- 1. His stereo is earthed.
- 他的立体声收录机接地了。
- 2. Obviously, there’s not much sense of stereo-channel separation unless you have a very skinny head.
- 很明显,除非你有一个皮包骨的脑袋,通道分离的立体声没有太大的意义。
- 3. When you need a real computer, a keyboard slides out from underneath the screen and use the foot pedal as a stereo to enjoy the music you just played.
- 如果想把它当作一台电脑,只要把屏幕下面的键盘抽出来就可以了,用踏脚板可以控制立体声,播放你演奏的音乐。
- 4. "I was afraid to watch it, " she said. "I was listening to Lisa Ono (a bossa nova singer) with the volume up to the highest on the stereo that used to be here in the corner.
- “我害怕看到它,”她说,“我在听小野丽莎(波萨诺瓦歌手)的歌,随着音量达到最大声,那个立体声过去常放在这儿的一个角落。
- 5. For example, a music application can check connectivity and status and let the user know that music is playing through a stereo headset.
- 例如,音乐应用程序可以检查连接和状态,并让用户知晓音乐是通过立体声耳机播放的。
- 6. The captain listened to the stereo radio and steered the steamer careful into the harbor.
- 船长一边收听立体声收音机,一边小心翼翼的掌舵将船驶进海港。
- 7. Walking towards the supermarket to stock up on essentials, you pass an electronics store displaying a sexy compact stereo in the window; the perfect accessory for your cosy living situation.
- 你走在前往超市购买家用的路上,途径一家电器商店,窗里播放着动听柔和的立体声,对于你的舒适生活这真算是完美的装点了。
- 8. The stereo sound we rely on today—two boxes, left and right—is obviously a completely imprecise way to represent the way we hear.
- 我们现在所使用的立体声音响——两大方形物体,一左一右,对表现我们所听到的声响明显是不够精细的。
- 9. AVCTP and AVDTP are relatively new additions to the Bluetooth protocol; they are used when you want to control the functions of a media player or if you want stream audio in stereo.
- AVCTP和AVDTP 是蓝牙协议中增加的相对较新的层;如果想控制媒体播放器的功能或者想以立体声播放音频流,则要使用它们。
- 10. The researchers played different túngara frog songs to female frogs and frog-eating bats on a stereo in order to see which speaker they approached first.
- 研究人员用立体声系统对着雌泡蟾和食蛙蝙蝠播放了不同的雄性的鸣音,观察它们最先接近哪一种鸣叫的来源。
- 11. You can take two side-by-side photos or choose two stereo-pairs from storage to create the 3D images by shifting, rotating, and scaling the image pairs.
- 你可以拍摄两张平行的照片,或者从存储器中选择一对立体的图片,然后通过移位,旋转,以及缩放等手段制作出3D图片。
- 12. There’s a built-in stereo microphone for use with your video, plus a mike jack.
- 内置的立体声麦克风和扩音器,能帮你在摄制影像的时候,耳听八方。
- 13. Surely you’ll be better off with a single, fixed perspective instead of having to consider two separate image streams… unless of course you’ve become attached to stereo vision.
- 当然使用单一而固定的视角看问题确实比较好,那样无需考虑两个分开的图像流...当然了,除非你对立体的图像有依赖(每个人都有这个依赖。 ——译者注。)
- 14. It also opens up other Bluetooth devices for use with the television including Bluetooth wireless stereo headphones.
- 这也使其他的用于电视机的蓝牙设备有了更多的用武之地,包括蓝牙无线立体声耳机。
- 15. He took a step back and touched a palm-sized digital video camera balanced carefully on top of the stereo.
- 他后退一步,拿起一部原本被小心地放在立体声音响上的巴掌大小的数码摄像机。
- 16. Your stereo system is so much better than mine.
- 你的立体声系统比我的还厉害。
- 17. Gao spoke at the opening of the Canton Fair in southern China, which attracts thousands of overseas buyers to place orders for goods from stereo speakers to shingles.
- 高先生是在广交会开幕时说这番话的,广交会吸引成千国外买家前来采购,货品从立体声喇叭到各式小玩意。
- 18. The 91-year-old Harman made his fortune in audio and stereo equipment and is married to Jane Harman, a Democratic congresswoman from California.
- 现年91岁的西德尼-哈曼靠立体声设备发家,她的妻子简·哈曼是来自加利福尼亚州的民主党众议院女议员。
- 19. If you put this image into a stereo viewer, you can pick out the 3D atomic structure; for anything more complex than this, we need a different way to visualize what is going on.
- 如果您将这个图像放到立体图像查看器中,您可以分辨出3D原子结构;对于更加复杂的结构,我们需要采用不同的方式来可视化它们。
- 20. CD-ROM is an optical technology that is used to make compact disks for CD stereo systems;it has now been adapted to store data for computers.
- CD-ROM原是一种用于制作CD立体声系统的小型圆盘的光学技术,现在它已经被用来为计算机储藏数据。
- 21. CD-ROM is an optical technology that is used to make compact disks for CD stereo systems;it has now been adapted to store data for computers.
- CD-ROM原是一种用于制作CD立体声系统的小型圆盘的光学技术,现在它已经被用来为计算机储藏数据。
- 22. Is this as loud as the stereo will go?
- 这是音响所能开的最大音量吗?
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 23. Her stereo system reproduces every note perfectly.
- 她的立体声音响设备放音效果极佳.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 24. What really killed the convertible was air conditioning and stereo.
- 真正把敞篷汽车赶上绝路的是空气调节器和立体声收音机。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 25. He flipped over his new stereo.
- 他热衷于他的新立体音响。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 26. Father bought her a stereo radio.
- 父亲给他买了只立体声收音机。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 27. Who originated the concept of stereo sound?
- 立体声是谁发明的?
-- 来源 -- 轻轻松松背单词-蒋刚
- 28. Television sets and stereo sound sets are now in great demand.
- 电视机和立体声音响设备现在的需要量很大。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. This program is being broadcast in stereo.
- 这个节目正用立体声播放。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 30. A 12-v automobile battery supplies 20 c of charge in 5 s to a stereo tape player.
- 一个12伏汽车电池在5秒钟里供给立体声录音机20库仑的电荷。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 31. The circuitry backing up such switches has special logic to ignore extra transitions if they occur within a few milliseconds of the first one. This keeps your stereo from turning back off a thousandth of a second after you’ve turned it on.
- 如果这种额外的转换发生在第1次操作之后的几毫秒之内,支持这种开关的电路有忽略它们的特殊逻辑,这就避免了在你打开音响后的千分之一秒后又将其关闭的现象。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓