够的时间来准备正式的可用性测试,则这是一种非常好的替代方法。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 26. Involvement of these three critical groups best happens in two venues: at formal checkpoints that correspond to the end of each phase in the process, and at frequent, informal working meetings where new ideas are explored, evaluated, and elaborated on.
- 这3类关键人群的参与,最好是在下面的两个点上。 进程中的每个阶段末的正式检查点和经常进行的非正式的工作讨论会上。 会上产生新想法并评估新想法、详细阐述新想法,这种讨论会对于第2类人群——技术专家——尤其重要,这时设计方案开始形成。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 27. A Formal Note is essentially a formal personal letter.
- 正式照会实质上是正式的个人函件。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 28. It was a formal handshake, a farewell.
- 这是一次正式的握手,一次告别。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. Given sufficient time, we prefer more formal usability testing. Usability tests determine how well a design allows users to accomplish their tasks.
- 如果有足够的时间,我们更倾向于做正式的可用性测试,可用性测试可以来判断一个设计在多大程度上可以帮助用户来完成具体任务。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 30. Without the rigid, formal structures of command-line idioms, graphical interfaces must use the construct of state to tie together different interactions in a command.
- 和具有严格且正式结构的命令行习惯用法不同,图形界面中必须运用状态来把命令中的不同交互动作绑定。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 31. A formal organization is often conceived of as a communication system.
- 一个正式组织往往可当作一个沟通系统。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 32. Interaction designers must translate life goals into high-level system capabilities, formal design concepts, and brand strategy.
- 交互设计者必须要将人生目标转化为高层次的产品功能、正式的设计概念和品牌战略。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓