- 1. How and when do you hope to make the transition?
- 什么时候你希望以什么样的方式过渡?
- 2. Adolescence is the transition period between childhood and manhood.
- 青春期是儿童和成人阶段的过渡时期。
- 3. And the procedure should be consistent with defect status transition.
- 这些程序应该与缺陷状态的转换保持一致。
- 4. Create a ritual to transition from one to the other in the morning so you’ll be prepared mentally to get to work.
- 制定一个仪式在早上去从一种状态过渡到另一种状态,这样你就会在精神上有准备的开始工作。
- 5. For example, the transition from one activity to another may lead to a navigational message, if each activity participates in its own transaction.
- 例如,如果每个活动参与自己的事务,则从一个活动到另一个活动的转换可能导致产生导航消息。
- 6. A state machine awaits operations to transition from one state to another.
- 状态机等待操作从一个状态转换到另一个状态。
- 7. Continuing with this design, you can place all of the business logic and transition mapping in a utility class for use by both our controller and JSPs.
- 继续这个设计,您可以将所有的业务逻辑和转换映射放在一个实用程序类中,以供我们的控制器和JSP使用。
- 8. As you transition from one state to the next, the framework captures the current state, with all instance variables, automatically.
- 当从一个状态转换到下一个状态时,框架自动捕获当前状态,包括所有实例变量。
- 9. The attainment of this state completes the inside-out transition.
- 达到这种状态就完成了由内向外的转变。
- 10. The flow defines actions that will make the machine transition from one state to the next.
- 这个程序流定义了使机器从一个状态转换到下一个状态的动作。
- 11. If it uses that, it could help speed the transition from autocracy through chaos to a new order and improve its standing in the region.
- 如果美国利用它的影响,那么它将加速埃及从独裁经混乱到新秩序的转变,并能进一步改善它在这个地区的地位。
- 12. This allows you to restrict visibility of services by business area or to restrict which user roles can transition services to certain life cycle states.
- 这允许您按业务领域限制服务可见性,或者限制哪些用户角色能够将服务转换到某些生命周期状态。
- 13. This task marks the beginning of the transition from service solution specification into service realization design.
- 这个任务标志着转换开始从服务解决方案进入了服务实现设计。
- 14. Because we are in transition.
- 因为我们处在转变之中。
- 15. Near the center of each drawn transition is a branch node.
- 靠近每一个绘制转换中心的是一个分支节点。
- 16. If we can do that, we can make this transition seamless and pleasant.
- 如果我们能够做到这点,这个转变会变得生动无比。
- 17. Context in one part of the application is not used or determined by another part, so the work process is never interrupted by transition.
- 应用程序某一部分中的上下文不能由另一部分使用或决定,因此工作过程决不会受到过渡的干扰。
- 18. No transition is ever smooth or easy.
- 不曾有过平顺或轻松的过渡。
- 19. All other transitions from one state to another may have operations that, when called, cause a transition to the next state.
- 所有从一种状态到另一状态的其他转换都可以具有一些操作,在调用这些操作时,会导致向下一状态转换。
- 20. The best way to understand the potential and pitfalls of this transition is to think about Iraq.
- 要了解这种转变的陷阱和潜能,最好的方式就是去思考伊拉克问题。
- 21. Each of these communities can give you the support you need to successfully transition from a busy adult to a balanced retired adult.
- 这每一个团体都可以给你你想要的支持,帮助你从一个忙碌的成年人成功转变为生活平衡的退休人士。
- 22. But he said the courts have undermined the transition.
- 但是他说法院破坏了这个民主过渡进程。
- 23. But he said the courts have undermined the transition.
- 但是他说法院破坏了这个民主过渡进程。
- 24. A transition zone lies between the above two extremes.
- 过渡区位于上述两种极端情况之间。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 25. On the other hand, if the cursor is positioned over a control rather than selectable data, the action on the mouse-down event is to tentatively activate the control’s state transition.
- 另一方面,如果光标在控件上面,而不是所选数据,按下按键的动作是暂时激活控件的状态转换。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 26. transition from high spirits to depression
- 从情绪高涨变成情绪低落
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 27. At this stage, a transition is made into the Refinement phase, where the design is translated into a final, concrete form.
- 这是转换到细化阶段的过渡期,这时的设计具备了最终的具体形式。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 28. Aggregation theory is concerned with the transition from micro-to macro-models.
- 总量理论是研究从微观模型到宏观模型过渡的理论。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. *Transition*changing states.
- *transition*正在改变状态。
-- 来源 -- science - 汉英
- 30. a sudden transition from autocracy to democracy
- 由独裁到民主的突然转变
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 31. When the control finally sees the button-up event, it then commits to the state transition (see Figure 19-2).
- 当控件最后发现按键释放事件后,它就会执行状态转换(参见图19-2)。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 32. Touch-typists dislike anything that forces them to move their hands from the home position on the keyboard because it requires a transition between their muscle groups.
- 打字者不喜欢让任何事物迫使他们的手离开键盘上的基准位置,因为这需要肌肉群之间的转换。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. To go between scrolling up and scrolling down, a user must transition from the fine motor control required for clicking the up button to the gross motor control needed to move her hand to the bottom of the bar, and back to fine motor control to accurately position the mouse and click the down button.
- 从向上滚屏转变成向下滚屏,你必须从单击按钮所需的精细运动控制,转变成移动手到滚动条的另一端所需的粗略运动控制。 然后转换为精细运动控制精确定位光标,并且单击按钮。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓