1. Users expect to see the button move—the pliant response—and you must satisfy those expectations.

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2. We hope that the tools provided to you in this book will help you to create great digital products that truly satisfy your users and customers.

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3. This is a natural and appropriate user desire and, if our software is to be judged easy to use, we must satisfy it.

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4. You might also want to check your notes to see if there are any political personas that you need to add to satisfy stakeholder assumptions or requests.

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5. To create an effective Undo facility, we must satisfy as many of these mental models as we expect our personas will bring to bear.

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6. It’s important to understand customers and satisfy their goals in order to make a product viable.

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7. However, it is the programmer’s job to satisfy users and not vice versa.

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8. Put another way, at this point, you want to rigorously define the human and business needs that your product must satisfy.

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9. In this more complex situation, the simplistic representation of the Undo as a single, straight-line, LIFO stack doesn’t satisfy the way it does in simpler situations.

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10. How many people are likely to use the kiosk at a time? Are there sufficient numbers of kiosks to satisfy demand without a long wait?
每次会有几个人来使用信息亭? 信息亭的数量是否足够多,才不至于让人们等待很长时间?

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