- 1. However, if I choose to travel with companions, all members will split costs, this way will save travel costs.
- 然而,如果我选择旅行的同伴,所有成员将分离成本,这种方式可以节省旅行费用。
- 2. Before you go out and start spending, look around to see if you have other plants that can be split from your existing flowers.
- 在你出去消费之前,到你的花园里四处转转,看看有没有可以从现有的植物中分离出来栽培的。
- 3. The cobalt and phosphate form a thin-film catalyst around the electrode that then use electrons from the electrode to split the oxygen from water.
- 钴和磷酸盐在电极周围形成了薄膜型的催化剂,这些催化剂就利用电极发射的电子从水中分解氢和氧。
- 4. It had a split in the muffler .
- 它后面的消音器已有一条裂缝。
- 5. White light can be split by a prism into a whole spectrum of wavelengths .
- 白光可以用棱镜分解成具有各种波长的整个光谱。
- 6. All the older kids have split to go dancing.
- 所有较大的孩子都离开去跳舞了。
- 7. But the type of data existed already it was simply not split into domains.
- 但是数据类型已经存在,不能简单地分离到域中。
- 8. But the glitterazzi turn out to be wrong and Billy Byrne is all over in a split second.
- 但是在外的旋转是错误的而且比利在一个劈开秒中是到处。
- 9. Objective To provide anatomy data for the split of the constitution in renal pedicle during the operation of live - DN by pentone scopy.
- 目的通过对肾蒂解剖情况的调查,为腹腔镜肾活体手术分离肾蒂内结构提供解剖学数据。
- 10. My trousers split I sat down.
- 当我坐下时,裤子被撕开了。
- 11. We split up.
- 我们分开了。
- 12. The fishing rod is made of split bamboo.
- 这钓鱼竿是用劈开的竹子做的。
- 13. We split the bucket before and after the character. Now we have three buckets: the character itself, and all data before and after it.
- 我们以字符前后位置拆分桶。这样我们得到三个桶:字符本身、字符前面数据和字符后面数据。
- 14. Yesterday they declined to comment on the split .
- 昨天,他们拒绝评论分裂的事情。
- 15. So the couple can be split when the divorce.
- 所以夫妻在离婚时可以进行分割。
- 16. The state of being split or cleft; a fissure or division.
- 分裂,裂缝劈开或裂开的状态;裂缝或分裂。
- 17. Can I split an infinitive?
- 我可以拆分不定式吗?
- 18. Why put yourself through that, split up your family like that?
- 为什么还要让自己那么辛苦,让一家人分开?
- 19. The process releases a lot of energy and more neutrons, which go on to split other uranium atoms, triggering a chain reaction.
- 这一过程释放出大量能量和更多的中子,于是继续将别的铀原子一分为二,引发连锁反应。
- 20. Do the spoils need to be so unevenly split ?
- 战利品有必要被如此不均地分割吗?
- 21. They split the cost of the party between them.
- 他们两人分担了宴会的费用。
- 22. He patented the idea that the atom could be split.
- 他得到了原子可以分裂的这个见解的专利。
- 23. Mount the split mirror copy of all tablespace containers.
- 装配所有表空间容器的分割镜像拷贝。
- 24. The "test variable" functionality plays an essential role in the split test process.
- “测试变量”功能在分割测试过程中扮演着重要的角色。
- 25. They even split in two in a way that resembles dividing bacteria.
- 它们甚至可以像细菌分裂那样由一个分裂为两个。
- 26. After my wife and I split up, when we had nothing to lose by being truthful, she told me that she had suspected that I had a mistress, because I no longer made love to her with any passion or desire.
- 在我妻子和我分手后,当我们即使和盘托出也不再会有任何后果的时候,她告诉我说她一直怀疑我有了情妇,因为我和她做爱的时候没有了往日的激情和欲望。
- 27. This is a flashlight, but in two separate form, not only do the split-up, but also for invisible entity.
- 本是一道亮光,却以两种形式分开存在,不仅做到了化整为零,而且还化实体为无形。
- 28. This is a flashlight, but in two separate form, not only do the split-up, but also for invisible entity.
- 本是一道亮光,却以两种形式分开存在,不仅做到了化整为零,而且还化实体为无形。
- 29. Split a compound into its elements.
- 把一个化合物分解成元素。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 30. Compounds can often split up by chemical reactions into their constituent elements.
- 化合物常能通过化学反应分解为构成该化合物的各个元素。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 31. They split up the work between them.
- 他们就这项工作进行了分工。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 32. A skilled person can split slate into layers.
- 手巧的人能把板岩剖成片.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 33. The small ripple split upon the beach.
- 小小的涟漪卷来,碎在沙滩上。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 34. Much like the difference in skills between graphic designers and visual interface and information designers, there is a similar split among the ranks of industrial designers.
- 正如在图形设计师、视觉界面和信息设计师之间存在技能上的差异一样,不同的工业设计师之间也存在着类似区别。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 35. Development organizations can become similarly emotionally split on issues like this. One group becomes the menu-item camp, while the rest of the developers are the butcon camp.
- 对于这个问题,开发组织在情感上也分为两派,一派成为菜单项阵营,而其余的开发人员则是图标按钮阵营,他们就两种方法哪个相对要好一些争论不休。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 36. David loves to split hairs.
- 戴维就爱作一些琐细的分析。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 37. Our eyes and brains together do it in a split second, without conscious effort on our part.
- 我们的眼睛和大脑协同工作,在我们根本还没有意识到的情况下,在瞬间就完成了这个计算。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 38. It then blocks out the light for a split second while it moves another miniature image into place. Then it unblocks the light again for another moment.
- 然后在下一幅微缩图像就位前挡住光线,下一幅图像就位后再次投射光线。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓