- 1. The test objective of probation period makes it different from novitiate and apprentice period.
- 试用期所具有的“实验性”目的使其区别于见习期和学徒期。
- 2. In 1223 Pope Honorius III issued a bull that constituted the Friars Minor a formal order and instituted a one-year novitiate .
- 在1223年何诺三发表了牛市构成的天主教方济会的正式秩序,并制定了为期一年的见习。
- 3. Dobbs Ferry - A castle-like ruin of the long-gone St. Cabrini Novitiate.
- 多布斯码头-像断送了消失已久的圣卡布里尼见习城堡。
- 4. We concluded that PBL teaching model should be promoted in the course of Ob& Gyn Hospita novitiate for medical students.
- 实践证明,在妇产科学临床见习中PBL教学模式是一种值得推广的教学模式。
- 5. In 1974 the church spent $1.1 million for an old Jesuit novitiate in Oregon.
- 1974年,教会在俄勒冈州花110万美元买下了一个古老的耶稣会修道院。
- 6. Yet admission to the order was only granted to adults, and after a novitiate which lasted three years.
- 尚未加入该命令只授予成人,见习后,历时三年。
- 7. An entrance procedure requiring a three-year novitiate and solemn vows ensured a committed membership.
- 入口的程序,需要一个三年期见习和庄严的誓言确保了承诺的成员。
- 8. Your novitiate would even then be long and exhausting.
- 即使如此,你的适应期也将漫长而辛苦。
- 9. And yet in the changes that time has brought about there are already many things that can help our timid novitiate.
- 可是在时代的变更中已经有些事,对于我们小心翼翼的开端能有所帮助了。
- 10. And yet in the changes that time has brought about there are already many things that can help our timid novitiate.
- 可是在时代的变更中已经有些事,对于我们小心翼翼的开端能有所帮助了。
- 11. The air of assurance and dignity about it all was exceedingly noticeable to the novitiate.
- 这里的一切都显得大方而庄重,初来乍到的人尤其能感到这一点。
-- 来源 -- 英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹 - jialimeimei004-1
- 12. "The novitiate and infirmary were housed in a Building with its own chapel, Bathhouse, dining hall, kitchen, and garden. In the 12th-13th century, many abbeys were Built throughout Europe, especially in France. "
- 见习修士的住房和医务室另外安排在一栋建筑里,有专用的小教堂、浴室、饭厅、厨房和花园等。12~13世纪欧洲各地建造了许多大修道院,特别是在法国。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 工程
- 13. "Vance led the way through lanes of shining tables, at which were seated parties of two, three, four, five, or six. The air of assurance and dignity about it all was exceedingly noticeable to the novitiate."
- 万斯领头穿过一排排亮闪闪的餐桌,每张桌上用餐的有两至六人不等。这里的一切都显得大方而庄重,初来乍到的人尤其能感到这一点。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 文学