25. "We would be remiss if we didn't acknowledge and thank Mr. Chen for his assistance and support in the negotiating process, " Kohl added.
26. At the press conference after our meeting, Kohl paid a moving tribute to Senator Fulbright, who had died shortly after midnight at the age of eighty-nine.
27. The written responses to Senator Kohl from AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile speak at length about pricing plans without getting around to the costs of conveying text messages.
28. But it was not just a question of hectoring European "partners", such as France's francois Mitterrand and Germany's Helmut Kohl, until they could stand it no longer.
29. But it was not just a question of hectoring European "partners", such as France's francois Mitterrand and Germany's Helmut Kohl, until they could stand it no longer.