- 1. I countered his charge with sufficient proofs.
- 我用充分的证据反驳他的指控。
- 2. I doubt whether they really have sufficient manpower.
- 我怀疑他们是否真有足够的人力。
- 3. Proof that you have sufficient funds to support yourself and your family after you arrive in Canada.
- 证明你有足够的资金能够维持你和你家人在到达加拿大以后的生活。
- 4. We do have sufficient food and drink.
- 我们确实有足够的事物和饮料。
- 5. Are sufficient personnel on board and ashore to deal with an emergency?
- 船上和岸上是否有足够的人员以备处理紧急情况?
- 6. As for himself, he loved beauty passionately, and the joy of serving her was to him sufficient wage.
- 说到他自己,他对美怀着满腔热情。 只要能够为美服务对他已是足够的报偿。
- 7. Basically , I tend to wait with implementing a standard until there is sufficient user request for it.
- 我基本上趋向于等到有足够的用户请求它时才会实现一种标准。
- 8. If the energy is sufficient, this electron will be emitted .
- 如果能量是充分的,这个电子将被放射出来。
- 9. They had sufficient food to sustain life.
- 他们有足够维持生命的食物。
- 10. So at what age could I sensibly start smoking in order to achieve sufficient pleasure to make the shortening of lifespan worthwhile?
- 那么,我可以在什么年龄开始理智地抽烟,以便从中获得足够的快乐,让缩短的寿命变得物有所值呢?
- 11. Those banks that cannot raise sufficient capital should be seized and their deposits sold off.
- 对那些无法筹集到足够资金的银行应当加以扣押并抛售其存款。
- 12. One of the biggest reason for failure is the lack of sufficient confidence in their ability, and even thought that they will fail.
- 一个人失败的最大原因,是对自己的能力缺乏充分的信心,甚至以为自己必将失败无疑。——富兰克林。
- 13. We must work hard, but equally we must get sufficient rest.
- 我们必须努力工作,但同时也要有充分的休息。
- 14. And until that time comes, what is sufficient?
- 直到那一时刻来临,怎样才是足够的呢?
- 15. Only when you have obtained sufficient data can you come to a convincing conclusion.
- 只有当你获得了足够的资料,你才能得出令人信服的结论。
- 16. By actionable, we mean there is sufficient location information and the description of the need is specific enough to respond to, just like the example above.
- 所谓可行,我的意思是有足够的位置信息并且有足够专业的需求描述,这样才能做出响应,就像上边的例子。
- 17. However, including only these variables might not be sufficient due to information validity and simplification problems associated with large administrative data sets.
- 然而,由于信息的有效性和与大量的管理数据设置相关联的简单问题,仅仅包括这些变量可能是不足够的。
- 18. Shops in high streets without sufficient "footfall", however, will be among the losers.
- 然而,大街上的那些没有足够的“人流”的商店,将会是输家。
- 19. This should give high-end enterprise systems sufficient support.
- 这将给高端的企业系统以足够的支持。
- 20. In those cases where leaded frits seem necessary, it is recommended to fire to at least cone 03, to ensure sufficient reaction of lead and glaze ingredients .
- 在那些含铅玻璃料似乎必不可少的情形下,建议至少在03锥级下烧制釉料,以确保铅与釉料中的成分反应充分。
- 21. While she claims most of her clientele are currently men, she has not ruled out the possibility of taking on female clients if there is sufficient interest.
- 虽然她说目前大多数客户都是男性,但是她并没有排除会有女性客户上门的可能,只要她们也有足够的兴趣的话。
- 22. One incident of bse in canada was sufficient to close all borders and create havoc in the industry.
- 只要一个加拿大疯牛病事件就足够关闭所有的边境,对行业造成大破坏。
- 23. Unfortunately, we do not have sufficient credit information to offer you D/A terms at present.
- 很不幸,我们目前没有足够的信用信息可以提供给你用D/A付款。
- 24. Yes, but how do I know if I have sufficient detail ?
- 是的,但是我如何知道我已经有了足够的细节?
- 25. Will it be sufficient to rely on the heterozygosity of one clone ?
- 是否依靠一个无性系的杂合性就足够了?。
- 26. When a person has sufficient time and money, travelling physically is of course of an exciting choice.
- 当一个人有足够的时间和金钱,旅行的身体是一个令人兴奋的选择。
- 27. In fact, we believe there is sufficient evidence that social media afford opportunities for new expressions of friendship, intimacy and community.
- 事实上,我们认为,有足够的证据表明,社交媒体为友情、亲密感情、和共享提供了新的表达方式。
- 28. Inasmuch as the amount cannot cover all the expenses. I cannot raise sufficient funds by myself to meet the requirement for my passport and visa.
- 由于这笔数目不敷全部支出,我本人也无法筹集到足够的资金来达到护照和签证所需的要求。
- 29. First of all, school budget is limited so that the school cannot afford sufficient buses.
- 首先,学校预算是有限的,因此学校不提供足够的公共汽车。
- 30. The cat cannot synthesise sufficient nicotinic acid from tryptophan.
- 猫无法从色氨酸中合成足够的烟酸。
- 31. Is there sufficient room for the kiosk and kiosk traffic without impeding other user traffic?
- 该环境下是否有足够的空间来摆放信息亭? 信息亭是否会妨碍交通或者行走?
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 32. Not doing harm is, of course, not sufficient for a truly ethical design; it should be improving things as well.
- 当然,真正正直的设计不仅要做到无害,还应当造福人类。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. For some users, the absence of this simple Undo is sufficient grounds to abandon a product entirely.
- 对于某些用户来说,缺少简单的撤销功能,可能就会完全放弃某个产品。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 34. Given sufficient time, we prefer more formal usability testing. Usability tests determine how well a design allows users to accomplish their tasks.
- 如果有足够的时间,我们更倾向于做正式的可用性测试,可用性测试可以来判断一个设计在多大程度上可以帮助用户来完成具体任务。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 35. At this point, brief bullet points describing characteristics of the behavior are sufficient. Stick to observed behaviors as much as possible.
- 在这一步中,描述行为特征简略的要点就够了,尽量按照被观察到的行为来描述。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 36. This gives the user sufficient control over the auto-scroll to make it useful in a variety of situations.
- 这让使用者可以方便地控制自动滚屏,在很多场合下都很有用。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 37. Showing the filename in red or with a special symbol next to it would be sufficient.
- 比如将文件名显示为红色,或者附带上特殊符号来表示就可以了。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 38. Process, patterns, and principles are necessary, but not sufficient, for a successful interaction design project.
- 对于交互设计项目的成功,过程、模式和原则是必要的,但不是充分的。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 39. How many people are likely to use the kiosk at a time? Are there sufficient numbers of kiosks to satisfy demand without a long wait?
- 每次会有几个人来使用信息亭? 信息亭的数量是否足够多,才不至于让人们等待很长时间?
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 40. However, keep in mind that prototypes alone are rarely sufficient to communicate underlying patterns, principles, and rationale, which are vital concepts to communicate to programmers.
- 不过一定要记住,不能只使用原型,因为仅仅用原型是不足以表达底层的模式风格、原则和基本原理,这些都是要和程序交流的很重要的内容。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓