- 1. I must have notice when you want me to do the work.
- 如果你要我做这件事,你必须先通知我。
- 2. Notice that each level only communicates with the level above or below.
- 注意每个层次仅仅与它上面或者下面的过程传递信息。
- 3. Do you notice your age when you are with others like at a reunion of some kind?
- 在某些场合的重逢中你与其他人在一起的时候你会注意到你的年龄?。
- 4. This kind of new energy should cause our notice.
- 这种新能源应该引起我们的注意。
- 5. She did not notice the man until he moved into her path.
- 直到那个男人拦住她的去路,她才注意到他。 。
- 6. Did you notice where I put it?
- 你注意到我把它放在哪儿了吗?。
- 7. The volunteers did not notice this, but the brain did.
- 志愿者没有注意到这一点,但大脑做到了。
- 8. Did you notice anyone take the book away?
- 你有没有注意到谁拿走了那本书?
- 9. So when I notice something goes wrong I know what to do to get back in the flow.
- 所以,当我注意到有问题了,我知道做些什么回到那个流动中。
- 10. You notice I said if you want it.
- 请注意我说,如果你愿意的话。
- 11. They took no notice of what she said.
- 他们没有注意听她说些什么。
- 12. He tore down the notice.
- 他把布告揭了下来。
- 13. I thought I was the only one notice this.
- 回复博主:我认为我是唯一注意到这个情况的人。
- 14. May we once more remind you that the contract should be cancelled by one month notice.
- 请允许我们再次提醒您,双方应在取消合同一个月前进行通知。
- 15. Notice how you can stick any type of data into any variable.
- 注意您如何可以将任意类型的数据赋给任意变量。
- 16. Notice the subject. Here , we should use the Passive Voice instead of Active Voice.
- 注意句子的主语,这里我们应该用被动语态来代替主动语态。
- 17. Notice what emotions arise within you.
- 注意到在你内心升起的情绪。
- 18. In fact you should notice that your creative powers increase the more that you use self hypnosis, as your mind becomes more accustomed to using its creative powers.
- 事实上,你应该会注意到,当你使用自我催眠的时候,你的思想越习惯使用创造力,那么你的创造力就会增加更多。
- 19. Notice the increase in people looking at the headline and text.
- 注意人们在看向标题和文字的方向增长。
- 20. Notice the structure of the message .
- 请注意这个消息的结构。
- 21. But her voice is far from the first thing you would notice if you bumped into her in the street.
- 但如果你在街上与她偶遇,她的声音绝对不会是你第一件注意到的事。
- 22. You notice I use the word feel a bit in this post.
- 你也许注意到,我在本文中用了很多次“感受”这个词。
- 23. I notice she says nothing about a fear of snakes.
- 我注意到她对关于蛇的恐惧只字不提。
- 24. Did you notice anything missing from the list?
- 你注意到这个列表里少了什么吗??
- 25. I should have dressed myself more formally tonight. I wish nobody would notice my presence!
- 今晚我本该穿得更正式些的。真希望没有人会注意到我的存在!
- 26. Notice you only see plus signs here.
- 注意,这里你们只会看到加号。
- 27. Notice the flow of energy as you follow the chart.
- 在你顺着表格往下看时,注意能量的流动。
- 28. Notice the flow of energy as you follow the chart.
- 在你顺着表格往下看时,注意能量的流动。
- 29. Notice how the scenario remains at a fairly high level, without getting too specific about interfaces or technologies.
- 需要注意到的是,这里场景剧本处于较高的层次,并没有涉及太具体的有关界面和技术的信息。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 30. Also notice the unfortunate use of horizontal scrollbars in all list fields.
- 不过,注意所有的列表域遗憾地使用了水平滚动条。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 31. Looking at this list, you also may notice that “platform” is not an entirely well-defined concept.
- 看看这个长长的列表,你可能也注意到了“平台”并不完全是一个精确定义的概念。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 32. Eventually, the user stops to think, and the application will have time to scan the whole disk. The user won’t even notice.
- 终于用户停下来思考,而程序已经有了足够的时间扫描整个硬盘,用户甚至不会注意到。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. Eventually, he will notice these visual hints and will wonder about their meaning.
- 最后他会注意到这些视觉提示的存在,也会疑惑其含义。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 34. People unconsciously perform this decision-set reduction, but software can take notice and act upon it.
- 人们在无意中缩小决策集合,但软件可以记录这些决策集合,并且遵照它行事。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 35. More experienced users, with more confidence in their understanding and control of the application, will begin to notice these controls and wonder about their purpose.
- 更有经验的用户在理解和控制程序方面会更有信心,会开始注意到这些控件,而对它们的目的感到好奇。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 36. The first-time user won’t even notice such artifacts, let alone understand them, because of the subtle way they are shown on the screen.
- 因为它们在屏幕上微妙的显示方式,第1次使用的新用户不会注意到这些结果,更不必理解它们。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 37. Users will likely notice a delay, but it is small enough for their thought processes to stay uninterrupted.
- 用户会注意到延迟,然而这个延迟对他们来说很小,他们仍然认为任务的过程没被打断。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 38. Notice how each item isn’t rendered as a distinct button until the mouse cursor passes over it.
- 可以看到,每个按钮并没有被绘制成具有明显的按钮特征,只有当光标处于它上方时才显现出来。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓