- 1. How do we interact with this thing?
- 我们怎样与这个东西互动?
- 2. It allows us to separate the specification of the object (how you interact with it) from the implementation.
- 它允许我们从实现中剥离对象的规范(如何与它交互)。
- 3. It is important not to have any expectations, or we might simply interact with what we think is inside us, leading to further denial.
- 不要有任何期望,这很重要,否则我们可能只是和自己以为的内心进行了互动,而导致更多的自我否定。
- 4. The connections and protocols that show how these participants interact to do so.
- 表示这些参与者如何相互作用的连接和协议同样如此。
- 5. We interact with our environment.
- 我们与环境相互影响。
- 6. With this data in the application, you simply need to display it and interact with it.
- 对于这些在应用程序中的数据,您只需要显示它以及与它交互。
- 7. An important feature of services in SOA is that they have descriptions that state clearly what they do and how to interact with them.
- SOA当中的服务有一个重要的特性,它们的描述中清楚的陈述了它们会做什么以及如何与它们交互。
- 8. Interact with readers. Readers should be the focus of any good blog.
- 和读者互动读者应该是任何好博文的焦点。
- 9. To do that, we need to describe: not only, what are the primitives, but how do we capture things legally in that language, and interact with the computer?
- 为了达到这个目的,我们需要描述:,包括程序基本的东西,以及怎么在这种语言中,做我们想做的事情并和计算机交互?
- 10. This is the service interface by which others interact with this process.
- 这是其他对象与此流程进行交互的服务接口。
- 11. This extends the current data model; it enables you to more easily capture information about all the people and entities you interact with.
- 这扩展了当前的数据模型;它使得你更容易地捕捉到关于所有与你互动的人和实体的信息。
- 12. — but seeing them together and studying how they interact should be helpful.
- —但是把它们放在一起有助于研究它们的交互方式。
- 13. Interact with the consumers, challenge and reward them.
- 和消费者互动,挑战并奖励他们。
- 14. But science itself is not enough, he added, "scientists have to interact with economists and policymakers — we need proper dialogue".
- 但是他说,科学本身是不够的,“科学家需要与经济学家和决策者互动——我们需要适当的对话”。
- 15. No matter what kind of business you have, the importance of understanding your customers and how they interact with your software cannot be overstated.
- 不管您拥有什么样的业务,理解您的客户以及他们如何与您的软件交互的重要性无论如何强调都不过分。
- 16. As voice programmers, a primary objective should be to make it simpler for users to interact by voice—particularly for those who have no choice but to use voice and ears.
- 作为语音程序员,一个主要的目标应该是让用户通过语音与计算机的交互更简单 —尤其是对那些除了用语音和耳朵之外别无选择的人。
- 17. Not only is this better for the environment, but it gives you a chance to interact more with the community.
- 这不仅是为了有更好的环境,而且给你一个机会与社会更多的互动。
- 18. While there is no ministry of film, there are many government offices that interact with the film industry.
- 美国政府虽然没有电影部,但仍有许多政府办公室从事与电影行业的互动。
- 19. What other systems interact with this system?
- 其它系统与该系统交互什么?
- 20. By allowing your visitors to interact with your site they actually create content for you.
- 允许你的游客和站点交互,他们实际上能为你建立内容。
- 21. To help reach these goals, she must design and conduct experiments to determine which molecules are involved in the enhancement process, and how they interact.
- 为到达这些研究目标,她必须设计和引导试验,判断哪个分子参与了增进过程,它们之间是如何相互作用的。
- 22. You may be able to interact with this display somewhat, but for the most part, scripts do not work because there is no server runtime.
- 可以与该显示进行一些交互,不过对于大部分内容来说,脚本是不起作用的,因为不存在任何服务器运行时。
- 23. This could involve either opening up your new systems to other applications or implementing other system interfaces to interact with it.
- 这可能涉及让您的新系统向其他应用程序公开,或实现其他系统接口来与之交互。
- 24. The book claims that people interact with computers as if the computer were a person.
- 这本书宣称,人在和电脑互动的时候,就好像电脑也是一个人。
- 25. You can then use methods on those classes and their instances to interact with the database, instead of writing SQL.
- 然后您可以使用这些类及其实例上的方法来与数据库交互,而不用编写SQL。
- 26. You can then use methods on those classes and their instances to interact with the database, instead of writing SQL.
- 然后您可以使用这些类及其实例上的方法来与数据库交互,而不用编写SQL。
- 27. As a result, thousands of clerks must interact with rigid, overbearing software under the false rubric of keeping databases from crashing.
- 作为结果,成千上万的数据录入人员不得不硬着头皮和刻板专横的软件打交道,还要顶着“数据库可能崩溃”的红色警告。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 28. This is an excellent control idiom for sovereign-posture programs with which users interact for long hours.
- 对于用户需要长时间交互的独占姿态应用程序来说,这是一个极好的常用控件。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 29. Similarly, for many medical products, patients do not directly interact with the user interface, but they have motivations and objectives that may be very different than the clinician using the product.
- 同样,对于很多医疗产品,病人并不直接使用该产品,但是他们的动机和目标可能和医生有很大的不同。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 30. To most effectively communicate the behavior and functions of a program to the people that interact with it, visual interface designers must take advantage of this innate visual processing capability.
- 视觉界面设计必须利用我们与生俱来的视觉处理能力,才能最有效地把程序行为和功能和用户联系起来。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 31. Be sure to budget travel time between interview sites, especially for consumer interviews in residential neighborhoods, or interviews that involve “shadowing” users as they interact with a (usually mobile) product while moving from place to place.
- 务必将不同访谈地点间的交通时间预算在内,尤其是在进行家访或者跟踪访问时,后者需要尾随使用移动产品(通常是手机)的用户。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 32. Controls are manipulable, self-contained screen objects through which people interact with digital products.
- 控件是使用者和数字产品进行交流的屏幕对象,它具有可操作性和自包含性。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. It seems that many developers imagine the ideal interface to be a two-way conversation with a user. However, most people don’t see it that way. Most people would rather interact with the software in the same way they interact with, say, their cars.
- 很多程序员都将理想的界面想像成与用户的两方对话,然而大部分人不是这么看的,他们更愿意与软件进行和其汽车一样的交互。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 34. The input method is the way users will interact with the product. This will be driven by the form factor and posture, as well as by your personas’ attitudes, aptitudes, and preferences.
- 输入方法是用户和产品互动的方式,同时也受到产品外形和姿态、人物角色们的态度、能力和喜好的驱使。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 35. Detailed stories of this kind are usually the best way to understand how users relate to and interact with products. Encourage stories that deal with typical cases and also more exceptional ones. Ask for a show and tell
- 这些故事是理解用户如何与产品交互和联系的最好方式之一,试着同样鼓励讲述在典型情况下和非典型情况下的故事。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 36. Direct manipulation can also be effective, but anything directly manipulable must be discoverable and big enough to interact with easily.
- 还可以运用直接操作,这也很有效。 但直接操作的对象必须足够大,必须让人容易看到,也容易操作。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓