- 1. Yet, they could communicate with her.
- 然而,他们可以与她沟通。
- 2. Yet, he knew.
- 然而,他知道。
- 3. The individual can do nothing and yet he can do everything.
- 个体不能做什么,但是他却可以达成一切。
- 4. Sorry, your remittance have not reach us yet.
- 对不起,您的汇款还没有到我们这儿。
- 5. Me:not yet, if you want to talk, we talk.
- 还没有,如果你想谈话,我们就谈话话。
- 6. Yet I dreaded it.
- 然而,我感到恐惧。
- 7. And yet our case was so different from that of Europe.
- 然而,我们这边的情况和欧洲是那样地不同。
- 8. You have added three new projects to the stream, but you have not delivered them yet.
- 您已经将三个新项目添加到这个流程,但是您还没有交付它们。
- 9. Yet, you ask me why you are following this path.
- 但是,你们还是问我,为什么要走这条路。
- 10. I know not why, and yet I love her till I die.
- 我不知道为什么,但是我会爱她到永远。
- 11. We do not yet know how to talk about it because the traditional forms of storytelling fail us here.
- 我们还不知道怎么来谈论它,因为传统形式的讲故事在这里已经不起作用了。
- 12. Not over yet, but already begun.
- 一切还未结束,一切已经开始。
- 13. Thee individual can do nothing and yet he can do everything.
- 个体不能做什么,但是他却可以达成一切。 %。
- 14. We have not as yet begun discussing the basic demands of the struggle.
- 迄今为止我们还没有开始讨论本次斗争的基本要求。
- 15. Not yet because that would reveal which ones we have seen and which we have not.
- 对不起,现在还不能细说,因为这会暴露我们看到和没看到的。
- 16. We still have a while yet … so I see little point in wasting time on this as these pillars may appear at any time.
- 我们依旧还有一些时间,但是…因此我觉得有些浪费时间在这个上面,因为这些光柱可能在任何时候出现。
- 17. Yet the majority of these employees have no voice, especially when it comes to their own safety.
- 然而,这些雇佣员工大多数没有发言权,特别是当涉及到自己的安全时。
- 18. The gaiety with which they had set out had somehow vanished; and yet there was no enmity or malice between them.
- 她们一块儿出门时的欢乐情绪也不知道怎么消失了;但是在她们中间并没有仇恨和恶意。
- 19. But there are no such decrees yet?
- 可是现在还没有这些法令吧?
- 20. However that is not apparent yet.
- 然而,这种情况现在还不明显。
- 21. Do you have the update yet?
- 你是否已经有了这项更新呢?
- 22. If you have not hired contractors yet, wait until June.
- 如果你还没雇用建筑承包商,不妨等到六月再雇。
- 23. The country had not recovered from the effects of the war yet.
- 这个国家还没有从战争的创争的创伤中恢复过来。
- 24. And he predicts the density of the oxide of the yet undiscovered element.
- 他预测这个还未被发现的元素的,氧化物的密度。
- 25. Yet not to do so gave the affair an air of mystery that he disliked.
- 然而不讲又会使事情带上一层神秘色彩,他不喜欢那样。
- 26. Of course, until we have premises we cannot store sperm and therefore we as of yet have no actual samples.
- 当然,在我们拥有实体店之前,我们无法储存精子,所以我们还没有真正的精子样本。
- 27. We do not yet reap rewards equal to those of men.
- 当然,我们获得的酬劳还难以与男人们相媲美。
- 28. We do not yet reap rewards equal to those of men.
- 当然,我们获得的酬劳还难以与男人们相媲美。
- 29. Most quantitative values needed by software are bounded, yet many programs allow unbounded entry with numeric fields.
- 软件所需的大多数值都是有界的,但许多程序允许数字字段无界输入。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 30. Yet there are strong human needs to be able to bend the system slightly.
- 因为计算机不需要,但是人类有轻微调整系统的强烈需求。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 31. This sequence is so commonplace that it is completely unremarkable, and yet it is undeniably poor design.
- 这种顺序如此常见,几乎不会引起注意,但不可否认这是一个拙劣的设计。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 32. It’s a winning combination that no competitor has yet been able to challenge.
- 这是一种必胜的组合,很少有竞争者可以匹敌。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. Each character is valid by itself, yet the whole may not pass muster.
- 每个单词本身是有效的,但可能总体验证通不过。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 34. All marks made up to that point are now permanent, yet new marks can be made at will.
- 所有在那一刻之前做的标记现在都变成永久的了,然而新的标记可以按照你的意愿添加。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 35. Yet, we still use the same old metaphors and retrieval models to manage our data.
- 但是,我们仍然使用相同的隐喻和检索模型管理我们的数据。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 36. Yet it is easy to see that a dialog box with 35 buttons is probably to be avoided.
- 然而,很容易避免在一个对话框中有35个按钮。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 37. Yet, we are all capable of rapidly memorizing and using such idioms: We do so almost without realizing it.
- 是的,我们都可以迅速地记住和使用这些习惯用语,我们这样做时几乎都是下意识的。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 38. Yet, this still fails for our e-mail problem.
- 但是,这仍然不能解决电子邮件问题。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓