- 1. But to make a true clone a cell needs to be not just pluripotent, but totipotent and thus able to turn into an entire animal.
- 但是为制作真正的克隆,一个细胞不仅要是多功能的,还必须是全能的,进而能转化成完整的动物。
- 2. Totipotent - having unlimited capability. Totipotent cells have the capacity to specialize into extraembryonic membranes and tissues, the embryo, and all postembryonic tissues and organs.
- 全能—具有无限能力。全能细胞具有分化为特定的胚胎外膜和组织、胚胎以及所有胚胎后组织和器官的能力。
- 3. At this point a small number of embryonic cells, but they are still totipotent cells.
- 此时胚胎的细胞数较少,但都是全能细胞。
- 4. "Sub-totipotent stem cells" which exist in many tissues are the primitive subgroup between the embryonic stem cells and the multi-potent stem cells.
- 亚全能干细胞是存在于人体多种组织中的分化潜能介于从人体胚胎干细胞逐渐形成组织多能干细胞的发育过程中的一种原始干细胞亚群。
- 5. The transition of the highly differentiated oocyte into the totipotent blastomeres is a fundamental process during the development of mammalian preimplantational embryo.
- 哺乳动物着床前胚胎发育最基本的问题之一是高度分化的卵母细胞如何过渡到全能性的卵裂球。
- 6. Embryonic stem cells are totipotent.
- 胚胎干细胞是两性的。
- 7. The totipotent and chromosome of the expanded ES cells were also examined.
- 对扩增后的ES细胞进行染色体和全能性检测。
- 8. Crucially , according to Dr Lanza, they are not "totipotent".
- 然而兰泽博士称,重要的是这些细胞不是“万能的”。
- 9. Crucially, according to Dr Lanza, they are not “totipotent”.
- 而更关键的是,据罗伯特•兰萨博士表示,这些细胞不具有“细胞全能性”。
- 10. In SCNT, the somatic nuclei must be remodeled from highly differentiated patterns to a totipotent embryonic pattern.
- 在体细胞克隆过程中,供体细胞核必须先去分化,再重编程为具有全能性的胚胎模式。
- 11. Embryonic stem cells (ESC) are undifferentiated totipotent cells that could be differentiated in vivo into any kind of cells theoretically, including germ cells.
- 生活细胞具有的能发育成为各种组织并进一步形成整个生物体的潜力。
- 12. Embryonic stem cells (ESC) are undifferentiated totipotent cells that could be differentiated in vivo into any kind of cells theoretically, including germ cells.
- 生活细胞具有的能发育成为各种组织并进一步形成整个生物体的潜力。
- 13. totipotent cell
- 全能细胞
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]
- 14. Other angiosperm cultures based on totipotent cells could be adapted to similar ends.
- 其它用全能细胞的被子植物培养能够适合于类似的目的。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句