- 1. It ushered in the new theater season.
- 它预示了新的戏剧旺季的来临。
- 2. The theater emptied when the movie ended.
- 电影结束了,剧院里的人就走空了。
- 3. You know, like fencing, or theater or something.
- 你知道,像是击剑,戏剧表演或什么的。
- 4. You know, like fencing or theater or something.
- 你知道,象是击剑,戏剧表演或什么的。
- 5. In this list I delve into the world of theater superstitions and try to provide the reasons for their existence.
- 在这个列表中我深挖了世界上的剧院迷信并试图提供他们存在的原因给你们。
- 6. In the theater of celebrity tragedy, each play has three acts.
- 在上演名流悲剧的戏院里,每一出戏都有三幕。
- 7. He acted Othello at the Royal Theater that evening.
- 那天晚上他在皇家剧院扮演奥赛罗。
- 8. Then the rest of the interviews came, and for the next hour or so I witnessed an awe-inspiring night of theater.
- 然后,是其余的访谈,在接下去的一个小时左右,我目睹了一个非常振奋人心的剧场之夜。
- 9. STEVEN: Jeff, do you have more experience in television or in theater?
- 史蒂文:杰夫,对于电视剧和戏剧,你哪个更有经验?
- 10. This happened to a page I admin for a theater group.
- 这是发生在一个我所管理的戏剧组的页面上的事。
- 11. Are you more interested in theater or in television?
- 你是对戏剧还是对电视剧更感兴趣?
- 12. Can you believe how much a bag of popcorn costs at this theater?
- 你简直不敢相信在这家电影院一袋爆米花要多少钱。
- 13. Talk to them about music, movies, books, theater.
- 和他们谈论音乐,电影,书籍,剧院。
- 14. Most of the new theater groups were, however, sponsored by brothels as a front for prostitution.
- 然而,当时大多数新的戏剧团体由妓院赞助,在卖淫之前进行表演。
- 15. I have always loved music and books, ballet and the theater.
- 我一直喜欢听音乐、看书、也酷爱芭蕾和戏剧。
- 16. She’ll praise his accomplishments, hold his hand in public, and play footsies under the table or at the theater.
- 她总会赞扬他的所作所为,在公众场合拉着他的手,在桌子下面或者剧场之中踢踢他的脚。
- 17. Last month, I waited in front of the theater for an hour without seeing her shadow.
- 上个月,我在电影院门口等了一个小时还不见她的人影。
- 18. Not only do speakers around the theater provide surround sound effects, but speakers behind the screen can pinpoint sounds into the visual world of the movie.
- 不仅环绕整个剧院的喇叭提供环绕声效,屏幕后面的喇叭同时也为电影中的虚拟世界添加了声音。
- 19. Greeks still use some ancient sites, such as the Pnyx and the Theater of Herodes Atticus.
- 希腊人仍在使用一些古代的场所,如普尼克斯和希罗德•阿提库剧场。
- 20. Logic prevails on this one as with dim lighting, busy people and highly flammable fresh paint on the set, you are running the risk of burning down the theater.
- 这个说法盛行的一个原因是在舞台上模糊的光线,忙碌的人们以及超易燃的新画的图画,这些带来把剧院烧毁的风险。
- 21. I hope my poem is about loss, not nostalgia, that the tenor singing an Italian aria, like the ruined pilasters of the theater, suggests an historical dimension of loss.
- 我希望我的诗表现的是失落,而非乡愁,如同那名男高音唱着意大利咏叹调,宛如剧院的断壁颓垣,都流露出历史的失落。
- 22. I actually watched about a dozen people walk out of the theater half-way through… and it was a free screening.
- 事实上我看到大约十几个人中途离开了电影院……而且这还是在免费观看的情况下发生的。
- 23. I actually watched about a dozen people walk out of the theater half-way through… and it was a free screening.
- 事实上我看到大约十几个人中途离开了电影院……而且这还是在免费观看的情况下发生的。
- 24. Hard-to-get theater tickets can be bought at a premium.
- 紧俏的戏票能以高价买到。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 25. The theater has a feature film and two shorts.
- 这家影剧院中放映一部故事片和两部短片。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 26. The acoustics of this theater are faulty.
- 这个剧院的音响效果不好。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 27. A national theater is being built in Beijing.
- 一座国家剧院正在北京修建.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 28. The acoustics of this theater are admirable.
- 这个剧院的音响效果很好。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. The theater has a seating capacity of 800.
- 这个剧场可容纳八百名观众。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 30. All kinds sports, editorials, theater reviews.
- 各种各样的, 体育, 社论, 剧评。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 31. It is a mere 100 meter from my house to the theater.
- 从我家到剧场只有一百公尺。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 32. The entire main floor of a theater.
- 剧场主厅剧院中的主要场地
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 33. Nobody at the time would ever have conceived of the telephone as being a ubiquitous personal object that people would carry in their pockets and purses and that would ring annoyingly in the midst of theater performances.
- 那时的人们不会想到电话会成为无处不在的私人物品,人们将其放在衣服口袋和随身包里。 更不会想到,甚至观看在戏剧演出时,它也发出烦人的声音。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓