- 1. What do you make of this sentence?
- 你是如何理解这个句子的?
- 2. The sentence of the court was quashed on appeal.
- 经过上诉,法院的判决被宣布无效。
- 3. She ran a straight line underneath the sentence which she thought important.
- 她在她认为重要的句子下面画上一条直线。
- 4. Dash out the sentence.
- 把这个句子删掉。
- 5. Then 4. Repeat until you have memorized every sentence in your notes.
- 然后4.重复一直到你记住笔记上面所有的句子.
- 6. Do you know the meaning of this sentence?
- 你知道这个句子的意思吗?
- 7. So explain the ambiguity of this sentence. These sentences.
- 所以解释这句话中的歧义,这些句子。
- 8. Can you read this sentence for me?
- 你能把这个句子给我读一下吗?
- 9. Each of the premises is an asserted sentence.
- 每一个前提都是一个主张的句子。
- 10. What might be the repercussions of this word, or that sentence?
- 这个词用在这里会是什么后果?那句话呢?
- 11. Example: This could be a complete sentence; this could be another one.
- 例如:这可能是一个完整的句子,那可能是另外的一句。
- 12. One sentence.
- 一个句子。
- 13. I mean, come on dad, I don’t know who you are, or where you are or what you do or anything, but come on, be a dad for a minute. For as long as it takes not to write that sentence.
- 我意思是,来吧老爸,我不知道你是谁,或者你在哪里或者你做什么或者任何事情,但是来吧,做一分钟爸爸,用不写那个句子所花费的那么长的时间。
- 14. You have to read the book in a certain sequence, rather like a sentence itself, and the journey actually takes you somewhere.
- 你已经以一种固定的顺序读这本书,如同一个句子本身,事实上这个旅程带你到了一些地方。
- 15. We need a sentence letter, what should we have?
- 我们与要一个句子的字母,应该是哪个呢?
- 16. Example: This could be a complete sentence, and this could be another one.
- 例如:这可能是一个完整的句子,而那可能是另一句。
- 17. You should use the definite article in the sentence.
- 在这个句子中你应该用定冠词。
- 18. This is what mom implanted into my mind. Every sentence she said to me was correct.
- 因为妈妈总是给我灌输这种观点,妈妈说的每一句话都是对的。
- 19. Some of its transistors are so tiny that 2m would fit on the “.” at the end of this sentence.
- 一些它的电晶体是如此小巧以至在这句结束时可以在·上安装2百万个。
- 20. After each sentence, she paused for me to repeat it back, inJapanese.
- 每个句子后,她都停顿一下,让我可以用日语跟重复念。
- 21. Decide which preposition you need to finish this sentence.
- 决定你需要那一个介词来完成句子。
- 22. You write a sentence - you must know this yourself.
- 你写一个句子-你必须知道这个自己。
- 23. This sentence is passive in form but active in sense.
- 这个句子形式是被动的,而意思是主动的。
- 24. What think you of this sentence, my dear Lizzy?
- 你觉得这一句怎么样,亲爱的丽萃?
- 25. What think you of this sentence, my dear Lizzy?
- 你觉得这一句怎么样,亲爱的丽萃?
- 26. One of the most critical tasks in the modeling of personas is identifying goals and expressing them succinctly: Each goal should be expressed as a simple sentence.
- 对人物角色建模的最关键的任务之一是确认目标并且简洁地表达,每个目标应该用一个简单的句子来表达。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 27. To a novelist, there is no such thing as a “good” sentence in isolation from the story being told. There are no rules for the way sentences should be constructed to be transparent.
- 对于一个小说家来说,没有一个好句子与所讲的故事是相孤立的,不存在一定要将句子构建为透明的规则。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 28. The teacher explained the text sentence by sentence.
- 教师逐句讲解了这篇课文。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. The user constructs a sentence from a dynamic series of choices that always guarantees a valid result.
- 用户从动态的选择系列中构造一个句子,总能保证得到一个有效的结果。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 30. an illustrative sentence
- 例句
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 31. Every sentence has a canonical derivation.
- 每个句子都有一个规范推导。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 32. If Microsoft were willing to dispense with its meta-key idioms for extending the selection, those same meta-keys could be used to select a sentence and drag it in a single movement, but this still wouldn’t solve the problem of selecting and moving arbitrary chunks of text.
- 如果微软愿意去掉扩展选择操作的元键习惯用法,那些元键就能用于选择句子,并能在一次移动中拖动它,但这仍然不能解决选择和移动任意文本段的问题。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. When we describe what the action will affect, we are specifying the noun of the sentence.
- 当描述动作会影响到什么时,我们指定组成句子的名词。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 34. Users find that choosing among these phrases is easy because they are very clear and bounded, and they can read it like a sentence to check its validity.
- 用户发现在这些短语中进行选择是容易的,因为它们非常清楚而且受到限制。 当他做出选择之后,他可以像读句子一样检查它的有效性。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 35. The controls line up so that they can be read like an English sentence.
- 控件整队排列,使它们读起来像一个英语句子。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓