- 1. They died of thirst or starvation.
- 他们渴死或饿死。
- 2. The way the man ate lent colour to his story of near starvation.
- 那人吃东西的那副馋相使人相信他说的险些要饿死的话是真的。
- 3. And in that time, there will be no global war, no mass starvation.
- 到那时,将不再有全球性的战争,不再有众多的人挨饿。
- 4. One should respect public opinion insofar as is necessary to avoid starvation and keep out of prison, but anything that goes beyond this is voluntary submission to an unnecessary tyranny.
- 为了避免饿死和不进监狱,一个人应当尊重公众意见,但是除了这些目的之外如果还这么做,那就是对不必要专制的自愿遵从。
- 5. While virtually no one died from starvation, many did not have enough to eat.
- 事实上,没有人是因挨饿而死的,只是许多人没有足够吃的。
- 6. The men with a sense of life’s scarcity wanted their women to carry some extra pounds, almost as if their partner’s fat could protect them against starvation.
- 对生活某一方面感到匮乏的男人希望他们的女人更重一些,好像他们约会对象的脂肪可以保护他们避免饿死一样。
- 7. The German Siege of Leningrad caused widespread starvation among citizens, and lack of medical supplies and facilities made illnesses and injuries far more deadly.
- 德军对列宁格勒的围攻导致大量市民饿死,而医疗用品和设备的短缺致使疾病和受伤死亡率大增。
- 8. Although it is famine that has forced so many people into Mogadishu for assistance, the growing concern is that those who make it here may be as likely to die of disease as starvation.
- 虽然是因为闹饥荒才迫使如此多的人涌入摩加迪沙寻求援助,但是越来越令人担忧的是那些从饥饿死亡线上活着来的人很可能被疾病夺去生命。
- 9. The collapse of Japan’s air force and navy had left the garrison totally isolated, doomed to inevitable defeat in battle or starvation.
- 日本空军和海军的崩溃陷硫磺岛守军于完全孤立无援之中,他们注定或在战场上失败或困死饿死。
- 10. So it is possible that a person could die of starvation and still be fat.
- 这么说来,很有可能一个人在饿死的时候还是很胖。
- 11. These people face increased risk of starvation and disease.
- 这些民众面临增加的饥饿和疾病危险。
- 12. The green revolution of three decades ago helped keep the country from starvation, but since then productivity growth in Indian agriculture has hardly moved.
- 三十前的绿色革命帮助这个国家摆脱了饥饿,但自那时起印度农业生产率的增长几乎停滞不前。
- 13. For some application usage patterns, this can obviously reduce the total number of connections in use, and thus the potential for contention and starvation.
- 对于某些应用程序的使用模式,这明显可以减少所使用连接的总数量,从而减少潜在的争用和供给不足问题。
- 14. For a moment I saw my home through her eyes: feces, rats, starvation, houses so close together that no one can breathe.
- 那一刻我看到了她眼中的我的家乡:到处都是粪便、老鼠、饥饿,房屋都挤在一起让人无法呼吸。
- 15. In this case, we may not want to queue every incoming request to our work queue, because the tasks queued for execution may consume too many system resources and cause resource starvation.
- 在这种情形下,我们可能不想将每个到来的请求都排队到我们的工作队列,因为排在队列中等待执行的任务可能会消耗太多的系统资源并引起资源缺乏。
- 16. This is much like our fad "starvation diets" -- and with similar results.
- 这非常类似于我们的时尚“饥饿节食”——并且有着类似的结果。
- 17. Now we face our biggest challenge yet.The drought in our area has led to the worst starvation I have ever seen—worse even than what we saw in 1992.
- 如今我们仍然面临着最大的挑战,我们这一地区的干旱已引发我所见到过的最严重饥荒——比1992年我们所见到的饥荒更甚。
- 18. For the poorest farmers, the diversity of life may be their best protection against starvation.
- 对最为贫困的农民来说,生物多样性是他们避免饥荒的最佳保障。
- 19. We have to "fight on" because without modern industrial civilisation the psychopaths will take over, and there will be "mass starvation and war".
- 我们必须“战斗”因为如果现代工业文明毁灭的话,心里变态者将会接管世界,而且会有“大规模饥荒和战争”。
- 20. We have to "fight on" because without modern industrial civilisation the psychopaths will take over, and there will be "mass starvation and war".
- 我们必须“战斗”因为如果现代工业文明毁灭的话,心里变态者将会接管世界,而且会有“大规模饥荒和战争”。