- 1. Are customers the ones that are being left in the dark due to this new" malware of the week" hype?
- 难道仅仅是客户由于这种夸大的“本周恶意软件”的宣传被留在了黑暗当中吗?
-- 来源 -- www.antivirus-china.org.cn
- 2. It captures malware and can assist in containing and removing the infection.
- 它能够截获恶意软件并协助容纳保留之和移除之。
-- 来源 -- www.nod32club.com
- 3. Many spyware/ malware programs use filenames of usual, non-malware programs.
- 许多间谍/意程序通常使用的文件名,非恶意节目.
-- 来源 -- www.itnz.cn
- 4. Thanks to viruses, worms, Trojans, and a host of other malware and spyware that arrive on your computer daily, you need to be able to control communications from both directions.
- 由于天天到达您的电脑的病毒,蠕虫,木马,和其它恶意软件和间谍软件,你要能控制双向通信。
-- 来源 -- dx.hackbase.com
- 5. Such risks may open illicit network connections, use polymorphic tactics to self-mutate, disable security software, modify system files, and install additional malware.
- 这种风险可能公开非法网络连接,战术运用多态性自我变种,安全软件失灵,修改系统档案,并增设恶意.
-- 来源 -- bbs.mmbest.com
- 6. Case in point: The growing threat of malware infections.
- 例证:正在增长的恶意软件感染的威胁。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供
- 7. Malware running in full-kernel mode performs all tasks within the kernel layer.
- 运行于完全内核模式的恶意软件在内核层执行所有任务。
-- 来源 -- endurer.blogchina.com
- 8. Malware is malicious code or software secretly inserted into a system to compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the data or applications residing on the network.
- 恶意软件是秘密地插入系统、及网络中的数据或应用程序的保密性,完整性或可用性的恶意代码或软件。
-- 来源 -- endurer.blogchina.com
- 9. The innocence of humans[ gullibility?] that allows criminals to trick them into installing malware on their machines, responding to phishing attacks, etc.
- 人的纯真[受骗?]受罪犯哄骗而在机器上安装恶意软件,响应网络钓鱼攻击,等等。
-- 来源 -- endurer.blogchina.com
- 10. Site Guard( Anti-Phishing) prevents your browser from going to web sites that either install malware onto your computer or masquerade as legitimate businesses or eCommerce sites, which could steal your personal information.
- 站点防护工具(钓鱼)于阻止您的浏览器登录那些将在您计算机上安装恶意软件的网站或为窃取您的私人信息而伪装成合法的商务或电子商务站点。
-- 来源 -- www.cpcfan.com