1. The preparation of metal films on pSi (100).


2. With PSI around 200 in Singapore and over 2000 in Indonesia, haze is leading to great unhealthy living for involved residents.


3. From measunnent of quantity grade in emr under the breaking through the barrier of the container and psi phenomena proved the reality and materiality of psi phenomena and external qi of qigong.


4. To substantiate structural integrity and effective sealing, the assembled motor was hydrostatic pressure tested to 1500 psi (10.3MPa), which represents 125% design pressure.
充实的结构完整性和有效的密封,组装汽车是静水压力测试,以1500年防扩散安全倡议(10.3 ) ,其中代表125 %的设计压力。


5. Remember that Ferrari uses 75 PSI at 6,000 RPM as the place to test your oil viscosity needs.
记住,法拉利在6000RPM 时需要75PSI机油压力,以此来测试你需要的机油粘度。


6. Remember that Ferrari uses 75 PSI at 6,000 RPM as the place to test your oil viscosity needs.
记住,法拉利在6000RPM 时需要75PSI机油压力,以此来测试你需要的机油粘度。


7. Reservoir pressure is approximately 2,150 p.s.i..

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

8. 339 kPa ± 34 kPa (42 psi ± 5 psi).
339千帕 ± 34 千帕 (42 psi ± 5 psi)

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考

9. Start and warm engine and note pressure gauge readinFuel pressure should be 339 kPa ± 34 kPa (42 psi ± 5 psi) at idle.
启动引擎,使之升温,并注意压力量表的读数。在怠速运转时,燃油压力应该是339千帕 ± 34千帕 (42 psi ± 5 psi) 。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考

10. "These valves will be rated 200 PSI bi-directional pressure, with a 200 PSI dead end service rating, without the need for a downstream flange."
这些阀门的压力等级为200 psi,并在两端有压差,对于管道末端200 psi压力等级,不需要下游法兰。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 产品

11. "all water connections are 3/4"(19mm) NPT. all electrical connections 3/4"(19mm). all models certified at 300 PSI test pressure (2068 kPa) and 150 PSI working pressure (1034 kPa) ."
所有水管接头都是3/4英寸(19 mm)直径美国标准锥管螺纹接头。所有电源接口都是3/4英寸(19 mm)。所有型号都通过300 psi (2068 kPa)实验压力和150 psi (1034 kPa)工作压力检测。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 产品

12. Opening Pressure of Fuel Injector: 15,000–15,8kPa (2175–2291 psi).
燃油喷射器打开压力: 15,000–15,8kPa (2175–2291 psi).

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考

13. "Heavy gauge glass-lined, steel tank-150 PSI working pressure, 300 PSI test pressure."
强力玻璃钢制内胆,工作压力为150 psi,试验压力为300 psi。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 产品

14. "Valves shall be rated 150 psi SWP and 600 psi nonshock CWP and will have 2-pc. cast bronze bodies, TFE seats, standard port, separate pack nut with adjustable stem packing, anti-blowout stems and chrome-plated brass/bronze ball."
这类阀门具有额定150 psi的安全工作压力,非冲击冷水压力可达600 psi,两件式铸青铜阀体,聚四氟乙烯阀座,标准流道,分离式压缩螺母,可调节阀杆填料,防吹出阀杆和镀铬黄铜/青铜球体。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 产品

15. Governor Pressure Not Equal to Target @ 15-20 PSI
调速压力不等于目标 @ 15-20 psi

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考

16. Pressure should not fall below 30 psi for five minutes.
压力应该下降到低于30 psi,并保持5分钟。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考