英 ['sæŋ(k)tɪtɪ]
美 ['sæŋktəti]
sanctity 神圣性,圣洁性sanct-,神圣的,-ity,名词后缀,表状态。
- sanctity
- sanctity: [14] Latin sanctus ‘holy’ (source of English saint) originated as the past participle of sancīre ‘consecrate’, a verb derived from the same base that produced sacer ‘sacred’ (source of English sacred, sacrifice, etc). Amongst its derivatives to have reached English are sanctify [14], sanctimonious [17], sanctity, sanctuary [14], and sanctum [16]. And its stem sanctformed the basis of the Latin noun sanctiō ‘ordaining of something as sacred or inviolable’, hence more broadly a ‘decree, sanction’, from which English gets sanction [16].
=> sacred, saint - sanctity (n.)
- late 14c., from Old French sanctete (Modern French sainteté), from Latin sanctitatem (nominative sanctitas) "holiness, sacredness," from sanctus "holy" (see saint (n.)).
- 1. the sanctity of marriage
- 婚姻之神圣
- 2. She carried the odour of sanctity about her.
- 她有圣人之誉.
- 3. He has violated, in cold blood, the sanctity of a human heart.
- 他阴险地凌辱一颗神圣不可侵犯的心灵.
来自英汉文学 - 红字
- 4. Custodian of the brand values , credentials and maintain the'sanctity of the brand '.
- 维护公司的声誉,确保公司品牌的树立.
- 5. It about friendship, used as a sanctity or a weapon.
- 在你眼里,友谊是圣洁的呢, 还是仅仅把它当作武器.
[ sanctity 造句 ]