- 1. You have to correct your bad habits radically.
- 你必须彻底地改正自己的坏习惯。
- 2. You have to correct your bad habits radically.
- 你必须彻底地修正自己的坏习惯。
- 3. You will need to radically change your thinking about life.
- 你将需要在根本上改变你对生活的想法。
- 4. Only so, can the forepart dilapidation of the asphalt road surface be decrease radically to improve the road quality entirely.
- 只有这样,才能从根本上减少沥青路面的早期破损现象的发生,使公路建设质量全面提高。
- 5. Things have to change, and change radically , in our economy and how we live our lives.
- 我们的经济和我们的生活方式必须改变,而且要从根本上改变。
- 6. Today, however, amid mounting evidence to the contrary, “ the tide is turning radically and rapidly, ” says Bekoff, who is at the forefront of this movement.
- 然而与此相反的证据不断增加,今天站在这场运动最前列的柏柯夫说:"原来的倾向已彻底而迅速地转变了。"
- 7. In the long term, finding these genes will radically transform the practice of medicine.
- 在很长时间内,这些基因的寻找工作将彻底的改变传统医药。
- 8. At this point, my story starts to sound cliche, but it was a cliche I needed to experience in person because it radically changed my perspective.
- 说到这里,我的故事可能有点陈词滥调,但是这种陈词滥调却是我做为一个人需要去经历的,它彻底的改变了我的思想。
- 9. Since it is assumed beforehand that the product will have to bemodified, the company prepares itself to innovate in a radically different way.
- 既然我们事先就假设必须修改产品,那么公司就要做好准备,通过一种根本上不同的方式进行革新。
- 10. "Under our plan, the proportion of modern weapons and technology used by the army must radically increase between now and 2020," he said.
- 他说,根据我们的计划,从现在到2020年,军队对于现代武器和技术的使用比例必须从根本上增加。
- 11. It might even change what you do radically.
- 这也许是从根本上改变了你所作的。
- 12. Conquering of this fiscal crisis radically depends on human, the power of knowledge and revolution of technologies.
- 战胜这场金融危机,从根本上还是要靠人,靠知识的力量和科技的革命。
- 13. A true passion for justice, then, must be radical – in short, it must at least wish to attain its goals radically and instantaneously.
- 一股真正的正义激情,那么,也一定是激进的——总之,至少它希望彻底和一举实现它的目标。
- 14. Now I do something radically different.
- 现在我做些彻底的改变。
- 15. This system aims to amend and improve the structure of the enterprise, not to change the structure radically.
- 职工参与制度作为企业组织结构的一种修正和改善,也不是根本上改变企业的结构形态。
- 16. With the help of doctors, he also radically changed his diet and lifestyle and introduced a daily vitamin intake to overcome the condition.
- 在医生的帮助下,他也根本上改变了自己的饮食和生活方式,并每日服用维他命以抵抗病魔。
- 17. I conclude that an inheritance tax regime grounded in equal opportunity would look radically different from both current law and major proposals for reform in four important respects.
- 我得出结论,基于均等机会的遗产税制度将期待根本上异于现行法律和在四个重要方面进行改革的主要建议的思想。
- 18. Remember that technology will radically change during the next ten years.
- 记住在未来十年时间里技术将彻底地变革。
- 19. Because of the challenges and issues of the industry, the role of IT in the modern organization has changed radically.
- 由于行业中出现的问题和挑战,IT在现代组织中的角色发生了根本上的变化。
- 20. We shall have radically to replan them to achieve a rational density of population.
- 我们需要彻底地重新规划城市,使城市人口密度趋于合理。
- 21. “I’d be amazed if they could radically transform the system they have in place now,” says Richard McCormack, editor of Manufacturing & Technology News and an expert on global supply chains.
- 《制造技术新闻》主编与全球供应链方面专家理查德·麦科马克表示, “如果他们能够根本上改变目前的系统,我会感到非常惊讶。”
- 22. So this incident in high school radically changed the way I thought about acting.
- 所以这件在高中发生的插曲彻底改变了我原本设想的表演方式。
- 23. So this incident in high school radically changed the way I thought about acting.
- 所以这件在高中发生的插曲彻底改变了我原本设想的表演方式。
- 24. The landscape is radically changed.
- 地貌发生根本变化。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 25. I moved immediately after the election to pare down radically the size of the executive branch.
- 大选后,我立即采取行动,大肆削减行政部门的人员。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 26. Galileo departed radically from the Greeks.
- 伽利略根本上不同于希腊人。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 27. Fifty percent of one process may be radically different in time from 50% of the next process.
- 一个过程的前50%可能与接下来的50%在时间上差别很大。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 28. When the house was built-the spiteful, and those in any way radically inclined, liked to refer to it as a "mansion."
- 房屋造好了,心怀恶意的以及意见未免偏颇的人们喜欢称之为“大厦。”
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. All our previous ideas are now in the melting-pot; our jobs are bound to change radically.
- 我们从前的一切观念都正在改变, 我们的工作肯定要有很大变动.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 30. a radically different approach
- 一种完全不同的方法
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 31. The discovery rate for wildcat wells in the Denver basin has changed radically with time.
- 丹佛盆地的探井发现率随时间变化得很快。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 32. It is important to point out that laws and trends are radically different things.
- 有必要指出,规律和趋势是根本不同的两回事。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 33. He overelaborates to an extent that his novels must be cut radically before being published.
- 他的小说叙述过分详细,以致在出版前必须大幅度删减。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句