- 1. They divined metal on the mountain.
- 他们用占卜杖在山上探测金属。
- 2. Does that metal pit after contact with acid?
- 那种金属同酸接触后是否会起凹点?
- 3. You have to file away for hours to get this metal smooth.
- 你要想你这块金属光滑,必须用锉刀不停地锉上几小时。
- 4. The rain drummed loudly on the metal roof.
- 雨点敲击金属屋顶,发出很大的声响。
- 5. Do you like this metal material?
- 您喜欢这种金属材料吗?
- 6. They consist of silicon, sand and metal so there’s no any connection to dinosaurs … Besides, we may see corrosion on some of them.
- 它们是由硅砂和金属构成的,和恐龙蛋没有任何关系……除此之外,我们还能看到它们上面的腐蚀的部分。
- 7. That piece of metal in her back hurts almost all the time.
- 后背里的那条金属棒一直让她隐隐作痛。
- 8. Neither do I have a profitable metal or oil company, so there is nothing to take away.
- 也没有盈利的金属或石油公司,因此没有什么东西可从我这里拿走。
- 9. They serve it in little metal cups and strew rose leaves upon it.
- 他们以小巧的金属杯子盛酒,并在上头撒上玫瑰花瓣。
- 10. Materials containing chlorine or metal should therefore not be incinerated.
- 因此,含氯或金属的材料不应当被焚烧。
- 11. The gas cools off enough for the metal, rock and (far enough from the forming star) ice to condense out into tiny particles.
- 气体冷却到能够让金属、岩石和(离正在形成的星星足够远的)冰凝结成小微粒。
- 12. This time we want to show you very interesting metal sculptures and jewelry.
- 这次我想要为您展示特别有趣的金属雕刻和首饰。
- 13. In throwing the weight, the competitor hurls a metal ball on the end of a long, thick chain and handle in an attempt to get it as high and far as possible.
- 在投秤锤时,比赛者猛掷一个固着于一根长而粗的链条一段的金属球,目的是为了把它掷的尽可能高和远。另一个高地游戏活动是掷铁锤。
- 14. We have fast reactors which use a liquid metal in the form of sodium or perhaps lead.
- 我们有高速中子反应堆,那使用一个液态金属,以钠或者铅的形式。
- 15. Some canopies have narrow strips of metal or wood to provide either sunlight or shade, depending on the position of the sun.
- 一些大棚使用窄长的金属或木质长条制成,根据太阳的位置,既可以提供日照,也可以提供荫凉。
- 16. We deal with the weather, which is something most people don’t do, as they’re cut off from the world in their glass and metal boxes.
- 我们直接应付天气,这是很多人一直在逃避的,他们会把自己关在玻璃和金属做的箱子里与外界隔绝。
- 17. First a hunk of metal; then a robot.
- 先有一大块金属;然后一个机器人。
- 18. But Sergio has only one percent the metal content of our Sun.
- 但是“赛吉奥”的金属含量只有太阳的百分之一。
- 19. With Nyotaimori the woman can be your plate and, in eating off her while she plays dead, you can prod your metal chopsticks all over her naked form.
- 而女体盛则直接让女人给你当盘子,你可以一边吃吃喝喝,一边看她怎么装死,你还可以用金属筷子在她的光身子上捅来捅去。
- 20. They rarely take physical delivery of raw materials and have no effect on the actual production and consumption of metal, grain or oil.
- 他们很少对原材料进行实物交割,因此并没有对金属、谷物和原油的实际生产和消费产生什么影响。
- 21. Uneasily, he placed the fish in the drawer of an old metal filing cabinet.
- 他浑身不自在地把鱼放进一个老式金属文件柜的抽屉里。
- 22. Then they ripped radiators and pipes from the walls and sold them to scrap dealers, who then sold the metal in China.
- 然后又从墙上据开暖气片和管道并把它们卖给碎片商人,这些商人又把金属卖给中国。
- 23. Then they ripped radiators and pipes from the walls and sold them to scrap dealers, who then sold the metal in China.
- 然后又从墙上据开暖气片和管道并把它们卖给碎片商人,这些商人又把金属卖给中国。
- 24. A hammer has a metal head and a wooden or metal handle.
- 锤子有个金属的头,一个木质的或金属的把柄。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 25. The actual mechanism includes hydraulic cylinders, tubing, and metal pads that squeeze on a perforated disk, but we simplify all that out of our minds, creating a more effective, albeit less accurate, mental model.
- 而实际的机制包括液压缸、油管,以及压挤多孔盘的金属垫板。 想像中我们简化了这一切,我们创造了虽不精确、但更有效的心理模型。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 26. Metal type has been replaced by photocomposition.
- 金属活字为照相排版所代替。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 27. An oven thermometer uses a metal strip.
- 加热炉用金属丝作为温度计。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 28. A solution envisaged for this problem consists in coating the metal hydrides.
- 解决这个问题的方法是把双金属包覆起来。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. Export barriers have been erected specifically to reduce the price of metal.
- 设立出口关卡,目的在于降低金属废品的价格。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 30. "Clearly," replied the major; "but what metal do you calculate on employing?"
- “这是很明显的,”少校说,“但是,你们准备用什么金属呢?”
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 31. In the hardware world, controls like pushbuttons that have mechanical contacts can exhibit what engineers call bounce, which means that the tiny metal contacts of the switch literally bounce when someone presses them.
- 在硬件方面,像按钮那样的控件有机械接触时就会表现出工程师称之为“颤动”的特性。 即当有人按压开关的小金属触点,它们就会颤动。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 32. Typewriters used little metal tabs to slew the carriage rapidly over several spaces until it came to rest on a particular column.
- 打字机使用小小的金属制表键,在有多处空格时快速跳转直至达到特定的栏。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. Just because your car is constructed of welded metal parts doesn’t mean that you must be skilled with a welding torch to drive it.
- 虽然汽车是由金属部件焊接构成,但并不意味着你必须熟练掌握焊接技术才能开车。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓