- 1. Why is autocracy so persistent in this part of the world?
- 为什么在世界的这个地方独裁如此持续存在?
- 2. If you really can’t find any, at least the experience teaches you to be persistent in any situation.
- 如果你实在学不到什么东西,至少这种体验可以教给你在任何情况下都要坚持。
- 3. So do not make the messages persistent if the business need does not exist.
- 因此,如果不存在这种业务需求,就不要将消息变成持久消息。
- 4. Some of us believe that the elections were less about spending than they were about persistent high unemployment, but whatever.
- 我们有些人认为比起财政支出,持久的高失业率才是真正左右选举的关键因素,但这些都无所谓。
- 5. We calmly abide with the insight and the feelings it evokes, in this case, the feeling of our persistent relationship with the universe: our co-dependence.
- 我们冷静地跟随它唤起的洞察和感想,在这种情况下,我们能感受到我们和宇宙的持久关系:我们的共同依赖。
- 6. Here, I have chosen the filesystem as the mechanism to keep the counter persistent.
- 这里,我选择使用文件系统作为保持计数器持久的机制。
- 7. We intend to utilize this knowledge to focus future efforts on overcoming persistent challenges and obstacles.
- 我们计划利用这一知识侧重于今后克服持续的挑战和障碍的工作上。
- 8. Service providers also often need access to persistent data for use in their implementation designs.
- 服务提供者通常也需要访问持久的数据,用于它们的执行设计。
- 9. As you might remember from Part 1, I discussed some of the differences between working and persistent storage.
- 也许您还记得第1部分中的内容,我曾介绍了工作和持久存储之间的区别。
- 10. In what area of your spiritual growth do you need to be more patient and persistent?
- 在精神和心灵成长的哪个方面你还需要更多的耐心和坚持呢?
- 11. Both the scheduling node and the execution nodes maintain persistent information about the state of their jobs.
- 调度节点和执行节点都要维持关于它们的作业状态的持久信息。
- 12. This means that, there are strategically ‘core’ and ‘non-core’ resources and capabilities in a firm, of which only core competences make significant persistent differences.
- 这意味着,在公司内存在战略上的“核心”与“非核心”资源与能力,只有那些核心竞争力产生显著而持续的差异。
- 13. For example, a need can be: "Data should be persistent".
- 例如,一个需求可以是:"数据必须是持久的"。
- 14. All of us admire their persistent efforts.
- 我们都很钦佩他们坚持不懈的努力。
- 15. Using this approach, the entire application logic could be stored in the same persistent storage as the data.
- 使用这种方法,整个应用程序逻辑将作为数据被保存在相同的持久存储中。
- 16. The persistent tendency of designers to do this is captured in the joke designers tell about themselves.
- 从设计师谈论自己的玩笑中可以窥见他们持续提“白痴问题”的这种倾向。
- 17. From a performance point of view this is why it is important that ALL applications process persistent messages within a unit of work.
- 从性能角度来说,正是由于这个原因,才务必让所有的应用程序在工作单元内处理持久消息。
- 18. It can work well, but if the person is persistent, you can’t ignore them for long.
- 它能很凑效,但是如果对方很固执的话,那么你不可能忽视他很久。
- 19. Therefore, you should use a persistent device path.
- 因此,应该使用持久的设备路径。
- 20. Of course, requester applications require persistent state between service invocations, but this should be separate from the service provider.
- 当然,请求者应用程序需要服务调用之间的持久状态,但是这不应该与服务提供者分开。
- 21. This persistent stress can lead to health problems, such as headaches and insomnia.
- 这种持续的压力可能会导致健康上的问题,如头痛和失眠。
- 22. A persistence context is a set of managed entity instances in which, for any persistent entity identity, there is a unique entity instance.
- 持久性上下文是一组托管实体实例,其中对于任何持久实体标识,都存在一个唯一的实体实例。
- 23. Obviously, each Destination has to have at least one persistent store in order to save its contents and its context data.
- 显而易见,每个目的地必须至少有一个持久存储区,以便保存其内容及其内容数据。
- 24. Such a message needs to be part of the persistent and pervasive message on all these tactical activities.
- 这种信息需要作为对所有这些战术活动的持久且普遍深入的信息的一部分。
- 25. The source data must be consolidated into a single persistent target to address those challenges by integrating the data into a common and consistent format.
- 必须将源数据整合到单个持久的目标,以便通过将这些数据集成为公共的和一致的格式来解决这些问题。
- 26. The source data must be consolidated into a single persistent target to address those challenges by integrating the data into a common and consistent format.
- 必须将源数据整合到单个持久的目标,以便通过将这些数据集成为公共的和一致的格式来解决这些问题。
- 27. In the same way that sailors navigate by reference to shorelines or stars, users navigate by reference to persistent objects placed in a user interface.
- 就像航海员参考海岸线或者星星来导航,用户参考界面上的持久对象来导航。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 28. An important complement to a menu system, the toolbar has proven to be an effective mechanism for providing persistent, direct access to functions.
- 作为对菜单的重要补充,用户可以通过工具栏稳定且直接地调用功能。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 29. Adding decoration to persistent objects helps navigation, whereas moving the persistent objects hinders navigation.
- 在持久对象上加上装饰可以帮助导航,而移动持久对象有碍于导航。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 30. The term personalization describes the decoration of persistent objects.
- 术语“个性化”描述的是持久对象的装饰。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 31. Because of this, the overview area should itself be persistent; its content is dependent on the data being navigated.
- 因此总体视图区域本身应该是持久的,其内容应该取决于正在导航的数据。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 32. Decorating the persistent objects—the walls—gives them individuality without removing them.
- 装饰持久对象——墙壁——在不移动它们的情况下,赋予它们个性。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. The term configuration describes moving, adding, or deleting persistent objects.
- 术语“配置”概括了移动、添加或者删除持久对象。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 34. The salient features of that window are also considered persistent objects: menu bars, toolbars, and other palettes or visual features like status bars and rulers.
- 该窗口的特征也可以认为是持久的对象,包括菜单、工具栏、调色板,还有状态栏和标尺这样的可视特征。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 35. Persistent objects, in a desktop world, always include the program’s windows. Each application most likely has a main, top-level window.
- 在桌面世界里,持久对象始终包括程序的窗口,每个程序都可能有一个主要的顶层窗口。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 36. On the other hand, moving persistent objects themselves can hamper navigation.
- 另一方面,移动持久对象本身可能妨碍导航。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓