英 [,mefi'stɔfili:z]
Mephistopheles 恶魔,魔鬼来自德国传说中的恶魔,引诱浮士德把灵魂卖给他以换取物质的满足。该词本身可能来自希伯来语mephitz,毁灭者,tophel,撒谎者,骗子,字面意思即骗子的毁灭者或骗王,用于指魔鬼。见歌德歌剧《浮士德》。
- Mephistopheles
- 1590s, the evil spirit to whom Faust sold his soul in the German legend, from German (1587), of unknown origin. According to the speculation of eminent Göthe scholar K.J. Schröer (1886) it is a compound of Hebrew mephitz "destroyer" + tophel "liar" (short for tophel sheqer, literally "falsehood plasterer;" see Job xiii:4). Klein writes that the names of devils in the Middle Ages "are in most cases derived from Hebrew."
- 1. Everything is black in it, and every one appeared to have Mephistopheles'character.
- 在这剧本里,一切都是黑暗的, 而且所有人都表现出恶魔Mephistopheles的性格.
- 2. Mephistopheles is a main character in the poetic play Faust, who is the incarnation of devil.
- 靡非斯特是歌德诗体剧《浮士德》中的一个重要人物, 是魔鬼的化身.
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