- 1. She suggested holding a tea party for relaxation.
- 她建议举行一个茶会来散散心。
- 2. Then everyone should be holding the tangency portfolio.
- 所有人都应该持有切线投资组合。
- 3. Then the result set can be read and analyzed without holding any locks.
- 然后就可以直接读取和分析结果集,而不必持有任何锁。
- 4. Another one stands in front of him, holding the pill cup.
- 另一个勤杂工站在他身前,拿着装有药片的纸杯。
- 5. As Egypt moves toward holding free elections, the United States wants to be “positioned to bolster those efforts and to help in any kind of way,” he said.
- 他说,随着埃及朝着举行自由选举的方向努力,美国希望“处于一种能促进这方面的努力并以任何方式提供帮助的地位”。
- 6. Sitting in our usual parking lot, I was holding my book, watching her over the top of it.
- 我们像往常一样在那个停车场里坐着,我拿了本书,从书的上边向她望去。
- 7. Hundreds more are believed to have lost their jobs - some for holding the wrong opinions, some because their newspapers were shut down by authorities.
- 据信,还有数百人失去了工作——有些人是因为持有错误的意见,有些人是因为自己的报纸被当局查封。
- 8. You have to ask, he says: “Whose interests am I holding at the moment?
- “你必须扪心自问”他说,“此时此刻我持有的是谁的利益?
- 9. What are you holding on to?
- 你还在紧紧握住什么不放吗?
- 10. The cash does indeed get recirculated, but each time it does the deficit country winds up writing more in IOUs, and the surplus company winds up holding more IOUs.
- 按照这种方法,现金确实得到再次循环,但是每循环一次,它让逆差国家最终会写更多借据,而顺差国家最终会持有更多的借据。
- 11. But they stop us at the border, every time, holding all our loved ones hostage.
- 但是每次,他们在交界处停下来,拿着所有我们热爱的东西作为人质时。
- 12. For another, people seem to be fond of boasting off how they abide by traditions through holding grand funerals for their parents.
- 另一方面,人们似乎非常喜欢通过为父母举办豪华的葬礼来显示他们有多么遵守传统。
- 13. The woman appeared to be holding something in front of her face which is believed to be a camera.
- 这个妇女在镜头出现的时候,手上正拿着什么东西在她面前,后来知道那是一部摄相机。
- 14. If you are holding a tutorial event, then the room should be accessible.
- 如果您在举行辅导活动,那么房间应该是具有易访问性的。
- 15. For base contracts, the organization is only a holding organization with no buyers.
- 对于基础契约,该组织仅为没有买方的持有组织。
- 16. His disability prevents him from holding a job.
- 他的伤残妨碍他就业。
- 17. How you holding up?
- 你是怎么支持住的?
- 18. How you holding up?
- 你是怎么支持住的?
- 19. Fragile handle with care, eg as a warning on a container holding glass.
- 易碎--小心轻放(如容器内有玻璃的警告语).
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 20. Have women been prohibited from holding public office?
- 妇女一直被禁止担任公职吗?
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 21. When they crash, that information is often just discarded. The user is left holding the bag.
- 当它们崩溃时,信息就丢了,用户只能自认倒霉。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 22. You click the mouse button on a menu bar item to make the menu appear; then—while still holding down the button—you drag down the menu and release the mouse button on your choice.
- 你单击菜单栏的菜单项会使菜单出现,然后仍然按住鼠标按钮沿菜单下拉方向向下拖动,在选择的选项上释放鼠标。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 23. Good posture results from holding the backbone straight.
- 好的姿势是保持脊柱直的结果。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 24. While holding down the mouse button, a user can manipulate the arrow keys to move the selection up, down, left, or right—one pixel at a time.
- 维持鼠标按键按下的状态下,用户可以操控箭头键将所选对象向上、下、左或右每次移动1个像素。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 25. If the user moves the mouse away from that button while still holding the mouse button down, the onscreen button should return to its quiescent, raised state.
- 如果使用者这时把鼠标从按钮上移开,按钮就会返回到原来略微突起的状态。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 26. If, however, the user, while still holding the mouse button down, moves the cursor off the control, the pushbutton control returns to its unpushed state (though input focus is still on the control until the mouse button is released).
- 但是,如果用户在鼠标按键按下时移动光标离开控件,那么按钮控件就会回到未按状态。 尽管直到释放鼠标按键为止,输入焦点仍然在控件上。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 27. A user cannot reliably fetch a cup of coffee after telling the application to save his artwork, because he might return only to see the function incomplete and the application mindlessly holding up the process. We discuss how to eliminate these sorts of error messages in Chapter 25.
- 在告诉程序保存作品之后,用户甚至不能去拿一杯咖啡。 因为也许他返回时发现功能没有完成,程序又无意识地停下来等待了,我们会在第25章中讨论如何消除这类错误消息。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 28. On the other hand, today we have the luxury of rendering our communications interfaces in any way we please—showing pictures of our friends is completely reasonable—yet we insist on holding these concepts back with representations of obsolete technology.
- 另一方面,今天只要我们乐意,就能够奢侈地以任何方式绘制通信界面——显示朋友的照片是完全合理的——但我们仍抱着过去的观念不放,使用过时的技术来表达。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓