- 1. Anyone see a similarity between UK right now and Egypt a few months back?
- 有没有人觉得现在英国发生的跟埃及几个月前发生的很类似?
- 2. He also obtained similarity solutions for longitudinal and spherically symmetric motions.
- 他也得出了关于纵向对称运动和球面对称运动的类似解。
- 3. If there is any similarity between them, it is that each race builds in a manner that is stubbornlyat odds with the immediate environment.
- 如果说它们之间有什么类似之处的话,那就是每一个种族的建造方式都是与邻近环境不合情理地相悖。 。
- 4. Bee and wasp both sting , but they have other similarity, too.
- 蜜蜂和黄蜂都螫人,但它们还有其他相似之处。
- 5. Another similarity is that both countries suffer from a disparity gap between the rich a poor!
- 另一个相似点是两个国家都存在贫富差距!
- 6. In examining her face more closely, maybe I could identify some similarity around the eyes and the nose.
- 再近点观察她的脸孔,或许我能在眼睛和鼻子周围辨认出一些相似的地方。
- 7. The conclusion: Spousal similarity is better explained by partner selection than by gradual convergence of personality.
- 结论是:夫妻相似更多是由于二人一开始就因为彼此相似而选择了对方作为伴侣。
- 8. Syndrome describes the tendency for visitors to stick to the first design they learn and judge other designs by their similarity to that first design.
- 婴儿鸭综合症描述了游客倾向忠于他们记住的最初设计,并且通过与最初设计的相似度来判断其他的设计。
- 9. You can browse by files, groups, system, and similarity.
- 可以按文件、组、系统和相似性进行浏览。
- 10. The similarity of metaphor is one of three essential factors for which metaphor sentence is built, a theory put forward by Chen Wangdao in his book On Rhetoric.
- 比喻类似点是陈望道先生在《修辞学发凡》中提出的比喻句得以成立的三个要素之一。
- 11. Baby Duck Syndrome describes the tendency for visitors to stick to the first design they learn and judge other designs by their similarity to that first design.
- 婴儿鸭综合症描述了游客倾向忠于他们记住的最初设计,并且通过与最初设计的相似度来判断其他的设计。
- 12. The end product inhibi tor has no structural similarity to the substrate of the enzyme it is regulating.
- 最终产物抑制剂与它调节的酶的底物在结构上无相似之处。
- 13. They also have similarity to western geometric design, which are even led to modern art with their originality and beauty.
- 它们与引导原创性和美的现代艺术的西方几何设计有相似之处。
- 14. Some people reveal a incredible fact that his paper has more than 50% similarity with another person!
- 一些人已经揭露出其论文与另外一个人的文章有超过50%的相似度!
- 15. The similarity between the two reports suggests that one person wrote both.
- 那两个报告极其相似,这意味着它们出自一人的手笔。
- 16. Present the basic similarity simulation principle followed in cold simulation of power plant boiler dynamic field, way of calculating test control parameters and associated measuring techniques.
- 介绍了电站锅炉空气动力场的冷态模化的基本相似模化原理、试验控制参数的计算方法及相关的测量技术。
- 17. Decision trees are used to solve this problem, and at the same time, a method to create visual question set is introduced based on the similarity of mouth shapes.
- 本文使用决策树状态捆绑方法来缓解这一问题,同时引入了一种以口形相似度为基础的决策树视频问题设计方法。
- 18. "Both, " replied Elizabeth archly; "for I have always seen a great similarity in the turn of our minds.
- “一举两得,”伊丽莎白油滑地回答道。 “因为我老是感觉到我们俩转的念头很相同。
- 19. There were points of similarity between them.
- 他们之间有某些相似之处。
- 20. The report highlights the similarity between the two groups.
- 这份报告强调两组之间的相似性。
- 21. "There is evidence that genetic similarity between couples might be linked with infertility , " said the study, published in the Trends in Ecology and Evolution medical journal.
- 研究报告指出:“有证据表明,伴侣基因相似可能与不育有关。”这项研究成果发表在《生态和进化趋势》医学期刊上。
- 22. A similarity can be observed between them.
- 它们之间可以看到相似之处。
- 23. Substances in the same class are cleaned inthe same way, using the same solvents and usually exhibit some chemical similarity with each other (e. g. salts, chemical structure etc. ).
- 同一类别中的物质采用相同方法清洁,采用相同的溶剂,通常其所含的化学物质相互类似(例如,盐、化学结构等)。
- 24. As a non-trivial problem, the most promising solutions of similarity search in time series databases involve performing dimensionality reduction on the original data.
- 时间序列相似性查找作为一种非平凡问题,大多数有效的求解方法都涉及到对原数据维度的简约。
- 25. For the elastic similarity, the material and the frequency-thickness product between the scaling model and prototype should be same, respectively.
- 在缩比模型试验中为保证弹性相似,要求缩比模型与原型目标的材料相同和频厚积相等。
- 26. Image registration is based on the similarity between the images.
- 图像配准依据的是图像之间的相似度。
- 27. Image registration is based on the similarity between the images.
- 图像配准依据的是图像之间的相似度。
- 28. This good-fellowship-camaraderie-usually occurs through similarity of pursuits.
- 这种融洽--这种志同道合者之间的情谊--通常是通过追求相同的目标而产生的。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. As they talked, Croft and Stanley were sensing a similarity between themselves.
- 克洛夫特和史坦利俩说着说着,双方感到有点同病相怜。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 30. Because the visible and direct nature of these interactions bears such similarity to interactions with the objects in the physical world, we are well suited to remember these skills.
- 因为这些交互具有视觉可见和直接本质,和我们在真实世界中看到的物体具有相似的交互特点,我们便很容易记住这些操作方法。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 31. He also obtained similarity solutions for longitudinal and spherically symmetric motions.
- 他也得出了关于纵向对称运动和球面对称运动的类似解。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 32. Did you remark the similarity between them?
- 你注意到他们中的相似之处吗?
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 33. The availability of similarity solutions to subsurface hydrologic problems is limited.
- 地下水文学问题相似求解的有效性是受到限制的。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 34. points of similarity
- 类似
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 35. Take the example of the ubiquitous file folder in modern computer operating systems. As a mechanism for organizing documents, it is quite easy to learn and understand because of its similarity to a physical file folder in a file cabinet.
- 以现代计算机操作系统中到处都在使用的文件夹为例,作为组织文档的机制,这种方式非常容易学习和理解,因为它和现实生活中的文件柜里的文件夹类似。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 36. A variant of the radio butcon is a drop-down version. Because of its similarity to the combo box control, we call this a combutcon (see Figure 21-8).
- 单选图标按钮的一种变体是下拉版本的,由于它和组合框控件相似,所以我们称为“组合图标按钮”(如图21-8所示)。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 37. But as far as user interactions are concerned, the similarity ends there.
- 但是在用户交互方面,二者之间类似的地方很少。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓