3. So, Signor Papprizzio, how well do you know Casanova?
4. Signor Fratelli, the present champion, has won it every year since 1991.
5. Signor Fratelli , the present champion, has won it every year since 1991.
6. exclaimed Albert. "Come, come, Signor Pastrini, no joking; we must have a carriage."
7. This new tenant who as we have said was an Italian was called il signor giacomo busoni.
8. Signor Pastrini replied that he had only two rooms and a parlor on the third floor, which he offered at the low charge of a louis per diem.
9. Well, Signor Pastrini, "said Franz," now that my companion is quieted, and you have seen how peaceful my intentions are, tell me who is this Luigi Vampa.
10. You may conclude your interrupted galop, so that you will owe no ill - will to signor luigi, who has, indeed, throughout this whole affair acted like a gentleman.
11. I say, that when a thing completely surpasses my comprehension, I am accustomed not to dwell on that thing, but to pass to another. Is supper ready, Signor Pastrini?
12. No; he merely came and freed me from the hands of Signor Vampa, where, I can assure you, in spite of all my outward appearance of ease and unconcern, I did not very particularly care to remain.
13. No; he merely came and freed me from the hands of Signor Vampa, where, I can assure you, in spite of all my outward appearance of ease and unconcern, I did not very particularly care to remain.