- 1. In your book, you talk about the importance of tethering China to a multilateral system.
- 《华尔街日报》:你在书中谈到将中国纳入一个多边体系的重要性?
- 2. Earlier this week, in Bern, I brought together the chief executives of the UN agencies and leading multilateral aid and development organizations.
- 本星期初,我在伯尔尼召开了联合国各机构和主要多边援助和发展组织行政首长会议。
- 3. Prior to that, he was Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia in Geneva and in this capacity served as the principal counterpart to WHO and other multilateral health institutions.
- 在这之前,他是俄罗斯驻日内瓦常驻副代表,在这一职位上,他是世卫组织和其它多边卫生机构的主要联系人。
- 4. We should strengthen confidence in multilateral trade systems and provide strong support for the Doha Round talks.
- 我们应该坚定对多边贸易体制的信心,对多哈回合谈判给予强有力支持。
- 5. They build on a range of unilateral and multilateral sanctions against Iranian industry and banks.
- 他们对于伊朗工业和银行建立了一系列单边和多边制裁。
- 6. Tactically, Mr Trump has little time for the multilateral bodies that govern everything from security to trade to the environment.
- 战术上,特朗普没有给管理着从安全到贸易再到环境等一切事务的多边机构多少时间。
- 7. According to the senator, there are only three ways to resolve the said dispute: by war, adjudication or multilateral or bilateral agreements.
- 根据这位参议员的看法,只有三种解决争议的方法:战争,裁决,多边或者双边协议。
- 8. China signed a multilateral agreement on tax matters as a part of efforts to share tax information of multinational companies to fight international tax avoidance.
- 近日,我国签署了一项多边税收协议,作为共享跨国企业涉税信息从而打击国际避税行为的努力的一部分。
- 9. The party supports multilateral disarmament.
- 该党支持多边裁军。
- 10. The idea is to create a new high standard for multilateral free trade, and to use the promise of access to new markets to encourage nations to raise their standards and join.
- 我们的想法是为多边自由贸易制定一个新的高标准,并以准入新市场的承诺来鼓励各国提高自己的标准和参与其中。
- 11. "The multilateral treaty will have a more binding force and lay a legal foundation for good-neighborly ties among the member states, " Chen said.
- 他还表示。:“这个多边条约将会有更大的约束力,并为成员国之间的友好的睦邻关系打下坚实的法律基础。
- 12. For example unctad had been working on competition policy for many years on the basis of its set of multilateral agreed equitable principles and rules.
- 例如,贸发会议多年来一直在根据其多边商定的公平原则和规定开展有关竞争政策的工作。
- 13. I am deeply convinced that this meeting will have a positive impact on our bilateral and multilateral relations.
- 我深信,这次会议将对我们的双边和多边关系产生积极的影响。
- 14. China has acceded to almost all inter-governmental international organizations and more than 400 international multilateral treaties so far.
- 中国迄今已加入几乎所有政府间国际组织和400多项国际多边条约。
- 15. This responsibility could be satisfied, for example, through appropriate bilateral or multilateral agreements or contribution-based systems.
- 例如,此义务可通过适当的双边或多边协定或建立在付费基础上的制度来履行。
- 16. The china expedite the army of protecting the peace and the medicinal procession to congo expedite the emergent succors participate in and impel the international multilateral cooperate.
- 中国相继对刚果等国派出维和部队和医疗队向阿尔及利亚派出紧急救援工作队积极参与和推动国际多边合作。
- 17. There should not be more attempts to hijack this multilateral process, which represents our best hope to achieve final results.
- 这个多边的谈判进程代表了我们取得最终结果的最好愿望,不应该有更多的劫持企图。
- 18. At the moment he (Trump) has given away multilateral (agreements) so the U. S. has no longer a leadership role using the economic lever in Southeast Asia.
- 川普现在已经放弃了多边协议,所以美国不再是一个在东南亚利用经济杠杆的领导角色。
- 19. In this sense, it is a multilateral organization.
- 从这个意义上说,世贸组织是多边机构。
- 20. We must energize trade and investment to drive growth, make free trade arrangements more open and inclusive and uphold the multilateral trading regime.
- 要重振贸易和投资的引擎作用,增强自由贸易安排开放性和包容性,维护多边贸易体制。
- 21. Further, and actively participate in the multilateral diplomacy international cooperation.
- 深入开展多边外交,积极参加国际合作。
- 22. China and the United States commit to development finance cooperation in a third country through the multilateral development banks, respecting the ownership of the recipient countries.
- 中美双方承诺在尊重受援国所有权的前提下,通过多边开发银行在第三国开展发展融资合作。
- 23. Both the Doha Ministerial Conference and the Cancun Ministerial Conference concur that the multilateral trade system yields to environmental issues.
- 多哈会谈及坎昆部长会议则再次显示多边贸易体制在向环境保护问题妥协。
- 24. We will continue to take an active part in multilateral affairs, assume our due international obligations, play a constructive role, and work to make the international order fairer and more equitable.
- 我们将继续积极参与多边事务,承担相应国际义务,发挥建设性作用,推动国际秩序朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。
- 25. A multilateral nuclear test ban treaty was to be signed.
- 将签署一项禁止核试验的多边条约。
- 26. For a number of years now, negotiators seem to have been operating under the assumption that single undertaking agreements are the normal way of negotiating in the multilateral system.
- 多年以来,谈判看来已经在这样的假设下运转,即个别承诺协议是多边体系中谈判的常态方式。
- 27. It said Rudd, a Mandarin-speaking former diplomat who was once posted to Beijing, argued for "multilateral engagement with bilateral vigour" in China.
- 电报中说,这位能讲一口普通话的前驻北京外交官敦促在面对中国时,要“双边问题,多边参与”。
- 28. The IMF also said it was making progress on resolving global trade imbalances through its "multilateral surveillance" process.
- IMF同时表示,该组织在通过其“多边监督”程序解决全球贸易失衡问题方面,正在取得进展。
- 29. Deeply engaging in and shaping processes of multilateral diplomacy.
- 深入参与和引导多边外交进程。
- 30. Deeply engaging in and shaping processes of multilateral diplomacy.
- 深入参与和引导多边外交进程。
- 31. ANNEX 1A: Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods
- 附件1A 货物贸易多边协定
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 32. investment insurance
- "投资保险,亦见 multilateral inverstment insurance"
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 经济
- 33. Global system of multilateral trade
- 全球多边贸易体系
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例
- 34. multilateral negotiations
- 多边谈判
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 35. ? 第二,战后随着多边外交的兴起,有更广泛的政府部门参与到对外事务的处理中来,比如:产业、空、境、运、关、生、育和体育。
- Second, the growth of post-war multilateral diplomacy has seen periodic involvement of a wider range of ministries with some involvement in external relations, such as industry, aviation, environment, shipping, customs, health, education and sport.
-- 来源 -- www.rykaoyan.com
- 36. (B) Multilateral Trade Agreements
- (B) 多边贸易协定
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 37. Article 5 Multilateral Agreements on Acquisition or Maintenance of Protection
- 第五条 获得或维持保护的多边协议
-- 来源 -- law - 汉英
- 38. extensively carry out multilateral and bilateral economic and trade cooperation;
- 深入开展多、双边经贸合作;
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 39. .Acting as a forum for multilateral trade negotiations;
- ·充当多边贸易谈判的论坛;
-- 来源 -- economy - 汉英
- 40. Agriculture trade policy issues have, however, been largely excluded from earlier multilateral trade negotiations.
- 但在以往的多边贸易谈判中,农产品贸易政策问题大部分没有涉及。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句