1. Although his formal break with Anglicanism came in 1782, by 1776 the shift to Unitarianism had already taken place.
2. Unitarianism – a sect that, perhaps more than any other, embodies the spirit of Enlightenment religiosity – saw its membership decline by 20 percent during the last quarter of the 20th century.
3. I hear of Yan Cong from an interesting loose group—Green School. He restores painting to be a natural behavior without professional restrictions, and a private expression with less unitarianism.
4. I hear of Yan Cong from an interesting loose group—Green School. He restores painting to be a natural behavior without professional restrictions, and a private expression with less unitarianism.
5. (religion) of or relating to or characterizing Unitarianism.
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
6. In view of the general domestic situation,while speeding up the economic development and solidifying the central power function will be regarded as the two axes,political Unitarianism is unlikely to turn out to be extremism or autarchy.