- 1. Make an infusion by boiling and simmering the rhubarb and camomile together.
- 将大黄和甘菊一起煮沸再用文火炖,熬成汤药。
- 2. Rhubarb is a very underrated plant –it produces some of the nicest tasting puddings and is incredibly easy to grow at home.
- 大黄是一种被低估的植物——它被用于制作一些最美味的布丁并且在家里种也很容易存活。
- 3. Rhubarb is something of a wonder plant – in addition to an unknown poison in its leaves, they also contain a corrosive acid.
- 大黄是一种很不错的植物——此外它的叶子中含有一种不知名的毒,它们通常含有腐蚀性酸。
- 4. Rhubarb contains toxic Oxalates and anthraquinone glycoside.
- 大黄含有毒草酸以及蒽醌苷。
- 5. Bella bakes the best rhubarb pie.
- 贝拉的最佳大黄烤馅饼。
- 6. While rhubarb has a medicinal history originating in Asia, ingesting a large amount of the leaves can cause poisoning.
- 然而,大黄作为药用的历史源自亚洲,摄取大量的叶子能够引起中毒。
- 7. Sipsmith Gin, Rhubarb and Rosehip Cordial, Lemon Juice, Vanilla Syrup.
- 史密斯杜松子酒,大黄和玫瑰甜果汁,柠檬汁,香草。
- 8. Conclusion Danshen Thoroughfare Rhubarb Pill adefovir dipivoxil is effective in treating hepatic fibrosis, is an effective drug for the treatment of hepatic fibrosis.
- 结论:复方丹参片、大黄蛰虫丸联合阿德福韦酯胶囊有较好的抗肝纤维化作用,是治疗肝纤维化的有效药物。
- 9. Apply to 800W red head lamp, projectors and 2KW rhubarb head lamp.
- 适用于800W红头灯、投影仪和2KW大黄头灯。
- 10. Oxalic acid: Colourless, crystalline, toxic carboxylic acid found in many plants, especially rhubarb, wood sorrel , and spinach.
- 草酸:无色结晶有毒的羧酸类有机化合物。许多植物中有草酸,尤其是大黄、酢浆草和菠菜。
- 11. Objective: To observe the effect of the rhubarb powder compound in the treatment of ulcerate colonitis.
- 目的:探讨复方大黄粉治疗溃疡性结肠炎临床疗效。
- 12. I quickly fastened a sheet corner children, and then flew in the past, the "rhubarb" angle of the sheet hundred children with a good system.
- 我迅速地系好一个苫布角儿,然后飞奔过去,把“大黄”叨灭的苫布角儿系好。
- 13. Objective To make a comparative study on the auxiliary therapeutic effect of Rhubarb and Kansui root on patients with severe acute pancreatitis.
- 目的对比研究甘遂和大黄辅助治疗重症急性胰腺炎的作用。
- 14. The large-leaved rhubarb and cabbage plants slept too, their broad limp surfaces hanging in the sun like half-closed umbrellas .
- 大叶子的大黄和卷心菜也都睡着了,它们那些宽阔发蔫的叶片在日光下低垂,好像半开半闭的伞。
- 15. From the low-growing Indian rhubarb to the mighty English maples, the plants in this region get ready for the winter with a cornucopia of colors.
- 从低速度生长的印度大黄到巨大的英国枫树,这一地区的植物用丰富的色彩为冬天的到来做好准备。
- 16. In Plumas County, the fall color is underfoot and overhead: from the low-growing Indian rhubarb to the mighty English maples, the array of colors in this region could make a box of crayons jealous.
- 在普卢默斯县,秋天的色彩在你脚下和在你头上:从生长很慢的印度大黄,到强有力的英国枫树,在这一地区的一大批颜色可以使一盒彩色蜡笔也会为之嫉妒。
- 17. Methods: a model of cathartic colon was constructed by gastric infusion with rhubarb or phenolphthalein in rats. the transit function of colon was measured by chinese ink expulsion test;
- 方法:采用大黄和酚酞建立泻剂结肠大鼠模型,以墨汁推进试验测定其传输功能;
- 18. Conclusion Rude rhubarb can improve the intestinal barrier.
- 结论生大黄能改善脓毒症患者的肠黏膜屏障功能。
- 19. The good: Rhubarb is used in deserts, has laxative properties, contains tons of vitamins and minerals, and is low in calories.
- 益处:大黄被用于制作药材,有通便秘的功效,其含有大量的维生素和矿物质,所含的卡路里较少。
- 20. She canned a lot of its yield so the family had fresh-tasting tomatoes, applesauce and rhubarb throughout the year.
- 她说,母亲把菜园中的大量收成做成罐头,使家里一年到头都能吃上味道鲜美的蕃茄、苹果酱和大黄。
- 21. Rhubarb, licorice, angelica sinensis, baikal skullcap root, fructus cannabis, Zhishi in single medicine intermediate times higher.
- (制)大黄、(制)甘草、当归、黄芩、火麻仁、枳实等在单味药中频次较高。
- 22. Oxalic acid: Colourless, crystalline, toxic carboxylic acid found in many plants, especially rhubarb, wood sorrel , and spinach.
- 许多植物中有草酸,尤其是大黄、酢浆草和菠菜。
- 23. Case Study: A woman in the first trimester of a pregnancy aborted her fetus before dying from rhubarb poisoning herself.
- 案例:一个怀胎三个月的女人先是堕了胎,而后因为吃大黄花叶自己也中毒身亡。
- 24. Now research shows how one plant does this: The desert rhubarb plant captures 16 times more liquid from its bone-dry surroundings than neighboring plants.
- 目前研究发现了一种植物是如何做到这一点的:一种沙漠中生长的大黄类植物可以比邻近的植物捕捉到多出十六倍的水分。
- 25. Effects and Symptoms: The rhubarb itself, is harmless and even healthy.
- 效果和症状:大黄本身是无毒无害甚至是有益健康的。
- 26. The hope is that dishes like rhubarb ice cream topped with locusts will find their rightful place on tables set with roses and candles.
- 他们的愿望就是:大黄冰激凌铺底的蝗虫大餐也能堂而皇之地登上玫瑰花、银烛台装饰的餐桌。
- 27. They are a great fruit for preserving on account of their high pectin levels, so work well in combination with other lower pectin fruits, like strawberries and rhubarb , to give jam a good set.
- 它们是非常适合存储的水果,因为它们的果胶含量很高,所以和其他果胶含量低的水果(像草莓和大黄)在一起能够和谐相处。
- 28. The CDC warns that neither cooked nor raw rhubarb leaves should be consumed, owing to the toxins (including oxalate) they contain.
- 美国疾病控制中心警告既不要食用煮熟的,也不要食用生的大黄的叶子,因为其含有毒素(草酸)。
- 29. LeiYuan observed through a telescope the tailback enemy team presents a word, I heading, rhubarb, pressure LeiYuan decided to play in the middle of the enemy, let them not echo of fore and aft.
- 雷远通过望远镜观察到敌人的队伍呈现一字长蛇阵,白军打头,川军压尾,雷远决定打敌人的中部,让他们不能首尾呼应。
- 30. LeiYuan observed through a telescope the tailback enemy team presents a word, I heading, rhubarb, pressure LeiYuan decided to play in the middle of the enemy, let them not echo of fore and aft.
- 雷远通过望远镜观察到敌人的队伍呈现一字长蛇阵,白军打头,川军压尾,雷远决定打敌人的中部,让他们不能首尾呼应。
- 31. The large-leaved rhubarb and cabbage plants slept too, their broad limp surfaces hanging in the sun like half-closed umbrellas.
- 大叶子的大黄和卷心菜也都睡着了,它们那些宽阔发蔫的叶片在日光下低垂,好象半开半闭的
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 32. I had rhubarb tart with a lot of cream.
- 我吃了添加了许多奶油的大黄小馅饼。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 33. A sheath formed at the node of a stem by the fusion of two stipules, as in the rhubarb plant.
- 托叶鞘两片托叶接合于枝干的结上而形成的一种鞘,如在大黄属植物中
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 34. Objective: To observe the effect of the rhubarb powder compound in the treatment of ulcerate colonitis.
- 目的:探讨复方大黄粉治疗溃疡性结肠炎临床疗效。
-- 来源 -- dict.cnki.net
- 35. Namite, rhubarb, wax
- 一根根的芹菜、粉笔、木炭、炸药、食用大黄、蜡
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 36. apple, rhubarb, etc crumble
- 苹果、 大黄等点心.
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 37. pie containing diced rhubarb and much sugar.
- 夹切成块的大黄和许多食糖的馅饼。
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 38. prepared rhubarb
- 制大黄
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]
- 39. sticks of celery, chalk, charcoal, dynamite, rhubarb, wax
- 一根根的芹菜、 粉笔、 木炭、 炸药、 食用大黄、 蜡
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 40. Go and take a look at any Chinese pharmacy, and you will see cabinets with numerous drawers, each bearing the name of a drug -- toncal, foxglove, rhubarb, saltpetre, indeed, everything that should be there.
- 你们去看一看中药铺,那里的药柜子上有许多抽屉格子,每个格子上面贴着药名,当归、熟地、大黄、芒硝,应有尽有。
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考