- 1. So the question is misleading from the start.
- 所以这个问题从一开始就令人误解。
- 2. In addition, the researchers note that the statement gives the misleading impression that all children with autism are known to have different genetic defects.
- 另外,研究者们指出陈述给出了令人误解的印象就是所有患孤独症的孩子都被认识到有不一样的遗传缺陷。
- 3. They may have some success putting their plans together by relying on intuition and experience, but both can be misleading in a rapidly changing marketing world.
- 他们或许通过组合营销计划,依赖于直觉和经验取得了某种成功,但两者都可能在瞬息万变的营销市场中误入歧途。
- 4. The notion that the regime relies on or is controlled by an inner core of Alawi security barons is misleading.
- 有人认为叙利亚政权依靠或是被阿拉维派核心的秘密贵族控制,这个观点使人误解。
- 5. When measuring your own production server using just CPU and transactions, be sure to exercise caution, because these numbers can be misleading over an extended time period.
- 当仅使用CPU和事务度量您自己的生产服务器时,要确保小心操作,因为经过一段扩展时期后这些数值可能会令人费解。
- 6. However, this is only one – misleading – side of the story.
- 然而,这只是这个故事的——有误导性的——一面。
- 7. But they can be misleading for the same reason.
- 但是它们也可能因为同样的理由被误解。
- 8. But the statistics are misleading because they do not count "free overtime".
- 但是统计数据是不准确的,因为并未计入"免费加班"。
- 9. He complains that the statement on uncertainties is also misleading because it does not reveal that uncertainties about future climate projections are, in his view, immense.
- 他抱怨说,对于不确定性的声明也是误导,因为它没有披露出未来气候预测中的不确定性,在他看来那是巨大的。
- 10. I don’t know the source of these reports but they are both misleading to the public and unfair to me.
- 我不知道这类报道从哪里传出来的,但是这类消息不仅误导公众,而且对我也不公平。
- 11. The official has since been punished for "misleading" Yang and her husband.
- 后来该官员由于“误导”杨水英和她丈夫而受到处罚。
- 12. However, I would also like to remind you that you should verify what you reports and sources they come from to avoid misleading the talks and resulting in misunderstandings.
- 同时我也想提醒大家,在今后的报道中,能尽量对消息加以证实,以免对会谈产成一些不必要的误导,使有关方面产生误解。
- 13. The samples could be misleading. But perhaps they reveal a recent change in Indian attitudes towards the value of daughters.
- 这些样本也有可能在误导我们,但它们可能揭示了印度人重视女孩的态度改变。
- 14. If the remote view contains a complex query, using table-level statistics such as the cardinality for the nickname over the view can be misleading.
- 如果远程视图包含一个复杂的查询,那么使用表级统计信息(例如视图昵称的基数)可能使人产生误解。
- 15. Others have wondered whether the choice of a white dress is perhaps misleading, while others make the inevitable puns: “They make a lovely pair” seems to be the most common.
- 有人怀疑选择白色婚纱是否可能具有误导性,而其他人则习惯性地用双关语插科打诨:最常见的好像是“他们真是天生一对啊”。
- 16. I began teaching classes online 10 years ago, but the term “online” is misleading.
- 10年前我开始在网上教学,但是“网络”这一形式误导了我们。
- 17. They say that these surprising ideas have passed every experimental test to which they have been put, but that is misleading in a way that is unfortunately typical of the authors.
- 他们说,这些令人惊奇的观点已经过每一个试验验证才会被表述出来,但是以这种方式表述却不幸成为了作者的典型形象,这不啻是一种误导。
- 18. The term "dynamic AOP" is sometimes used to describe hot deployment, but note that this term can be misleading since all of the AOP tools support dynamic join point models.
- 有时用术语“动态AOP”来描述热部署,但是请注意,这个术语可能会造成误导,因为所有的AOP工具都支持动态连接点模型。
- 19. If so, the gloomy predictions of absolute American decline will turn out to be as misleading as similar predictions in decades past.
- 假如是这样,那些美国绝对会衰落的悲观预测,就如过去几十年中产生的类似预测误导一样。
- 20. The question and the initial brief answer might be misleading here.
- 这一问题与开头简单的回答可能会产生误导。
- 21. They are highly misleading, to say the least.
- 他们是高度误导的,至少可以这样说。
- 22. We consider that the content of this film is very much misleading and full of racism.
- 我们认为这部电影的内容非常具有误导性,完全是种族主义的。
- 23. A second problem is what I was talking about immediately before this is some of our data are misleading so we get a lot of the information about the world from the media.
- 刻板印象的另一个问题是,我刚才就讲了,我们接收到的有些信息是误导人的,我们能接收到这个世界很多信息,从媒体上接收到。
- 24. A second problem is what I was talking about immediately before this is some of our data are misleading so we get a lot of the information about the world from the media.
- 刻板印象的另一个问题是,我刚才就讲了,我们接收到的有些信息是误导人的,我们能接收到这个世界很多信息,从媒体上接收到。
- 25. I would put out misleading wireless signals, send false intelligence reports, dispose my troops in a misleading fashion.
- 我要发送欺骗性无线电信号和假情报,把部队部署成迷惑敌人的阵势。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 26. Misleading advertisements are prohibited by law.
- 骗人的广告为法律所禁止。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 27. a misleading description
- 使人产生误解的描述
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 28. Judging by appearances can be misleading.
- 凭外表下判断是会误事的.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. Reliance upon natural epidemics may be both time-consuming and misleading.
- 依靠天然的流行既浪费时间,又会引入歧途。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 30. Their incautious use can lead to wholly misleading results.
- 他们轻易的应用将会得到错误的结论。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 31. It sometimes becomes that these accounts are misleading.
- 这些说法有时会引起误解。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 32. It is misleading to refer to the principle as an "energy theorem".
- 将功的定理称为“能量定理”是会使人误解的。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 33. In comparisons of this type the sole use of performance data can be misleading.
- 在这类比较中单使用生产性能数据就会使人误解。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 34. The idea that metaphors are a firm foundation for user-interface design is misleading.
- 隐喻是用户界面设计的坚实基础,这种观念是一种误导。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓