- 1. South Tyneside Council says it went to court in California in an attempt to discover the identity of a blogger behind allegedly libellous statements.
- 南泰恩赛德理事会(SouthTynesideCouncil)称,他们将该网站告上加州法庭是为了查明诽谤他们理事会成员的一名用户的身份。
- 2. However, Eady did say that Google has a responsibility to block or take down content if it is notified with a legitimate complaint about libellous material.
- 虽然如此,伊迪法官明确指出,一旦收到有关诽谤性内容的法律投诉的通知,谷歌有责任阻止或删除此类内容。
- 3. Singh said the article was "libellous" and the Singapore leaders had demanded an apology, damages and costs.
- 辛格称该文章存在“诽谤”,上述新加坡领导人要求《纽约时报》道歉并作出赔偿。
- 4. You agree not to post or transmit to or from this Site any unlawful, threatening, libellous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, or other material that would violate any law.
- 您同意不在本网站张贴或传输任何非法、胁迫、中伤、诽谤、猥亵、色情及其他违反法律的内容。
- 5. Messages to be posted on the Forum must not be unlawful, threatening, libellous, abusive, vulgar, obscene, personal attack , invasive of privacy, discriminatory, or otherwise.
- 所有文章及言论均不得含有非法、胁、谤、骂、鄙、亵、人身攻击、犯他人私隐或任何歧视性的成份。
- 6. Sometimes the plaintiffs are dissidents, complaining about libellous attacks on them by state-friendly foreign media;
- 有时候,原告是一帮持不同政见者,抱怨毁他们的那帮记者都通着官府;
- 7. Sometimes the plaintiffs are dissidents, complaining about libellous attacks on them by state-friendly foreign media;
- 有时候,原告是跟政府意见不同的人,不堪忍受外国亲政媒体的诽谤。
- 8. Electoral authorities have stepped in to stop the two from making libellous attacks on each other in media ads.
- 选举管理机构已经出手干预,阻止这两位候选人在媒体广告中相互中伤。
- 9. Electoral authorities have stepped in to stop the two from making libellous attacks on each other in media ads.
- 选举管理机构已经出手干预,阻止这两位候选人在媒体广告中相互中伤。
- 10. He says that the report is libellous .
- 他说报导是诽谤性的。
-- 来源 -- law - 汉英
- 11. a libellous magazine
- 爱刊登诽谤内容的杂志.
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 12. a libellous statement
- 诽谤性的说法.
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 13. Messages to be posted on the Forum must not be unlawful, threatening, libellous, abusive, vulgar, obscene, personal attack, invasive of privacy, discriminatory, or otherwise.
- 所有文章及言论均不得含有非法、胁、谤、骂、鄙、亵、人身攻击、犯他人私隐或任何歧视性的成份。
-- 来源 -- louieshum.hkwww.com