- 1. And now you have no weapon.
- 而且你现在没有武器了。
- 2. Why should we master this language, tool and weapon?
- 我们为什么要掌握这门语言、这个工具和武器?
- 3. I watch with pride, as you grew into a weapon of righteousness.
- 我充满自豪的看着你长大,成为一把正义的武器。
- 4. Tears, our ultimate weapon, could get us almost anything.
- 眼泪--我们的终极武器--能让我们得到一切。
- 5. They find his fingerprint on the murder weapon.
- 他们在谋取杀武器上发现他的指纹。
- 6. But if we use it to attack others, it immediatly becomes an lethal weapon.
- 但如果我们用它攻击其他人的话,那它马上就会成为致命的武器。
- 7. This may be one reason why the Chinese Army has not invested heavily in this weapon.
- 这可能是为什么中国军队没有大量投资于这种武器的一个原因。
- 8. They employed the weapon of self-criticism.
- 他们使用了自我批评的武器。
- 9. He invested all his money in inventing a new kind of weapon that could work by itself.
- 他投资了他所有的钱来发明一种新型的可以独自运作的武器。
- 10. Where would they get the weapon?
- 那叛军又从哪里得到武器?
- 11. And if we want to achieve our goal, then let us empower ourselves with the weapon of knowledge and let us shield ourselves with unity and togetherness.
- 如果我们要实现目标,那么让我们利用知识这一武器自我激励,让我们通过团结与友爱自我保护。
- 12. If it is that big it IS a deadly weapon!
- 如果真有那么大,那确实是一把致命武器!
- 13. And you need to be prepared to search insatiably and undogmatically for the truth, because ultimately that is your most powerful, and sometimes your only, weapon.
- 你需要不厌其烦地而又谨慎地为寻找真相做准备,因为最终这是你的最强大的,有时也是你唯一的武器。
- 14. They can be used as an offensive weapon to great effect or fixed to your machine to provide thruster capabilities to your war machine!
- 它们可以作为一种进攻性的武器有很大的影响或固定你的机器给你的战争机器提供推力的能力!
- 15. In han culture circle there seems no such weapon with complex pattern on steel, especially in early time. moreover, how to add that pattern ? carve ? corrade.
- 汉文化圈里好象不会出现这种在钢铁上有复杂花纹的兵器,特别是早期。而且,那个花纹是如何弄上去的,錾刻?腐蚀?
- 16. The helicopter has not only powerful weapon and armour, but it can take up to 8 gunners.
- 这架直升机不只有强大的武器和装甲,而且可以带上8名枪手。
- 17. Changed: Weapon crosshairs are bolder so you can see them easier in daylight and snow areas better.
- 改变:武器准星是大胆的所以你可以看到,他们更容易在日光和雪区更好。
- 18. I used every weapon and tactic I could think of.
- 我用了我能想到的每一种武器和战术。
- 19. Music as a weapon and well take the radio back by storm.
- 歌词大意:音乐作为武器和井带收音机回的风暴。
- 20. The Harpy is a unique weapon system with features of both UAV and cruise missile.
- “哈比”是一种具有UAV和巡航导弹特征的一种独特的武器系统。
- 21. With America leading the way in anti ballistic missile technology it was only a matter of time until someone made a weapon that could get past it.
- 随着山姆大叔领导着反弹道导弹技术的发展,这只是个时间问题直到有人发明一种武器可以超越它。
- 22. Customized to conceal the shooter, his weapon, and the sound of his shot.
- 通过了改装以隐匿射手,他的武器和射击的声音。
- 23. We also added an offhand slot so that you can carry a torch while also holding something in your other hand, such as food, a weapon, or a whistle.
- 我们还增加了一个随便的槽,你可以随身携带一个火炬,还拿着东西在你的其他方面,如食物,武器,或吹口哨。
- 24. Because software has become a competitive weapon, time to market may be one of the key drivers for a project.
- 因为软件已经成为竞争的武器,上市时间可能是一个项目的关键驱动因素之一。
- 25. He decides to wield his pitiful weapon .
- 他决定动用他的可怜的武器了。
- 26. They have a kind of very particularly solution, use is a kind of very particularly weapon, that is through mahjong potion.
- 他们有一种十分分外的办法,运用的是一种十分分外的兵器,那即是看穿麻将药水。
- 27. According to him, the shock effects brought about by film can make people be critical of the real world. It serves as the weapon for fighting against fascism.
- 在他看来电影所带来的震惊效果使人们对于真实的世界保持一种清醒的批判态度,它可以被当作对抗法西斯统治的武器。
- 28. So what, they blew up some weapon smuggling jihad boys. Good for them.
- 所以怎么样呢,他们炸烂了一些走私武器的圣战分子。好样的。
- 29. For fighter pilots, fuel is a weapon. They can take off with less fuel, allowing them to carry more bombs for their mission.
- 对于战斗机飞行员,燃料也是一种武器。少带燃料起飞,为他们携带更多炸弹执行任务提供了便利。
- 30. For fighter pilots, fuel is a weapon. They can take off with less fuel, allowing them to carry more bombs for their mission.
- 对于战斗机飞行员,燃料也是一种武器。少带燃料起飞,为他们携带更多炸弹执行任务提供了便利。
- 31. He decides to wield his pitiful weapon.
- 他决定动用他的可怜的武器了。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 32. Logic is her weapon.
- 逻辑是她的利器。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 33. a powerful propaganda weapon
- 强有力的宣传工具
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 34. In his hands, comic jargon and dialect became a finished literary weapon, unemphatic, visual.
- 在他的手里,诙谐的方言,俚语成了完善的文字武器,轻灵、具体。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 35. The air weapon has now at last begun to attain its full stature.
- 空中武器现在终于开始发挥它的充分作用了。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 36. Their ultimate weapon was the threat of an all-out strike.
- 他们最後的杀手捶是威胁举行大罢工.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 37. The Tartars employed another weapon, the so-called Chinese dragon belching fire.
- 鞑靼人使用了另一种武器,所谓中国龙喷火器。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 38. In his hands, comic jargon and dialect became a finished literary weapon.
- 在他的手里,诙谐的方言,俚语成了完美的文字武器。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 39. As is so often pointed out, knowledge is a two-edged weapon.
- 常言说,知识是一种具有两重性的武器。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 40. Wouldn’t you consider advance knowledge of what actions your users take to be an awesome secret weapon of interface design?
- 难道你不认为预测用户会采取什么行动是界面设计卓越的秘密武器吗?
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓