- 1. Looking like Lethe, see! the lake.
- 就像被遗忘,看啊!湖水。
- 2. Equinox flower after opening in the lethe river.
- 彼岸花从此之后开在忘川河旁。
- 3. Equinox flower after opening in the lethe river.
- 彼岸花从此之后开在忘川河旁。
- 4. Lethe is the river of oblivion or forgetfulness in the Underworld in Greek mythology. The dead would drink the waters of Lethe to forget their earthly existence.
- 这酹瑟河是希腊神话中的一条河流,人死后喝了它的水,就会忘记前世所发生的一切。所以希腊的酹瑟河水就相当于我们的孟婆汤。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供
- 5. Lethe, the river of oblivion, and Styx, the river by which the gods swear their irrevocable oaths.
- 勒忒河——遗忘之河; 斯梯克斯河——众神在河边发誓,该誓言永不能悔改。
-- 来源 -- 神话部分 - mingfu
- 6. "I know not Lethe nor Nepenthe," remarked he; "but I have learned many new secrets in the wilderness, and here is one of them--a recipe that an Indian taught me, in requital of some lessons of my own, that were as old as Paracelsus.
- “我不懂得什么迷魂汤或忘忧草之类的东西,”他说道,“但我在那些野蛮人中间学到了许多新诀窍,这里的就是其中一种——这是一个印第安人教给我的一种偏方,以报答我传授给他的像巴拉塞尔苏斯那样一些老掉牙的知识
-- 来源 -- 英汉文学 - 红字 - hongzi04