- 1. Or did the festival over-react by failing to take his remarks in context?
- 又或者是因为电影节的组委会没能理解他的话而反应过度?
- 2. In an interview on Monday, Clinton said the US should not over-react to North Korean provocation.
- 希拉里在周一接受采访时表示,美国不应该对朝鲜的挑衅过度反应。
- 3. If they were emailing with someone that was requesting strange things that made them uncomfortable, would they tell you because they know you would "over-react" and make a big deal out of it?
- 如果他们和某个人互发邮件,这个人要求孩子们做他们觉得不舒服的事情,孩子们会不会因为他们知道你将会“反应过度强烈”,并且胡乱猜测地大喊大叫而告诉你这件事呢?
- 4. They say some bacteria are necessary for bolstering our immune systems, and without them our bodies over-react to dust and pollen, resulting in an allergy.
- 某些细菌对增强人体免疫力至关重要。没有细菌,我们会对灰尘、花粉极度敏感,产生过敏现象。
- 5. Just remember, others could be trying to "set you up" just so you over-react & look like a fool... So play it cool.
- 要记住,别人可能就是想要你出丑,所以要保持冷静。
- 6. Oh darling, you do over-react to everything, so. Here we are!
- 哦,亲爱的,你对所有事都总是反应过度,真的。来了!
- 7. It absolutely amazes me how many people over-react to receiving email SPAM.
- 它甚感诧异多少人反应过度收到电子邮件垃圾邮件。
- 8. Very often, we negatively over-react to, or "read" too much into, what people say or do.
- 消极地对他人的所言所行过度敏感或是“读”得太深对我们来说是寻常事。
- 9. President Ma urged the country not to over-react in the face of this massive bloodletting on the stock exchange, emphasizing that the fundamentals of the economy is quite sound.
- 马总统呼吁国人对于股市重挫勿过度反应,强调国内的经济基本面相当健全。
- 10. The most important thing is not to over-react or be distracted by stories designed to unsettle the club.
- 最重要的是不要反应过度,或者被那些有意破坏俱乐部关系的报道干扰。
- 11. In the model, herding behavior is able to lead investors to over-react to the information, and the market presents excess volatility;
- 模型中,羊群行为会造成投资者对信息过度反应,从而使市场表现为过度波动;
- 12. From the quantum view, I am on the high level of emotional energy today, which could cause severe future over-react behavior responded from the new environmental information.
- 从量子的角度讲,我今天正在情感能级的很高级,这个事实会引发严重的未来过激的行为,而这种行为又是对新的环境中的信息的反应。
- 13. Lynn Perry Parker, an employment attorney in Rockville, Maryland, suggests that you try to keep a sense of humor and not over-react, which could possibly jeopardize the employment relationship.
- Maryland的就业律师LynnPerryParker建议你可以保持幽默,并且不要反应过度,因为反应过度会破坏雇佣关系。
- 14. "people can easily over-react when they are afraid, " she said "there are people who lack awareness. "
- 人们在过度恐惧时往往反映过度,“她说,”确实存在缺乏知识的人。
- 15. The most important thing is not to over-react or be distracted by stories designed to unsettle the club.
- 或者被那些有意破坏俱乐部关系的报道干扰。
- 16. Just remember, others could be trying to "set you up" just so you over-react & look like a fool…
- 要记住,别人可能就是想要你出丑,所以要保持冷静。
- 17. She’s looking to see how you react -- if you’ll roll over and show your belly: “Yeah, this shirt is kinda ugly.
- 她在试图看你如何反应——如果你被她的话而左右,告诉她:“是啊,这件衬衫是有点难看。
- 18. When investors hear the number -- hundreds of thousands of dollars for some, over a million for others -- their default reaction is to not react.
- 当投资者听到数字——有些是几十万美元,有的是100多万美元——他们的默认反应是无反应。
- 19. After bending over too far backward, they react, going from give-give-give to stubborn resistance.
- 当他们弯过头了,他们会反弹,从给-给-给到顽固抗拒。
- 20. But should bosses react in the same manner as parents, in that over-sensitive way we all know so well?
- 可老板们是否应该以同父母一样的方式做出反应,以那种我们都非常熟悉的过于敏感的方式?
- 21. Sooner or later the UN Security Council will again vote for a NO-FLY ZONE over Jammu and Kashmir- well it will be too late for India to react!
- 迟早,安理会会在查谟和喀什米尔再次投票,设立禁飞区,那时,印度要做出反应,已经太迟了!
- 22. American and South Korean war planners still work each day to refine how they would react if North Korea’s 1.2 million-man army poured over the Demilitarized Zone, 1950s-style.
- 如果1百20万人北韩军队象1950年代一样冲进非军事区,应对的措施是什么,美国和南韩的战争策划者每天还在完善中。
- 23. American and South Korean war planners still work each day to refine how they would react if North Korea’s 1.2 million-man army poured over the Demilitarized Zone, 1950s-style.
- 如果1百20万人北韩军队象1950年代一样冲进非军事区,应对的措施是什么,美国和南韩的战争策划者每天还在完善中。
- 24. She tends to over-react when things go wrong.
- 事情一有差错她往往反应过激.
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 25. The most important thing is not to over-react or be distracted by stories designed to unsettle the club. This is our time.
- 最重要的是不要反应过度,或者被那些有意破坏俱乐部关系的报道干扰。该看我们的了。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供